Thursday, February 1, 2018

Brains For Lunch

Franco and Scotty..eating and talking in Kelly's about the wedding and Franco's bad self-esteem. Adorable. 
Then, Franco goes to GH and feeds Liz those little cutie oranges while they talk about Ryan --Kevin's evil twin. WAY TOO MUCH RYAN TALK LATELY!! 

Sam and Jason talking about Faison dying.  Sam tells Jason she grieved him forever... and ever here he is. She feels sorry for Maxie. Then DREW comes back. 

Nelle gives Joss the Cartulo dress she wants. Carly is mad. Carly knows Nelle went to a mental institution and taunts her. Um, girl--didn't YOU go to Ferncliff like 2x?? 

Kevin going into the morgue while some guy cuts into Faison's skull so he can study his brain?! HUH? LOL.. YEP....he takes a brain away in a jar!!! Later--OMG, Kevin walks into his office, leaves the brain on his desk while he eats a burger!! Then Franco walks in, and says "Um, there's a brain on your desk" ! "That can't help the Yelp ratings"!!!  Franco tells him he started murdering when he was 3 lol. Kevin "hold all my calls".

Anna and Sonny argue about how to handle Heinrick-- he wants to basically get the info out of him and Anna wants to "debrief" him first. Sonny senses it's PERSONAL with Anna. UGHHHHHH
I hope they don't go there!!! 

END: Anna's in the morgue with Faison. JUST WATCH IT. I'm not saying anything. Nope. JUST watch IT. 


  1. Loved the morgue. Must have taken Faisons brain out via the y incision from his autopsy. Looks good to me

    1. Yeh I was confused by that but went with it LOL!!

  2. Well, if Kevin has his brain Faison ain't coming back from that. :-)

  3. Haven’t watched yet, but if they took out Faison ‘s brain, what was the deal with that no name guy asking Maxie about organ donation?, I assumed F would need Nathan’s heart. On another note, Bobbie has had way to much Botox. Also, awful wig

    1. That scene between Kevin and organ donation guy was weird.

  4. What with all the talk of Ryan, do you think they're going to make Kevin a serial killer too?

  5. What’s up with all the attacks on actresses’s physical appearance in the past few weeks- face, hair... nobody deserves that. Jacklyn Zemen will be 65 next month. She’s beautiful.

  6. All the mentions of Ryan definitely must mean something. Sounds like a new Friz plotline coming w/Kevin. I think Jackie looks pretty good.

  7. I wonder if Ryan is going to be another back from the dead character maybe he was involved with the whole Jason /Drew mind mapping situation.

  8. Kevin had a psychotic break in the mid nineties and stalked Felicia and developed a “Ryan” personality. In Port Charles they revealed that their mother was an unstable blonde who abused Ryan.

    1. I hope they don't go that route, I love Kevin. It'd be just like the writers to do that though!

  9. Watson said...

    Loved the morgue. Must have taken Faisons brain out via the y incision from his autopsy. Looks good to me

    ** You HAVE to saw the skull cap/top of the head off to remove it intact (Like the one given to Kevin). After we got to see a more overhead shot of Faison lying on the table, there is no way the brain Kevin was given could have come from Faison then, in that good of condition, without cutting into his head. (As much as I would LOVE this to be a kind of subtle way of saying "Just because he LOOKS like he's dead, doesn't mean he really is!" I know it's far more likely just to be a screw up


  10. Russ Crespolini said...

    Kevin had a psychotic break in the mid nineties and stalked Felicia and developed a “Ryan” personality. In Port Charles they revealed that their mother was an unstable blonde who abused Ryan.

    ** He did have another one closer to the end of PC. But, since the general consensus seems to be that by that point in the show, (Well into the "book" crap) never actually happened at all. (Which suits me just fine) It's kind of a moot point. But, I figured I'd point it out, at least.) Ryan's death on GH is definitely one of the most visually creative, I'd say though!


    1. That was the one where he fell back into the fire, right?

      I lived PC, even during that book format. I probably am the only person who remembers the lyrics to NAKED EYES.

  11. Should be a bit of realism for the brain removal...I’m an OR nurse I know it’s a soap And the saw they had looked like a cast saw.
    I know thank you

  12. Carly taunting Nelle about her stay in the mental hospital was kind of ironic--wasn't Carly committed to Shadybrooke or somewhere a while back when she had a nervous breakdown? (I am not 100% sure of this, but I do think I remember it.)

    I was shocked and surprised that Faison was dead already when the episode started, I guess he died off camera? After his son walked out? I also was shocked to see his skull intact after they took his brain out? C'mon, they HAD to have taken it out through his head!! (I am a mental health worker and have no medical training, but anyone would think that they would have to open up a head to take out a brain . . .)

    Anyway, I still am surprised that Faison is dead, he has been on the show on and off for like a million years; like Helena, they can resurrect them whenever they need a super-villain. First they killed her off, now him, I find this surprising. And Anna having his kid? Did he rape her back in the day, or what? I am assuming she doesn't know that Peter August is her son? But, of course, it explains why she was so adamant in telling Sonny to keep his "hands off."

    1. Haha Ant Joan I'm not in the medical field and thought the same. I was like, "What the what??" I figured they had to cut open his head, skull, whatever....that was one big a** brain too! I was glad Kevin covered it up. Creeps. Loved his and Franco talking. Has it occurred to him that Betsy LIED about him pushing Drew down the stairs? She's lied about so much more. Little boy who cried wolf, hard to know when they are telling the truth. That scene between Anna and Raisin when she told a dead Faison about their child....creepy!

  13. Yes, Michelle, I know, why does Franco think he actually pushed Drew down the stairs? I think he needs to find Betsy, but she has "disappeared." (Not that she ever can be trusted to tell the truth anyway.)

    And, YES, I also noticed the SIZE of that brain, wow!!

  14. Faison dying off screen was puzzling.

    And yes, that was definitely an Abby Normal brain in that jar!

    Not only has Carly needed a couple of mental health institution stays, but so did her son!

  15. AntJoan said...

    Carly taunting Nelle about her stay in the mental hospital was kind of ironic--wasn't Carly committed to Shadybrooke or somewhere a while back when she had a nervous breakdown? (I am not 100% sure of this, but I do think I remember it.)

    ** She did, IIRC, it was for PPD, after Morgan was born. It wasn't for very long, but it did happen. Not to mention Morgan's time after he was diagnosed bipolar. Though, Carly going off on Nelle doesn't surprise me a bit. She's so hypocritical, and always will be.

    I was shocked and surprised that Faison was dead already when the episode started, I guess he died off camera? After his son walked out? I also was shocked to see his skull intact after they took his brain out? C'mon, they HAD to have taken it out through his head!! (I am a mental health worker and have no medical training, but anyone would think that they would have to open up a head to take out a brain . . .)

    ** If one wants it intact, yeah. If not, the ancient Egyptians perfected a method of basically scrambling it with something rammed up the corpse's nose, so it could be removed for mummification. (I can't remember the EXACT process, but it was something similar). Really though, it should be obvious to anyone who ever took a biology class, that one has to cut off the top to get it out.

    Anyway, I still am surprised that Faison is dead, he has been on the show on and off for like a million years; like Helena, they can resurrect them whenever they need a super-villain. First they killed her off, now him, I find this surprising. And Anna having his kid? Did he rape her back in the day, or what? I am assuming she doesn't know that Peter August is her son? But, of course, it explains why she was so adamant in telling Sonny to keep his "hands off."

    ** Which is why I was hoping the fact that his head was completely intact, was a kind of way of saying he's not REALLY dead. But, I know more likely than not, that was just a screw up. The whole idea of killing him off really surprised me too. Though, I don't want to even go near thinking about the idea of them having a child together. Even though, it IS feasible to have occured when she was doing the whole double agent thing with the DVX and he was her handler/boss before she even came to PC originally due to the Aztec treasure. Just because it's feasibly possible, doesn't mean they SHOULD go that route. As far as telling Sonny to keep his "hands off" At least to me, it looked like her just telling him, now that Faison is dead, she didn't want him involved in the situation anymore. He got his answers as to why Faison took Jason and Drew, so there is no more reason he should have anything else to do with the situation. In this case, it didn't come across to me at least, as anything more.


  16. Russ Crespolini said...

    That was the one where he fell back into the fire, right?

    ** Yep, it was meant to symbolize him getting pulled into Hell.

    I lived PC, even during that book format. I probably am the only person who remembers the lyrics to NAKED EYES

    ** Oh, I watched it all the way through to the end. But, when they started doing the telenovela book format, to me it just came across as a watered down Dark Shadows. (I LOVE Dark Shadows, btw) It just didn't work for me. And I've got no problem with the occasional sci-fi/horror bits here and there. Hell, the Ice Princess storyline is hands down my favorite GH storyline. But, that just didn't work well for PC, IMO. That having been said, I still would love to track down and see the footage of one storyline they had some done, but had scrap entirely due to 9/11. (Still when PC still felt like it was still in the same universe as GH).


  17. Paint and Wall media office:


    Jason: Faison is dead.

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!??!!? He is?!?!?!?!!?!?!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Joss: Oh that is an ugly dress! You expect me to believe that Brenda is being all petty and gave Joss the dress out of spite? COME ON!!!!! I'm not buying it!!! There is no reason for Brenda to act like this. She is an adult not a 12 year old!!! UGH! Give character growth to Brenda writers!!!

    Joss and Nelle: Man Nelle is so creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This actress knows how to give off creepy vibes!!! :)

    Monica, Michael, and Nelle: We all know that Monica is being nice to Nelle because of the baybay. :)

    Carly and Michael: What is the point in telling Michael that Nelle was in a coocoo house Carly? They are over. And you used to be in one yourself! ROFL!

    Carly and Nelle: Hehehe fun! :)


    BobTodd and Scotty: Hahahahh! This is a great scene!!! BobTodd wanting his father to give him away! ROFL! That is for the bride not groom!!! Scotty giving BobTodd advice that his father gave him! Pure awesomeness!!!!!! Yes BobTodd is acting like a young Scotty used to!

    The morgue:

    Morgue guy and Doc: Oh come on!!! Faison can't be dead!! He must be faking. Hmm WHOA that is one HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE BRAIN. :) Where did the Morgue guy get the brain out of? Faison's nose?

    Anna and Faison: Say what?!?!?!!??!?! They have a baybay together?! NO WAY! Get out! They never slept together!!!!

    The hospital:

    Friz: BobTodd shoving an orange slice in Liz's mouth! ROFL!

    Doc's office:

    BobTodd and Doc: BobTodd wins the line of the day.. It would have been Scotty with his "I can't keep up with you. One minute you are whistling your way to work and the next minute the sky is falling on you," line. But BobTodd had to win!

    BobTodd: Dude there is a brain on your desk.




Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...