Friday, August 26, 2022

Here I GO again!!

 I had to see if Spencer heard Ava say that Nik and Esme slept together! So I'm tuning in again today

Spencer finds out from a teary Ava that Nikolas slept with Esme! OMG watch this scene!! Even if you hav to just watch that ONE on youtube. Nicholas Chavez is just AMAZING as Spencer. I cant' even describe it. WOW.  Nikolas BLAMES AVA!! OMG! WOW... he's such a dick! Ava smacks him. She leaves. Spencer and Nikolas go on and on WATCH IT!! 

Second-string is at the picnic now. Maxie, Austin, Britt, Cody... Felicia, Mac, Anna..Lucy. Valentin. 

So, Valentin and Victor talk. He wants Valentin to step up and "do his duty" .

Austin's stupid cousin comes out of the bushes. He tells Austin he owes the debtor money. Austin squeezes his head to be a tough guy. Then Mason picks up a knife. Ava sees it all!! WOOT 

Felicia and Lucy tell Mac and Anna that Cody is Dominque's kid. Mac goes to find him-- (nothing about Mac being his father yet tho). Mac finds Cody with Britt. They tell him they knew his mother. 

Anna wants Lucy to try to get close to Victor. Lucy goes in and flirts. It's hysterical. She tries to open a pickle jar with her boobs kinda...AHAHHAA.

Elizabeth finds out that Finn called Sarah. She's pissed. He says SHE has to take care of herself because he's worried about VIOLET! WHAT!! OMG I hope she kicks him to the curb. He says her boys know something is wrong and she owes them to get well. He also says he's a doctor. She says YOU'RE NOT MY DOCTOR---you're not my ANYTHING" ...she runs. 

Next time we see Liz she's bruised and bleeding. I think from running through the woods. She flashes back to the top of the stairs with that lady. 


Spencer is very drunk 

Mason is looking for Ava..Nik is looking for Ava.. Spencer is missing...

Ava gets stabbed in the stomach with a hook. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. it didn't go through her back. It's not a knife. It came from the side and hooked her in the side of the abdomen.

    2. Nooooooo, who hurt Queen Ava?!

    3. "Gary says, Nooooooo, who hurt Queen Ava?!"

      Vampira? Ryan? Liz who turned into Beth? Mason Jar? Drunk Spencer? The Tribbles? Badger Bob?

  2. OMG Never a dull moment in this episode. I laughed out loud at Anna and Valentine and the tossing of the bean bags. lol

    And I'm now totally convinced that Mac is Cody's father.

    Nicholas Chavez was amazing. Great scenes there from all who were involved.

    I know Sonya is going to be disappointed that Yuri didn't take that wet shirt off. PMSL

    I don't want to give too much else away since some people actually come in before they watch the show and they'll miss the great pacing and the unexpected surprises will be lost on them. I'll just say I utterly enjoyed the whole thing.

    If this is a writers I hope the heck they keep them.

    1. "Di says, I know Sonya is going to be disappointed that Yuri didn't take that wet shirt off. PMSL"

      Hahahahaha. No I wasn't thinking that.. I was just surprised that he jumped into the pool for her. Awwwwwwwwww. :)

  3. Good show. Nicholas Chavez is everything!
    Yes, I hope it is Esme. The hook would be perfect. That would be clever.
    Some strange picnic.
    Love Yuri and Terry.
    Anna is so not Anna anymore.

    1. I definitely saw an emmy nomination for him after that performance.

  4. I still remember on this site before Spencer came back, people were hoping for the original Spencer. I was one of them. He was great. In retrospect, I don't think too many of us are disappointed. What a great actor !

    1. Johnny, I was hoping for the original Spencer also. But GH struck gold with Nicholas Chavez. He is amazing and holds his own in scenes with actors like Genie Francis and Maura West, two of the best in the business.

    2. Yes, I was also hoping for the original actor. If he had come back, the story would have probably gone in a completely different direction because I can't see him in this story. NC is really great as the older Spencer. However, I must say that I kind of like Rory with Trina.

  5. I absolutely loved the scene with imaginary V.C. I was caught by surprise when it became apparent that she was just imaging him. I was wondering how the heck she got him to agree to that game. BAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!

    I think Mac was with Dominique when she was married and she had the baby and gave it away because it was obvious that it wasn't her husband's and he was a violent man. I'm guessing it was a few years later when she met Mac again. The look on his face when he saw Cody spoke volumes. (I'd personally be happy if he turns out to be the dad.)

    I hope it wasn't Spencer who stabbed Ava. I hope it was Mason jar trying to "preserve" his secret. lol

  6. "Di says, I absolutely loved the scene with imaginary V.C. I was caught by surprise when it became apparent that she was just imaging him."

    Yeah! I was surprised too!!! :D

    "I was wondering how the heck she got him to agree to that game. "BAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!


    "I'm guessing it was a few years later when she met Mac again."

    Ooooo interesting!

    "The look on his face when he saw Cody spoke volumes."

    Yes it sure did!!!

    "(I'd personally be happy if he turns out to be the dad.)"

    Yeah I have always wanted him to be a father of a child of his own!

    "I hope it wasn't Spencer who stabbed Ava."

    Yeah me too!

    "I hope it was Mason jar trying to "preserve" his secret. lol"


  7. Soaps are crazy with timelines. I think Mac was with Dominique in 1991. So that would put Cody at age 31 if that is Mac and Dom's child. I don't see Dominique giving up a child, but soaps have done crazier things for sure.

    1. Well Dante is in his 30's so they wouldn't be playing with the dates too much. The age kids all the time.

    2. No Mac just came to Port Chuckles in 1991. So maybe they will say that Mac and Dom knew each other before 1991.

    3. That's when Dominique moved to Port Charles too. So they have a blank canvas for saying when they were together before that.

    4. "Di says, That's when Dominique moved to Port Charles too."

      I completely forgot and had to go online to check the timeline!!! WOW! :) Mac came on Valentines day and it doesn't say what month Dom came.

      "So they have a blank canvas for saying when they were together before that."

      WOW! YES!

    5. I was a kid but I remember the original Dominique and mac met outside PC I think on her estate, while Taub was alive. I am almost sure there is a gap from then to when she showed up in PC and found him again. But dont think it was 9 months lol

  8. Holy cow! That actor that plays Spencer is the best actor on this show. He NAILED IT

  9. Maybe Esme stabbed Ava ????????

  10. Great show! It has to be Esme. NC is such a fabulous actor and I have to say MC was so out acted in those scenes. Liz does need help but maybe not from Finn.

    1. I completely agree with you! NC was amazing and he really outshined MC!

  11. I really think that Nik's blaming Ava was the nail in the coffin in that relationship. I cannot see Ava forgiving that. It was incredulous that he say that. Maybe he panicked. Idk, but it was unforgivable.

    1. I agree 100%. Ava is done with Nik, after that.

    2. I don't see Ava ever forgiving Nik for what he said about Kiki. The only way I can see Ava going back to Nik is if he takes a bullet for her, maybe.

    3. I missed it. What did Nik say about Kiki? Boy, Nik has become a big jerk

    4. lindie, Nik told Ava that she wanted his relationship with Spencer destroyed because she would never get the chance to reconcile with Kiki. And she was to blame for that. She slapped him and walked out.

  12. Holy crap, Friday's show was great! I wish "GH" could sustain this level of pacing and drama moving forward.

    So, it's clear they're setting up a "who attacked Ava" storyline. Suspects: Mason, drunk Spencer, Nikolas, Viktor, fugue state Elizabeth. I love it.

    I really liked the mix of drama and humor in Friday's show, and the mix of veterans and newcomers. More, please.

    1. Kevin, Thursday and Friday's episodes reminded me of GH back in the 80s when it was must see TV in the afternoon. Hope they can keep it up.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Replies
    1. Right! And of course, Esme. I never realized how many enemies Ava has. (I don't care -- she is still my favorite character.)

  15. I thought of something last night. Lucy doesn't have good luck with guys named Victor. There was Ava's father Victor Jerome who died when he choked to death when he swallowed a piece of jewelry that he had made for Lucy when she rejected him (which was a totally idiotic thing to do). Hopefully, she doesn't get in to deep with this Victor.

    1. And thinking about the past I was thinking that Cody definitely must have Mac's genes. If you remember when he first came to P.C. he was considered "shifty" and "unreliable" by his brother and and he also made a watery entrance to the show.

    2. I had forgotten about that. Mac wasn't considered the standup guy that he is now. Robert was quite mean to Mac when he first came to PC. Wasn't he involved with something on the docs? I just remember his horrible Australian accent.

    3. Yup, Lucy and the Victors. lol
      I remember that I couldn't stand Lucy for the longest time when she first came on the show. She was the complete mousy librarian turned "slut". lol

  16. There was some kind of dock explosion when Mac made his watery entrance. I need to look it up now. Robert thought Mac was involved with the explosion if I am remembering correctly. I think he was a bit of a trouble maker like Cody, but Mac didn't do too much serious trouble. I have to look it up. Yup, bad Australian accent. I didn't care, Mac was an interesting character from the beginning

    1. Yeah. I was a Mac fan too. lol And those were the days when leopards were allowed to change their spots. Now there is no forgiveness...EVER. lol


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...