Thursday, August 4, 2022

Dialog Dumpster Today

 Dante and Jordan. He talks about not taking the Manhattan job and not wanting to lose out on any other jobs zzzzzzzzzz

Sonny has a job for Dex. Looking for jurors on Trina's trial. He wants him to talk to the jury foreman and strong arm him. Dex finds him at Kelly's. Talks to him RIGHT OUT FRONT? LOL (see below) 

Portia is telling Curtis and TJ all about the trial... so if you missed it, there it is. zzzzzzz She's worried. Curtis and TJ tell her their plan to wake Oz up early. She says TJ can't do that to his career. She tells Curtis later SHE will do it herself. Great scenes from Brook Kerr today. The only part worth watching (besides Sasha smashing the shit out of the Kia) 

Carly and Joss talk at Kelly's to catch the audience up on things (zzzzzzzz). It's just so boring. 

Joss walks out of Kelly's and finds Dex talking to the Juror. She's like You're the JUROR GUY. STUPID DEX. Guy leaves. Joss yells at Dex for working for Sonny. :eyeroll:  Dex has  to answer to Sonny after. 

Sasha smashes the CRAP out of the reporter guy's car with a sign! HOLY SHEEZe!!! LOL She is STRONG and just destroys the front of the car. She's screaming and clubbing it. Brando comes out and tries to stop her. HE finally restrains her. Dante arrives. Schmalz wants to press charges. Sasha is catatonic. 
They go to the PCPD. Brando calls Sonny who suggests stuff and basically ends up not helping LOL its dumb. 


Curtis and Portia are going to get Oz out of the coma together

Sasha is booked and put in jail

Dex calls Michael to renegotiate their deal. 


  1. Actually I didn't find today too boring. It kept things moving along. Hopefully Carly has nudged Joss off the revenge track.

    And we also know we won't be losing Dante anytime soon, which is good.

    Sasha's scenes were great. Brook was brilliant. She's got a great range. She looked like she's hit bottom and is ready to check out. I hope she doesn't try to kill herself. Her so called friend should have stuck around to tell Brando what happened because I'm sure Schmalz must have turned the camera off when he was talking with the Sienna.

  2. The hospital:

    TJ, Curtis, and Portia: Portia wins the line of the day.

    Portia: Have you guys completely lost your minds?

    ROFL! Maybe! :)

    Purtis: No Portia no!!! Don't do it!!! Awwww Curtis will be there to help so she isn't doing it alone awwwwwwwwww. :) Maybe Badger Bob can help! Or the Tribbles!

    The Metrocourt car garage:

    Sasha, Poptart Smalls, and Calista Flockhart: YEAHHHHHHHHH SASHA YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! :D Although she isn't breaking the glass in pieces. SO WEAK! ROFL! I'm surprised Poptart Smalls isn't recording it.

    Brasha, Poptart Smalls, and Dante: Where the hell is Calista Flockhart? After she called the cops did she go home? Of course Poptart Smalls is pressing charges. He has no heart. He doesn't care. Is he going to go home to talk to his lova Slimy Jim Carrey all about what happened?

    Police station: Great scene with a freaked out Brando, and Sasha being booked and in a catatonic state!!! Although not sure where they are going with this.

    Dante and Jordan: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny and Brando: Uh what was the point of the phone call? Unless the Tribbles and Badger Bob wire tapped Sonny's phone! :D

    Sonny's office:

    Dex and Sonny: Oooooooooooo! I like it! :) Badger Bob is listening in shhhhh!


    Joss and Carly: Whiny Joss again.. I was waiting until Joss told Carly she was dumb again! ROFL! Carly has really changed and could teach Joss a thing or two.

    Jury guy and Dex: Ooooooo me likey! :) Great scene. In real life, no I would hate it, but on a soap, soapy messy delicious! :) I wonder if that guy is the jury informant. Or head juror. Or whatever the person is called. Oh hello Joss!

    Dex and Joss: Love the confrontation! HA! :) More chem testing? I'll call them Jex. :) He keeps getting closer to her! :) I was thinking he was going to kiss her just to shut her up, and then she would slap him! :) Oh she wants to know his name awwww. :) Dex Heller? Heller?!??!! Dex what the hell Heller! ROFL!

    Joss and Carly part 2: More whining from Joss.. Carly's cheek looks shiny.

    Sonny's office part 2: Dex looks skeered of Sonny! So of course he goes and calls his big big big boss Michael!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2003* Little Michael is at the Q's and Carly went to get him and when they leave, the Q's argue.

    Sidenote: If GH ever is cancelled and goes on Hulu, I don't have Hulu, so I will just have to watch it online.

    1. Yes, some great acting today. Loved the whole Sasha storyline line today too. and carly and her new attitude.
      And it looks like Heller wants to be a hellion. lol If he crosses Michael he might dob him in to Sonny. Things may be going to get more interesting.

    2. "Di says, Yes, some great acting today. Loved the whole Sasha storyline line today too. and carly and her new attitude."

      Yeah it was all great today!!!! :)

      "And it looks like Heller wants to be a hellion. lol"


      "If he crosses Michael he might dob him in to Sonny."

      What do you mean by dob? :)

    3. (dob someone in) to tell someone in authority about something bad that another person has done.

    4. Portia and Sasha were great today! Seriously though, Sasha should have been put in a psych hold not a holding cell. That whole thing rubbed me the wrong way.
      I've tried, but I cannot stand new Jordan. She's a one note robot or something.
      Mini Carly is getting on my nerves. Of COURSE Cam didn't tell have the self control of a gnat, would have blabbed, and oops there goes the plan. And your plan with Trina didn't work either. I was waiting for Carly to say that, lol!

      Missing the Tribbles...

    5. "Julie H says, Seriously though, Sasha should have been put in a psych hold not a holding cell. That whole thing rubbed me the wrong way."

      Yeah I agree! What are you doing Jordan?!!! UGH! Hey Julie H there you are! :D

      "Of COURSE Cam didn't tell have the self control of a gnat"


      "would have blabbed, and oops there goes the plan."

      Exactly! :)

      "And your plan with Trina didn't work either. I was waiting for Carly to say that, lol!"

      Yeah Carly! You should have said that!!! :)

      "Missing the Tribbles..."

      Me too. :(

    6. New Jordan is just like the last Jordan - hired for looks not talent. Portia actress has both fortunately.

  3. There has to be a reason for all of this Sasha storyline----it's more prevalent
    than Liz's storyline!
    I liked calm Cary today----they are SO getting ready for Joss and Dex - YAWN
    we all knew Dex would turn on Michael cause now he likes Sonny--------really dumb that Brick nor Spinelli wouldn't trace Dex's calls and see who he calls
    ----it's a small thing but it is August and Curtis (looking fine) has on a fall colored blazer.....
    ---Sonny waited until now to help Trina cause AVA asked him - so why? Leverage down the road????/

    1. "Mufasa says --it's a small thing but it is August and Curtis (looking fine) has on a fall colored blazer..."

      Haha yeah it must be cold in the hospital! You know how buildings are. Always cold.

    2. small thing? lol nit picking. I'm wearing a "fall colored shirt" today and we're in the middle of a heat wave. lol Not everyone dresses for the season.

    3. "Di says, I'm wearing a "fall colored shirt" today and we're in the middle of a heat wave."

      Well, as long as it's not a black shirt! In the summer? In the heat wave? ROFL!

    4. Nooo. I don't wear black very often and definitely not a black shirt. lol

    5. "Di says, Nooo. I don't wear black very often and definitely not a black shirt. lol"

      Hahahahaha. Well, good! I'm glad you don't wear black in the summer! :)

    6. I wear black in the summer.

    7. "lindie says, I wear black in the summer."

      ACK! Don't you feel hot? Sweaty? Like you feel like you are melting and dying!? :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...