Tuesday, August 23, 2022


 It's raining and I'm bored so HERE I AM! Watching LIVE TODAY!! 

Curtis gives Portia a GIANT ROCK! She says yes. TJ records it on his phone. I think they'll find out soon he's not divorced. 

Jordan is kinda sad but says congrats ...she just wants him to be happy. 

Leo is mixing up LOVE potion. "Amore...Amore"!!  He pours it into the lemonade. 

Willow can't even tell Michael because he's too busy being a dick to his Dad.  He slammed the door in Sonny's face. Sonny tells him NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! Sonny stomps off. Michael tells Willow he can't imagine life without her. 

Drew is grilling :eyeroll: He's so much of a nothing. Then, Dante takes over. 

Nik and Ava are going to bicker forever, no? 

Marshall and Jordan talking about Tommy.  He thinks his struggles were due to his genetic ties to schizophrenia. She saw no signs of it and thinks it was PTSD and her cheating. 

Ava and Sonny talk about Esme. Sonny's kinda suspicious about Esme posting on Social media.. then Nik walks in and tells him to shut up. 

Terry and Willow talk about her treatment and postponing it until next trimester. Terry says she respects her choice


All of Leo's cups are gone..he's panicked LOL 

Jordan over hears Portia on the phone with the genetic counselor talking about Trina!


  1. Oh my, what a bore. Except for Leo and his 'amore'.

  2. Great talk between Marshall and Jordan.

    The proposal was long, but cute and TJ filming it was perfect.
    I think Leo's mix-up is going to get funny. lol I'm actually hoping it's Ava and Nick. Who are you hoping for?
    So glad Jordan over heard Portia on the phone. I hope the truth comes out soon.
    Glad Sonny had that chat with Olivia about history and moving on. She could, why can't everyone else.
    Tomorrow looks interesting and I can't wait for that hook to come out later in the week and for Austin's country cousin to turn up.

    And welcome back, kd. You were missed.

    1. Totally agree about Marshall and Jordan. Marshall made me teary eyed, and I finally saw some emotion from Jordan. Understated, but it was there. :)
      I vote Ava and Nik, too. I hate it when they fight, lol!
      Gotta say I HOOTED when Mikey slammed the door in Sonny's face.
      Waiting for the hook, too. Please let it be Ryan!

  3. Love the picture awwwww! :)

    The hospital:

    Mr. Hat man and Jordan: Dammit! He made me all emotional! :'(

    The Metrocourt pool:

    Purtis: YAY! Portia said yes WOOT WOOT! Now when are they going to get married? Cus they will find out pretty quick that Curtis is still married to Jordan! :) Love how TJ video taped them as soon as he saw what was happening. :)

    TJ and Jordan: Awww poor Jordan. Yeah an ex getting moving on and getting married.. That's tough.

    Jordan and Purtis: That was a very nice adult scene. :)

    Portia on the phone while Jordan eavesdrops: RA RO!

    Q breakfast nook:

    Olivia and Sonny: I love Olivia is all sparkly! :) Yeah Olivia why don't you just wish him well!!!!

    Young uncle Leo and the wuv juice: I was wondering if he drugged all the cups or just 1. He is his bio daddy's son! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Evil smile* I love that Leo kept repeating amore amore amore hahahaha.

    Young uncle Leo and Olivia: Ohhhh he only drugged 2 glasses. Okay. How disappointing. Too bad it's not ALL the drinks.

    Q mansion:

    Mildew: I knew they would be interrupted before Willow could tell Michael she has cancer.. Oy! Hi Sonny.. Oh and then later Olivia and Wiley! Of course they keep getting interrupted!

    Mildew and Sonny: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Slammed the door on Sonny's face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sonny all threatening.. Stupid Michael! :)

    Ava and Sonny: Ava wins the lines of the day.

    Ava: Oh. Didn't want to stir the pot. That's wise. Rats. They know when the jump ship don't they?

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I love when they have scenes together so much! :)

    Ava, Sonny, and Nik: Nik you got some balls standing up for Sonny! :) Oh my that picture of Edward looked like the face was blurred out!! Move Nik! Oh okay nevermind. It wasn't blurred. :)

    Nava: Awwwwww Nik wuvs her. :) He will always protect her awwwwwww! :) I believe you Nik! I'm glad you are not a dummy anymore.

    The Q picnic:

    Nava: They were arguing I'm surprised nobody hit them with those bean bags people were playing with. Or whatever they are called. :) Oh hi Olivia. :)

    The 2 legged race: Carly and Drew having eye sex, and so was Brase..... :)

    Willow and Terry: Oh I knew Willow would make excuses about why she won't tell Michael she has cancer! Oy!

    Mildew and Wiley:

    Wiley: I love you mommy.


    Parachute guy's horse home:

    Carly and Brooky: Geez now they are trespassing into his home! Why do people keep doing that? Where the hell is he? Come on Carly you have feelings for Drew! ADMIT IT! Brooky you have feelings for Chase! ADMIT IT!


    1. Leo was adorable! Mix that potion young man! I saw so much chemistry between Dante and BLQ at the end. Uh oh! :)
      Seriously, my favorite scenes were Mikey slamming the door in Sonny's face (hahahahahah!) and Nik getting all up in Sonny's face! The old Sonny sure came barking back in a hurry, no? :)

      And yay! Karen came back!

    2. I'm looking forward to the potion fiasco too. Dante and BLQ would be fun. lol

      And loved the door slamming too. lol Old Sonny is definitely breaking through.

    3. "Julie H says, Leo was adorable! Mix that potion young man!"

      Hahaha. Yes yes keep mixing!!! :D

      "I saw so much chemistry between Dante and BLQ at the end. Uh oh! :)"


      "Seriously, my favorite scenes were Mikey slamming the door in Sonny's face (hahahahahah!) and Nik getting all up in Sonny's face! The old Sonny sure came barking back in a hurry, no? :)"

      Hahahahaha. Yes old Sonny came back! Mikey and Nik aren't afraid of him hahaha. But Dexxy is! :)

      "And yay! Karen came back!"


      "Di says I'm looking forward to the potion fiasco too. Dante and BLQ would be fun. lol"

      Hehehe. *Evil smile*

  4. This thing with Holly coming back better be good. Robert, Anna and Laura must be involved at the least. Get rid of some others like Michael, Willow, Cody, Dex, Sasha, Brando etc.

    1. lol You only want 6 people to lose their jobs today?

      I want Laura back when she's on too. And Robert, of course.

    2. it had BETTER BE a bang-up HUGE Cassadine Climate Change story!

  5. I thought yesterday's show was fun. I thought Kemo looked so pretty and even Brookie was wearing something more summer focused. Portia has the most beautiful skin. Willow and Michael, meh. Leo, adorable. Ava, a hoot as always.

    1. it was fun.. not a huge amount going on. But I enjoyed it

  6. Come to think of it I saw Yuri talking to Chase. maybe they got it. hahaha

    1. "Di says, Come to think of it I saw Yuri talking to Chase. maybe they got it. hahaha"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah maybe they did! ROFL!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...