Friday, August 12, 2022

Friday--Fill In Your Own


I'm out today. Not that I'm upset about it! This week has just been draining for me when it comes to the show!! Hope it's at least got a LITTLE excitement today! 


  1. you missed zero/nada - horrible today EXCEPT Dr. O stating that Faison had dealings with Leonard, Dom's first husband.......

    1. Well the ending was fantastic! :)

    2. yep - SHOCKED that Jordan realized what was going on and did it!

    3. "mufasa says, yep - SHOCKED that Jordan realized what was going on and did it!"

      Yeah!!! That shocked me too!! I did not expect that!!! :0 :D I thought Jordan was going to stop Portia!!

  2. well I guess that's it then.......

  3. hole in story-Cody claimed they were poor so how did he get to go to camp?

    1. A cheap camp? Or the family had a coupon? ROFL!

    2. Sonya, it was Groupon. 😊

    3. I seem to recall him saying the camp was on the grounds of the estate his mother worked for and he was basically a scholarship attendee.

    4. "Gary says, Sonya, it was Groupon. 😊"

      Hahahahahha! Yes Groupon! Hahahahahaha!

    5. Di, that is great - I didn't remember that - THAT makes more sense!

  4. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Dr. O, Britch and Scotty: Yes yes! DNA test for Parachute guy! Wait Scott doesn't need a dna test because of the eyes and the hunger from Parachute guy? He can see Dominique's eyes in Parachute guy?! No no no Scotty! DNA TEST NOW! Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: That's all the proof you have?


    Dr. O and Britch: Dr. O isn't threatened by Scotty's past especially with Dominique! She is glad that Scotty loved strongly because that means he is capable of loving her more! Awwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Police station:

    Parachute guy and Dante: Parachute guy whining again about Scotty and his inheritance! Blah blah blah. I mean if Scotty was his dad then yeah I could understand him being angry with him, but this has nothing to do with Scotty! Go and be mad at Sarena! She is the one who spent all the money on the wales!!! Or do you hate wales?! Dante brought up how he can relate because he found out Sonny was his daddy!

    Parachute guy, Dante, and Scotty: Scotty dropping the charges!!!! Okay that DNA TEST NOW!!

    The hospital:

    TJ and Jordan: TJ just had to tell her what his plan was to get Oz out of his medically induced coma! But then Portia got him to change his mind.

    Jordan and Rory:

    Jordan: Part of me just wants to walk in there, and grab him by the shoulders and tell him to snap out of it.

    He is in a medially induced coma you dummy!!!! *Facepalm*

    Portia and Rory: Portia tried to go in Oz's room, but Rory won't let her. She is not in the list.. Rats. What are you going to do now Portia? When Portia leaves, Rory calls Jordan to tell her that Portia tried to get in.

    Purtis and Trina: Trina is scared of being found guilty. Portia couldn't get into Oz's room. She is going to try again though. Trina sees Portia is acting strange, and Jordan overhears them.

    Curtis and Trina: Trina really wants to see her mother before she is found guilty. Curtis won't let her because Portia has to work. Jordan overhears.

    Jordan near the elevator: Jordan is recalling all the conversations she had, and figured out what Portia is going to do. Jordan stops the elevator so it can make a loud noise! SHE IS HELPING PORTIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA! Okay Jordan. I see you. :) You won a lot of respect from me. :) Bravo.. :) Great scene!!! :)

    Oz's room:

    Portia and Oz: Okay Portia you are shaking.. Relax!!! Calm down and breath! You can do it!!! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 3rd 2000. Liz goes to see Sonny to check on Jason.

  5. Dominique had a husband Leopold Taub. Is that who you mean? Not Leonard

    1. No worries mufasa. Leopold is a weird name

    2. Back in the day, Leopold Taub (Dominque's husband), Cesar Faison, Harlan Barrett (Brenda and Julia's dad), and Edward Quartermaine were part of a cartel up to no good. They blackmailed Paul Hornsby into helping them, if I remember correctly.

    3. "Kevin says, Back in the day, Leopold Taub (Dominque's husband), Cesar Faison, Harlan Barrett (Brenda and Julia's dad), and Edward Quartermaine were part of a cartel up to no good. They blackmailed Paul Hornsby into helping them, if I remember correctly."

      YUP! I remember that! Ahh the good ol days! :)

    4. "lindie says, Was Edward involved?"

      Yup! He sure was!!!! :)

    5. Once Edward figured out just how bad the cartel was, I think he tried to back out of it.

  6. So, random. Who was Cody's adopted mama Bell? Katherine's mom? Lol wouldn't she have been much too old to pass for Cody's mother? Did Katherine have a Bell sister? Was there a huge extended multi generational Bell family that lived in servitude on Serenity?
    So on another tangent, since I have very fuzzy memories of first Dominique. Did she have Taub's baby and hide him, like Liesl did with Nathan. Hilarious that comparison didnt come up instead of Maxie/Bailey. Or did Dominique have an affair and hide the result from her dangerous and violent husband? And please dont tell me that affair was w Mac bc I dont remember that being physical or there being enough time to give birth before she ended up in PC.

  7. I just watched, or should I say FF'd through, yesterday's show. It was terrible.
    At least there was Leisl.
    What else will they try to make Cody fit into GH.
    I totally forgot Jordan is TJ's mother. Another pair with no chem.

  8. TJ and NuJordan look the same age. lol

    1. Actor playing TJ is 27. Actress playing nuJordan is 46. tanisha just looks really young for her age.

    2. She does and she is gorgeous but chem as TJ's mom.

    3. Chem as his mom?? Reaching much? I don't have chem with my mom. Why are you trying to find fault with everything and everyone?

    4. It's acting, of course you don't have it with your mom. I am not trying. Just disappointed with the state of things right now on GH. Sorry.

    5. NuJordan is a completely unnecessary character. And yes, the actress *is* too young to play TJ's mom. Zazu is right.

    6. I meant to write, "looks too young"

  9. Why is everyone acting like Trina being found guilty is a foregone conclusion. I know they have evidence but I thought that they did a good job in showing reasonable doubt.

  10. Ridiculous isn't it? Trina will be found not guilty; Oz will die; Curtis and Portia go to jail where they rightly belong. Jordan will be racked with guilt and resign.

    1. lol Gives watchingsince78 a little shake. Time to wake up now. PMSL

  11. Of course Trina is innocent and rightfully upset about the charges, but... the law for revenge porn in the State of New York carries a punishment of up to one year in jail (that means a county lockup, not "prison" which is run by the state and is worse) and civil penalties. Even in the worst case scenario, she would not be going away for a long time.

    The writers are either stupid or lazy, maybe both.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...