Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Day Three.. of..


Dante tells Spencer he could go to Pentonville this time, not Spa Jail lol . Cam sends him a sandwich from Kelly's. Sonny comes to visit. Wants to talk to him about surviving Pentonville. He's got people to protect him on the inside. 

Alexis comes and talks with Nikolas. Victor got them together.  Wants to keep Spencer out of Pentonville. Thinks Alexis can do it with the paper.  Alexis says no. BUT she can do an article on Esme. Nik says that Esme is gone. 

Valentin and Drew. Drew wants to make Val an offer for ELQ. He says he can give Valentin Victor.  They talk about fathers and how bad Victor is. Valentin is interested in Drew's plan. Drew won't tell him what it is yet. 

Nina and Sonny kiss in Charlie's..then they leave zzzzz no sign of Kristina. 

Spinelli gets a pedicure and is ticklish. He's with Maxie. She wonders why he has a crush on Britt now. He says what's wrong with that. She says it's 'all wrong".  Dumb convo. 

Cody popped Scotty in the nose "that's a long time coming" he says.  Dr O knees Cody in the ballios! ahahaahha. Cody says in 'another life I may have called you Dad".  He's Dominique's son. Remember her?  And instead of bringing back Serena you BRING ON THIS CLOWN? AHAHAHAHAAA. Didn't Jimmy Lee Holt's son teach you nothing????? So, Cody's dad was a stable hand at Dominques' estate and she left him behind. Scotty thinks that Cody is there for her money. "Serena spent it all on whales" says Cody. 

Anna and Drew talk in Charlie's. She wants his legal help with Valentin. He's surprised. He says no, Val is a friend and he's his attorney. Anna mentions Martin's 3 ex-wives. He hid a ton of assets from them. She knows all about it..She's going to blackmail him into helping her. 

Ava and Nina sit at the bar in the Metro and talk about their love lives. Nina is happy; Ava is sad


Cody is arrested 


  1. All the time spent on Cody and they come up with a ridiculous contrived back story.
    Line of the day: Maxie says to Spin " You mean Brit who would stab someone in the back because they stole her parking space?". Maybe not exactly those words.
    Anna is still acting like an idiot.

  2. Well I'm going to be in the minority here so I'll just post and run before I drown in the oncoming pool of hate.

    I like that they have a few new storylines in the works. I hope Drew finds out what Victor is doing and gets Charlotte back home.

    I guess Spencer is going to Pentonville so I wonder what's going to happen to him there. isn't Cyrus there now?

    Loved the non verbal finger to Martin that said "Sit your butt back in that chair." lol My sentence of the day.

    I think Scotty will go drop the charges and I want to know where they go with this story.

    1. "Di says, Well I'm going to be in the minority here so I'll just post and run before I drown in the oncoming pool of hate."

      ROFL! You should not have any hate! This is a soap opera. You can have your own opinions. We can all disagree without hating!

    2. I don't have any hate, and we can all disagree. You and i are prime examples of that sometimes. lol . I was referring to the barrage of hate about the show. Some people can't seem to find anything or anyone they like these days.

  3. Why do we have Cody when we could have Serena. This is so bad.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Beauty salon:

    Spinny and Maxie:

    Maxie: When were you going to tell me you have feelings for Britt?

    Are you jelly Maxie? :)

    Spinny wins the lines of the day.

    Maxie: She is just so,

    Spinny: Cold? Bitter? My code isn't kink...y..


    Charlie's bar and restaurant:

    Sona: Nina wants to know more of Sonny's talent? Well you already slept with him, so you know he is good in bed. ;) Wait Sonny is not going to say goodbye to Krissy? Is she still in the kitchen? Are we going to have to pretend she is still here?! ROFL!

    Marty and Anna:

    Anna: It's not flirting. It's foreplay.

    ROFL! Oh wait. Anna what are you doing? ANNA STOP IT! Leave Marty and his mama alone!!! I don't like this scene one bit!!

    Police station:

    Spencer and Dante: Prison spa!!! Hahahahahaha. Oh Dante. :)

    Spencer: You can't talk to me without my lawyer present. You kidding me?

    Ahhhh.. Finally someone knows about that! Good boy Spencer!! Oooo food from Kelly's, My first thought was BLT. :) The one that Heather likes. :)

    Spencer and Sonny: Oooooo. Sonny has got men inside Pentonville.. He has got men all over. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Nina: Nina is so on cloud 9 because of that kiss with Sonny! ;)

    Ava: Sometimes I feel like I know no other.

    Oh come on Ava! How can you have a bad day when you have your beautiful sweet daughter Avery?! :)

    V.C. and Drew:

    V.C.: Is this what your executive coach suggested? That we become besties?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! They are the new SUPERCOUPLE! :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Britch, Dr. O, Scotty, and Parachute guy: Love Dr. O protecting her schnitzel against Parachute guy! And now Dr. O don't want Britch with Parachute guy! HA! :)

    Scotty: Who is your mother?

    Me: Katherine Bell.

    Parachute guy: Dominique Staton.

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!!? :0 I did NOT see that one coming! He wants his inheritance? BORING! Too bad he couldn't be Scotty's son. And too bad Katherine Bell wasn't brought up. :(

    Metrocourt lounge:

    Alexis, Nik, and Victor: Well, Nik IS telling the truth. He doesn't really know where Vampira is! HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Oops forgot this.

      Maxie and Spinny:

      Spinny: What if the algorithum shows me a match that I can never have?

      Are you talking about Maxie? Do you have feelings for her?!?!! :D I WANT SPIXIE BACK TOGETHER!!!! And if they get married that would be so very ironic. :)

    2. Sonya, I have to disagree on Spixie. Not a fan. They just enabled each other in their quirky shenanigans and it got old. I kept wanting to yell at them to grow up.

    3. Oh, I do not buy that Dominique we saw on screen had a child and then abandoned him. No way.

    4. "Gary says, Sonya, I have to disagree on Spixie. Not a fan. They just enabled each other in their quirky shenanigans and it got old. I kept wanting to yell at them to grow up."

      ROFL! Well, true, but they are older now, and have a child. Maybe if they become a couple, they have changed and grown up. :)

    5. I still would enjoy some scenes with Maxie/Louise and Brookie

    6. "Gary says, Oh, I do not buy that Dominique we saw on screen had a child and then abandoned him. No way."

      She didn't abandon him. She gave him to the Bell family to adopt him. We don't know the whole story. Was she a teenager when she had him? *Shrug*

    7. It could be when she was married to Taub. He was very evil.

    8. "lindie says, It could be when she was married to Taub. He was very evil."


    9. Maybe he is a Bell, likely Katherine's. And they've lied to him his whole life abt who his mother was? Katherine went after Dominique's money too, and died a few yrs after she did. Cody probably doesn't have memories of either Dominique or Katherine. If the family felt entitled bc Katherine was an illegitimate Stanton and never got her share maybe they raised cody to believe he was entitled to a share? But lied to him abt the connection since it hasn't worked out for Katherine. Anyway, the child of a dead character conceived before they met anyone on canvas is of zero interest to me... sigh.

    10. Ooooo Flutterby I love that storyline! :) You have to join GH and be a writer! :D

    11. and I swear Katherine Bell's parents worked for Dominique's family and in the stables, too. Wasn't that the connection? So maybe Katie-Bell is Parachute Guy's adopted sister? I still say she's his mom.....

  5. I really thought that Scotty was going to stop Dante from arresting Cody......
    For me the line of the day was Spinelli saying, "some words should just never be spoken"
    that was a great line.........
    Wonder if we will ever SEE any of the three ex-wives? SO stupid that Anna would try and blackmail Martin.....
    another day of no Liz
    just doesn't work for Drew to be a bad guy..
    Wasn't VICTOR the one who got Spence out??

    1. If we do see one of the wives please let one of them be played by Cady McClain, who played Dixie on All My Children. Since she is married to Jon Lindstrom a cameo shouldn't be too hard to arrange.

    2. Yeah, Victor arranged to get Spencer an illegal pass from prison.

    3. "Gary says, If we do see one of the wives please let one of them be played by Cady McClain, who played Dixie on All My Children. Since she is married to Jon Lindstrom a cameo shouldn't be too hard to arrange."

      Haha. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Please please please! :)

    4. Yes. I really like Cady McLain

    5. Agree about Drew being a lousy bad guy. He came across so smarmy to me. I wanted to wipe that fake smile off his face and was soooo on Valentin's side. :)

    6. Funny. I didn't think Drew was trying to be a bad guy. I see him helping to get info on Victor that will stop his holding Charlotte hostage and get her back to her father. But i forgot. This si the school yard and one must pick a side and stay on that side forever. No one can have a complex personality, or change for the better. Drew started out boring...I'll just put him in his box and move away.

  6. Even a Serena recast would be better than this Cody. My husbands name is Cody; he is not this horrible. lol

  7. I liked him at first... that went away quickly. They are also making Britt out to be too bitchy. She wouldn't keep seeing him if there wasn't something there. And there doesn't seem to be anything there.

  8. Kin Shriner is under appreciated. The look on his face when he heard Dominique’s name stopped him in his tracks and you could see the pain on his face and the memories of that loss flash in front of his eyes. The character is actually the longest running character on daytime I think, dating to the 60s when he was introduced as a child.
    My memory of the way Dominique was introduced was so clunky and cliched. The first actress apparently didn’t click with Mac. I did forget about the Katherine Bell connection and that when she was introduced on GH she actually went after Scott but her name was Katherine Crawford.

    1. Wasn't Kin great? I saw what you saw when Dominique was mentioned and I felt so bad for Scottie. I so didn't see that coming, not happy about it, but it was an unexpected surprise. :)

  9. The Cody Arc is already in the running for Worst GH Storyline of the 2022. Has he ever been seen anywhere else in Port Charles, other than the Metro Court?

    I will admit that I have been behind with GH, but why must Anna always have a convoluted storyline? One moment she's needing Martin's help for Valentin. The next moment we have Anna talking about how she will help Martin with his ex-wives. What?

    I'm annoyed that Esme was dispatched. Sure, she's not gone. But how long will said disappearance last? She makes a better villian than Cody.

  10. The attempt to give Cody a backstory falls flat. The writers are really awful at this right now (like Austin....geeze...). Also - I still JUST CAN'T with Sonny and Nina. I really like both characters and no complaints about the actors - but together....BORING - I just don't see the chemistry no matter how long this goes along....

    1. Agree about Nina and Sonny. I FF every scene they have.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...