Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal


Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly by!!  Friday's pay-off was a good one and there wee quite a few good scenes to be had. Sure, there was a lot of filler as well but I'll give the week a B-.

Let's give it a go!! 

CASSADINE CURSE: Oh how fun!! The dagger is back!! How did it appear again when it was thrown in the harbor? Is it REALLY the same one?? If it isn't how would Sidwell know how to make it? I haven't thought this through yet but I will come up with some ideas soon. The BEST part? He was using it to get Alexis' fingerprints!! What!!?? WHY? FOR WHO?? Who's going to get stabbed and then it be pinned on Alexis?? So interesting. I do hope ol' Jenz is a Cassadine himself. I'd love it.  NOTE:  JB on BlueSky was thinking maybe he just wanted her DNA! Maybe he's from her MOM's side of the family?? Wants to get it tested? Could be a good theory but other ways to get it. Hm... 

BAD OL' LULU: So Lulu finds out that Brook and Dante had a son because she broke into Marty's office. We all knew when he was making notes, they'd be found. Who does Lulu go to? Her mother? NAH-- Carly!! Because... I don't know, Carly has to know everything I guess. In a surprise twist, she gives great advice about letting it go because IT'S NOT LULU'S BIZZ-NESS. BUT!! What does she do? Stomps right on over to The Q house. After Dante leaves, she beelines it to Brook's room and just truth-bombs her. Amanda Setton was amazing in those scenes. She found out she had a boy and in her anger came the pain of losing him all over again. Stupid Lulu (who had an abortion in HS) chalked all this up to "Dante needs to know and so does my son"!! (the son you never pay attention to but okay).  They do figure out it was Lois that must have gone to Martin so soon, the entire story will come tumbling out. It was a good Friday cliffer for sure. 

  Damn it!! You should have waited until after to tell Lucas!! Ok, that would be mean but still. LOL... your whole Miami experience ruined because you spilled about the Portia blackmail. VH was so great in this moment. I'm so glad he joined the cast. I fear for future Brad however, they seem to get rid of him on a whim. 

SPEAKING OF BLACKMAIL: Portia gets a taste of Drew's revenge when he gets the Heather Test from Ms. Wu.  He wants Portia a 'broker' a peace between him and Curtis. She's panicked. Calls Ava who's like 'You have to talk to a lawyer"!! So she calls Ric up. Ric doesn't even bat an eye about the whole thing and tells her to play along with Drew for as long as she can. Hmmm. For some reason I don't think this is going to go well. 

THE ALIAS PLOT:  I was going to give this a chance but.. damn, they are making it hard. Is Joss going to be stuck in this training 'camp' for weeks bantering with The Blonde Dude? So far chemistry meter is zero on my scale. Not even a fun or light dialog blurb was heard. Him crushing the paper cup had me HOWLING. Good grief. 

ZEXY TIME:  So, it ALMOST happened!! A cute scene with Isaiah and Jordan led to them kissing and then fighting about Sidwell! Welp. :shaking head: At least we know Isaiah can cook! 

CHARLOTTE FACTOR: Cripes, how many times are we going after this kid? How much longer to I have to hear about Charlotte and Valentin? Sonny bought his house now, let's move on. She should have come home with Lulu in the first place. Anyway, Jason and Anna go off to Bolivia or Thailand or Kansas to 'bring her home'. Stop trying to make JAnna happen. Thanks. Also see: Jason just goes off again even though last time there was a literal shooting attempt on Val's life. SORRY DANNY!! SEE YA! 

TRACEY-GIO:  I DO enjoy her making trouble for Sonny but the whole "No money for Gio" stuff is..?? Out of the box.  I guess someone has to make Sonny's life miserable. Just think, She's his great-grandmother and Sonny's his grandfather. AHAHAHA. By the way, this kid's acting has improved greatly. 

GHOSTED:  I am convinced JJ got a contract where he only has film 5 days a month. Then they insert at will.  Lucky is NOT back on canvas on a regular basis, that's for damn sure! 

SAME for TJ. They haven't mentioned him in so long it's laughable. We know Tajh Bellow was off contract and now he's announced he's in a stage production. Ergo, I don't think we'll see his TJ anytime soon. Still doesn't make it right they just NEVER mention him. 

HUGE NEWS:  Cody tells Emma that Comet is A VIRGO!! I knew it! Comet also likes to have his horoscope read to him. 

So all in all there were some good scenes this week and stories started to move along. Danny and Rocco's scenes proved they can hold their own and those kids need to be on more. Next Gen needs to be in the mix!! Good to see Ned return and order a book for never-mentioned Leo. Wonder what he'll do when he finds out about Gio! Tracey is a delight and I'm glad Martin is back. Portia is getting a decent story and maybe Jordan will get a decent man. Sidwell is intriguing me more and more now which is good. I can do without the Joss story, Drew in all his forms and "finding Charlotte". Also, please get Sonny's heart thing going again. I really wanted Brad and Lucas together but I guess it's not meant to be. As long as Ms. Wu is around that will soothe my soul. Last thing: Ric Lansing is a GOD SEND!! WOOT! 

Speculation: Perhaps Sidwell has Valentin killed with the knife? Some sort of Cassadine connection there?  (Still working it all out) 



  1. Not sure what to say, except thank you Karen for your time and work with this blog

  2. If Jenz is a Cassadine or related to Alexis, then he can’t be Blaze’s father, right? Kristina and Blaze would be related and they were intimately involved.

    1. True, but he's NEVER mentioned Blaze even once so maybe he's the father of her son--or not a father to either?

  3. Sidwell doesn't have to be from the immediate cassadine family. Even if he was Victor's son (Victor also was charmed by lucy) that'd make him alexis' cousin and their daughters not too closely related.

  4. This week's episodes convinced me that they need to make Tracy Q the grand dame/matriarch/focus of "GH." She is always fun to watch and often the only consistently good performer even if the script isn't great.

    I liked the scenes with Brad and Lucas and hope they both stick around, even if they're not a couple. Ms. Wu should remain on the canvas, too.

    I like that more and more people are getting drawn into the Drew storyline. That reminds me of the old days. Now we have Portia, Ric and Ava involved. Love it.

    There was an article on Yahoo News discussing three theories for Drew's personality change: 1) He's still under Cassadine mind control, 2) the beating Drew took in while in prison for Carly gave him brain damage, and 3) he's really Shiloh with plastic surgery. Any of those are kinda fun, but I like his recent speech about being jealous of Jason going with the Qs while he was stuck with Betsy Frank. Definitely the short end of the stick.

    They need to give Lucky and Lulu more to do. Their current storylines are meh.

  5. Another great SS! Sorry I don't share your enthusiasm.
    Yay for Comet!
    I was waiting for Alexis to perk up and say "What the hell are you up to?" But she did not.
    Gio has improved immensely.
    Ric Lansing is best return of a character.

  6. Great job Karen
    ----i think AGAIN the writers have changed the direciion of Sidwell....I HOPE his daggar/fingerprints will be something we don't expect....I just don't think it is about Sonny....she IS a lawyer - maybe he wants something in case he IS arrested....
    -----I repeat I know but I kinda wondered if he hates Alexis cause they share the same mom....and he was put in an orphange or something.
    -----obviously they are gonna recast Michael - maybe in July when Sasha said the baby was due? IF he is talking to Carly now, it would make NO sense for him not to come home...I am even wondering about May sweeps: Drew/Willow/Sidwell???
    ------I think Drew has changed cause the writers are horrible and have plans to make him so bad cause they want to eliminate his character.
    -----I feel weird cause of my hatred for Lulu and extreme dislike for Emma - like they are my friends LOL but they are horrible....(and Cody's character has changed.)
    -----don't give a penny about Kai, Trina, Joss and her new job.....nada....nothing.....


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...