Thursday, March 6, 2025


Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll: 
So, Jason can just go and find Charlotte even though he's 'responsible' for Danny?  Yeah, whatever.  Rocco has on Julian Jerome plaid I see. 

TODAY'S SHOW:  I can only be here a bit but I'll get some stuff in for you. 

James is in #GH for a possible broken arm. Dr Gannon looks at him. 

Ric is seeing Portia about the whole Drew/blackmail thing. 

Alexis sees Sonny's new place.  Wonders why he bought Valentin's place. 

Drew goes to Liz about pediatric sports program. She loves the idea. IT's a tribute to Oscar.  Kai is going to be part of it too. 

At the Q's... Dante, Lois.. Tracey and Brook. Gio comes in and tells Tracey tht someone at the gate is surveying the property. 

Lulu gives Carly the room key back and tells CARLY ABOUT DANTE'S CHILD? Um, okay? 


  1. -----Tracy was horrible today and I kept waiting for Gio to scream at her. What a wuss. and yet then Tracy was nice and I LIKED Tracy and Gio chat.
    ------I hate Lulu.....the worst. Carly being the voice of reason was a pleasant surprise.
    ------LOVE LOVE that Ric is going to going to be Portia's attorney!! I thought that Drew would see Ric leaving Porita's office. WHEW!!
    ------Natalia was right - Sidwell must be after something but I don't think it's Sonny -in the Deception part I mean.....and WHEN are they gonna acknowledge BLAZE being his daughter and the other son?
    ----still wondering why WSB wanted to blow up Sonny's apartment.----I don't think Selina since it had WSB particles..
    -----ooooooooo what if Jason sees Joss in Buenos Aries?
    ----Portia being silly - she told Curtis the worst part of what she did - no big deal that Brad knows and he asks for favors...... a GREAT twist would be telling Curtis and then wearing a WIRE and getting Drew to confess he is blackmailing her......see I want something twisted and not the same-o, same-o blackmail plot..
    -----Willow + working in ER = gonna mean something later with someone rolling into ER
    -----not a great show today-----except Sidwell and Alexis - COMPLETELY forgotten about it - didn't Alexis use that to hurt or kill someone OR is that what Helena used to kill her mother and HOW does he have it? He better not be a Cassadine.

    1. I actually wouldn’t mind him being a cassadine. I feel as if they’ve been badly cornered into generic villains, as opposed to a genuinely interesting family they could have been written as.

    2. well if we had good writers that could make it work with background but let's face it, these writers just make up stuff with no regard to history!!! LOL
      It'd be interesting if he was interested in Maxie cause of something Frisco had done or something...
      Is he Blaze's father?

  2. Lulu and Carly are now besties? Please put her back in a coma.
    And Drew on the road to redemption?
    No one is happy on this show. Maybe Gio. For now.
    I'm trying really hard to find something good. Oh well.
    I saw a photo of NuJack with his baby son and he looked hot. Don't know how old it was but his head and facial hair was gray and he did not look "meaty". He looked really good.

    1. I think he's good looking for sure.. We just got used to Jack being the other Jack.

      We don't want to see Drew back and forth. Make him the snake he is and leave it.

  3. Some funny one liners today!

    The hospital:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Liz: Oh please don't act like you care! Oh great bringing up Oscar! UGH!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Trina, and Kai: Stop it! Stop with this scene! Drew aka Ryan Lavery doesn't give a crap!

    Felicia, James, Willow, and Gannon: Man James is really afraid of his mother!

    James: If I get a cast, my mom will see it and my life will be over!

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. A pink cast to suck up to your mama huh? Yeah that won't help you James! ROFL!

    James, Trina, Felicia, and Kai: Awwww great scene. :) I like when Felicia told James that it's rude to point! :) Hahaha!

    Portia and Ric: How long will Portia have to keep the secret from Curtis? The longer the secret is, the more angry Curtis will be!!!

    Portia and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh Portia! Just hit him with your car! ROFL!

    Liz and Ric: Huh? Why is Ric in such a hurry? Where are you going Ric? You couldn't even have a nice visit with Liz!

    Carly's office:

    Carly and Lulu: HUH?! Why is Lulu telling Carly all this?!?!! I'm confused. Training to be a camp counselor! No no that doesn't fit Brooky's childhood! She was a singer back then. Went on tour!!! She also took care of someone's child. Damn I forgot. Who was that? This child was in hiding.

    Lulu: It''s typical Brooklyn:

    No it's not!!!!! And Carly is giving Lulu great advice!!! Listen to her Lulu!!!

    Lulu: I'm not judging her.


    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Alexis: SEXIS!!! :D Now give each other a hug. :) I wonder what Sonny is going to put into his new house. Tribbles? :D

    Q mansion:

    Tracy, Gio, Lois, Dante, Brooky and Sonny: Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: Aren't you getting tired of being so self righteous?

    Tracy: I really don't.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh oh Sonny touching his chest again!

    Tracy and Gio: Yeah she really likes it when you stand up to her Gio. :) He IS family Tracy! *Giggle*

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Lois: Lois you didn't have to go all the way to Sonny's house to tell him Tracy was wrong and that you apologize for her. Strange scene. You could have asked Sonny if he is okay.


    Natalia and Sidwell Cookie: Ohhhhhh! So Natalia married him when she was young.. In her youth. So in her 20's then? Hmmm. :)

    Alexis and Sidwell Cookie: THE KNIFE! Is that the knife that Helena killed Alexis's mother with? How did Sidwell Cookie get it?!!! Unless he found it hmmm. I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2019* V.C. sings at the nurses ball!

    Sidenote: It's been almost 5 years since I have been doing Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday! :)

    1. I remember Brooke coming as a teenager to get away from controlling mother and some dumb plot abt Lois manipulating her into a signing career playing her off against sage. I think when she eventually got written off it was to go on tour. I feel this was abt ages 16 to 18. Lulu, Georgie, Dillon, jade then Diego where all on with her teen scene. I think she eventually came back after hiding leo from julian in bensenhurst.

  4. They always have to put Snarly in every story some how, some way. Only had a scene with Lulu all this time yet Lulu spills to her. Easy to FF through both their scenes.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...