No ratings this week because it was all a C . Just average which is a shame because with all that time, so much could have happened!! One light: Olivia and Ned and Tracey and Martin. The fight in Bobbie's was a goodie.
Other than that, you could catch up in about 10 minutes! this and you'll be set!
NO BODY NO DNA: Must be MURDER!! We knew the Cyrus 'murder mystery' was boring but this?? This took it into a whole other dimension. Yes, you can absolutely be tried with no body. The thing is Cyrus has been missing for what? A day and a half? They check out Austin (Gatlin-Holt's) old cabin. WELP! Must he must have been murdered and JASON'S HAIR WAS THERE! (I keep wondering how they got that). They even said Cyrus' DNA wasn't there. If he was there-- like, living there part time his DNA would be somewhere right? How would they think he was murdered? Because Jason said he might kill him? I'm...just flabbergasted. Sure, the ADA is new and pretty cool-- but yikes. Anna's off the case so Carly can't beg her to help.
LYIN' PANTS DREW: Was Jason with you last night? Nope.. He was NOT!! Ok, so can we check Jason's phone location? Maybe his vehicle GPS? Maybe remember he went to see Tracey and couldn't have driven to Pawtucket and back AND hide a body AND clean the cabin? I mean.. this is 2025 and you can't write a murder story without a LOT of thought and twisty turns. PS. Willow's a drunken sailor at this point and I hate her even more.
KUNG FU BARBIE: That used to be Courtney's name but now I'm giving it to Joss. Stale, boring no fun NuBrennan talked her into going to lord only knows where to "be in the WSB". I mean, I thought he'd at LEAST send her to a training camp. "You're young and beautiful and can go places I can't" says Jack. If this was the 70's he would be totally seducing her by now, not her mother. (yes, that's Eden from IG)
THE ESPLANADE: Come on now, who named this? It's a boardwalk or at the very least a promenade. So, see, Sonny owns it and Sidwell and Drew want it. I guess to shaft Sonny and Jason. Whatever. Laura, Jordan and Curtis try to talk Sonny into standing down because it could start a turf war. Well, Sonny AIN'T BACKIN' DOWN!! Even as he clutches his chest he's not gonna let that waterfront go to criminal...I mean politicians and a villain. Jordan seem to think she can get the goods on Sidwell and...what? Change his mind?? I don't know. She keeps getting interrupted when she's with him however and it's pretty funny to watch. PS. Didn't she try this with Cyrus? How did that end up?
THE ZINCIN: No, I don't know the right name and I don't care. Deception needs it and Enchantment got it. Erica Kane as a matter of fact!! BUT!! wait, Lucky for everyone Lucy knows Ol' Sid has some minerals and wants them. Sasha fills everyone in on the fact she was kidnapped. For some unknown reason, even though Carly witnessed it, he was never charged. Maxie is aghast. Lucy doesn't care and Natalia LaRue has to go along with it or he'll spill her history. Here's hoping it's worth it!
SPERM TALK: OMG.. Ok, if I hear "Finn's Sperm" one more time, I'll just keel right over. Chase is all excited thinking has a solution and Brook is just NOPE! Everyone reminds him about Kristina and Molly. Brook's all upset about the Violet sister/cousin thing. Lois is all knitting her brow over the fact she's hidden Gio all these years. In the end, Brook and Chase sit on the bed for the 33rd time and make up.
THE CRYPT: Before I get into this too much, I have to back up to when Tracey was telling the family that she was going to make Drew change his name back. Did you see how Gio stood up to her? I sure did. Gio has to become relevant for the reveal. "You're not even a Quartermaine" she yells. :eyeroll: After all that tension in the living room, Martin comes in to say: HOLD UP! Back in the day, Edward put the Q crypt on state land by 20 feet so, guess what? Unless you drop this, we're turning you in. Tracey laughs and says: I call your bluff. Then a strange scene happened with Lulu and Tracey thinks she knows Martin is lying about Valentin. The one great scene was interrupted by LULU looking for CHARLOTTE. UGH
BEST SCENE OF THE WEEK: Table one: Molly and Alexis. Table two: Kristina and Sonny. Table three: Ric and Ava. OH! YEP! Bobbie's got heated!! Ric saunters over to Molly's table to say hello and Alexis gives him the stink eye. Then Ava goes to tell Sonny about picking up Avery for a recital and Kristina goes full on ballistic because Ava has a living child and hers is in the ground. "BECAUSE YOU KILLED HER"!! Ric steps in and rightfully says: Um, no she didn't. Meanwhile, Sonny's clawing his chest and starts yelling at Ric. Then Alexis comes over and yells at everyone. Molly slips out to go chem test with Cody again. It was a good fight but damn, Krissy needs a knock in the head and if Sonny doesn't collapse soon, ANY drama from that will be gone. (It already is but I was hoping he would have a full-on heart attack as Friday's cliffhanger).
BRAD'S SELLOUT: Ah, the heart makes you do dumb things. He wants to go to Miami SO badly he gives his Auntie the goods on Portia so that Cody's debt is repaid (or at least his portion of it). Selina slinked around in her white ermine fur and just classed the whole show up! Love her. Love the House of Wu and I'm so hoping this goes somewhere.
UNGRATEFUL: WTF with Sasha!! The "Qs are terrible for children" is SO OLD AND TIRED. FFS, Leo's in there with Olivia and Ned. Jason has Danny-- it's not like the old days when the patriarchy controlled lives. Tracey was even nice to Sasha. And PS you CHOSE JASON TO PRETEND TO BE THE BABY DADDY--so.. um... DERP. Sasha bitches to Jason about raising the baby "ALL ON HER OWN" and is just SO MAD that Monica gave her a sweater!! I mean the GALL! Lady is up in her sick bed, gives you a little sweater and you're pissed?? Who wrote this? Is it only to get her to quit and go live at The Metro? I don't even want to know.
AFTER THOUGHT: When Lucky woke up I went: WOW, Lucky! I forgot all about you!! Seriously, totally forgot he was in the hospital. He wakes up, tells Sonny that Luke came to him in near-death and told him to go back, Cowboy. Liz and he kiss. Everyone is so happy.
OTHER STUFF OF NOTE: Curtis and Stella come up with a plan to get another congressperson against Drew. Trina and Kai have a mini-date at the Museum and paint a bit. Have a bland kiss. Lulu's going to try to find out what Martin knows about Charlotte.
Spoiler Photo of Spinelli and Lulu |
Those are the highlights. My biggest take-aways are: They really did Cyrus' murder to get Josslyn into the WSB. The thinest 'mystery" we've had in ages is just falling flat. Kai and Trina? Flat. The whole Kristina baby thing? Over it. Sidwell might be intriguing but I'm not hopeful. Sasha's now a pain in the ass. Drew? Can drop dead. The Gio thing? UGH MOVE IT ALONG!! Finally, get Sonny in distress.
ReplyDeleteYeah must be murder they can't find the body! ROFL!
"KUNG FU BARBIE: That used to be Courtney's name but now I'm giving it to Joss."
Hahahaha. Courtney was worse!
"(yes, that's Eden from IG)"
Wow great picture! :)
"THE ESPLANADE: Come on now, who named this? It's a boardwalk or at the very least a promenade."
Hahaha still sounds like a boat. Oh look the picture has a boat on it! ROFL!
"THE ZINCIN: No, I don't know the right name and I don't care."
"Lucy doesn't care"
No! All she cares about is Deception!
"SPERM TALK: OMG.. Ok, if I hear "Finn's Sperm" one more time, I'll just keel right over."
ROFL! Finn's spermies should have not been even talked about! We don't need another storyline with this!
"Brook and Chase sit on the bed for the 33rd time and make up."
With her clothes on! ROFL!
"Sasha bitches to Jason about raising the baby "ALL ON HER OWN" and is just SO MAD that Monica gave her a sweater!! I mean the GALL! Lady is up in her sick bed, gives you a little sweater and you're pissed?? Who wrote this?"
Yeah that's what I want to know! Who the hell wrote this?!
"Trina and Kai have a mini-date at the Museum and paint a bit. Have a bland kiss."
It looks like the actress was trying not to laugh. You can even see it in the picture.
All reasonable takeaways, but I still enjoyed it. It’s better than what’s goin on in real life (DC).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great SS!
ReplyDeleteJK is a very good established actor. He is often typecast as he was here. His death inevitable. But there is no proof that he is dead even though we know he is yet they are all acting like he is and no longer a threat. This is very bad writing.
BLQ and Chase have discussed nothing else since they wedded. Baby making. Enough with the babies.
So Joss just goes away without any fallout from Carly? LOL
Why doesn't anyone suggest that Kristina get help? Maybe see Kevin. Oh wait...I hear he's over there, Beyond the Gates. Sorry....couldn't help myself.
With that, quick mention about that show. No babies or little children, Great Friday cliffhanger. I won't talk about it again if you all don't want to hear it.
"Zazu Oh wait...I hear he's over there, Beyond the Gates. Sorry....couldn't help myself."
"With that, quick mention about that show. No babies or little children,"
"Yeah as time goes on I'm sure there will be. There are young people who could meet someone and have babies. :) Or the married couples can. Or that nurse with her boyfriend."
"Great Friday cliffhanger. I won't talk about it again if you all don't want to hear it."
I want to hear it. I want to talk about it. I'm on the last episode. The 5th episode. I haven't watched it yet. Hailey will get her karma. Bill is gonna cheat on her, and then she will realize what she did was wrong. I can't wait. :)
I saw all last week of BTG --excellent show, great cliffhanger
DeleteBTG - I THINK Dani is dreaming that she pulls a gun......and when Bill said to Martin "don't wanna OVERKILL' - so i think Martin had something to do with his parents accident and he doesn't know it....
Deleteand I am confused - I thought when whats-her-name saw the doctor in the hospital - she acted like it was the first time but then she ran over Laura so her daughter ????? could get the job? ARE they mother and daughter? I thought the daughter was lying about how she was raised.
I really liked it too. It's not perfect. The nurse and her partner just don't fit but it's just the first week and things will change and settle in. Love TT...always have. Also really like the actor who plays Naomi. Yes, a fine cliffhanger. Old school.
DeleteExcellent SS! Michael Knight is such a great, underrated actor and I love him bantering with JE. Joss doesn’t exactly reek of intelligence and having her become an agent is ridiculous, Maxie is the only one who makes sense and it is great to see her as a fashionista again.
I agree with you regarding Michael Knight and Jane Elliott. They saved the week for me. Jane may have just saved the show. We no longer need Lois in my opinion (except for reoccurring here and there).
DeleteI believe in Eden but I have to agree I don't see her as an agent at this point. She could surprise us but we need more than just back talk and cockiness and with a little thrown in disrespect.
Joss in the WSB with NO TRAINING.............okie dokie
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say at this time except IDK
Thank you for your time Karen.
"lindie says, Joss in the WSB with NO TRAINING.............okie dokie"
DeleteShe IS going to get training. Brennan says she is.
There was a scene this week I liked Gio, it went so fast I forgot what it was, lol. I was busy staring at one of his overly flat earlobes. That is how bored I am.
ReplyDeleteLOL... now I am going to be focusing on his earlobes all the time.
DeleteKaren you knocked it out of the park this week!!! Nothing to add except I hate Willow and Drew and it's beyond stupid writing.