Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The ABCs of GH


Note: These are places/things and 

David and Karen did it without Google!

You have any to add? 

A is for Asian Quarter, Annabelle and Aurora   

is for Beecher's Corners, Brownstone, Bucket O' Blood, The Box Car and Bensonhurst

is for Cassadine Island, Crimson Magazine, Catacombs, Charlie's,  Corinthos' Coffee and the Campus Disco

is for Deception, The Docks 

is for ELQ International.  

is for Floating Rib, Franco's Egg Salad painting, Ferncliff, Ferry to Wyndemere, Foster and the Five Families

is for General Hospital 

is for Haunted Star and Hook 

is for Ice Princess

is for the Jerome Gallery, Jake's 

is for Kelly's (and their BLT Sandwich)

is for the Left-Handed boy, the Laurelton Murders, L&B Records and Luke's Place

is for the Metro Court and Mercy Hospital

is for the Nurse's Ball and Noodle Buddha 

is for the Outback

is for PCU, Pentonville, Promethius Disc, Paradise Lounge, Phoenix, Picalila and the Port Charles Grille

is for Quartermaine Mansion

is for Q's Rose Garden, The River, Roxy 

is for the Savoy, Spoon Island, Sigmund, The Steam Room and Shadybrook

is for the Tan-O, Toxic Balls  and Triple L Diner 

is for Underground Bunker (Cassadine Island)

is for Volonino's Gym

is for Wyndhams,  Wyndemere and the Worm Farm

is for X rays 

is for Yacht Club ?? Is there a yacht club? LOL 

is for Zodiac (boat) 


  1. ok wubbers. there are 2 that I didnt include becuase i was unsure and didnt want to google. now that I did google, I still cant find anything! please let me know if these 2 are accurate

    1. Delfinas. was there a boutique called Delfina's? Run by a woman named Delfina?

    2. Lorena's Spa. Did it have a name? I think it started with the letter "A"

    I googled and found nothing concrete. relying on you

    1. It was called the Avalon (the spa).

    2. Delfina was around in the very early '80s. She designed Laura's wedding dress.

  2. Dead Man's Hand
    Lumina (Casey's home planet)
    Miss Star Eyes competition
    Sword of Maulkuth (sp?)

    I only relate Phoenix to Days of our Lives & Stefano. What is the Phoenix association with GH?

    Delfina's was around Luke & Laura's marriage time I think. I can picture the actress. Lorena's spa was maybe Avalon Spa?

    1. This was so much fun. Also you are going to kick yourself at the M you didn't include - Moss!

    2. Or "Tribbles" as sonya affectionately calls them.

    3. i bet karen is kicking herself on the Moss one. you know that was always a thron in her side.

    4. "zazu says Or "Tribbles" as sonya affectionately calls them."


      "david says, i bet karen is kicking herself on the Moss one. you know that was always a thron in her side."

      ROFL! The Tribbles should not be a thorn on anybody's side!!! They are innocent!!

    5. This was so clever and everyone's additions...I loved all of it!
      I also loved the cartoon of Port Chuck. Still giggling on how close Mexico and Australia are to Beecher's Corners, lol!

  3. well, shoot------today was the first day I thought it might be Rory-----his face when he told Jordan he would be happy to help looked weird........I don't want it to be him...I LIKE him....
    ----I apologize again but Jordan just is not a great actress------to me......monotone/no expression/no arm movements (LOL)
    ----we all know Joss was going to see Dex, not Diane.....and the way Dex being set-up is SOOO obvious....
    ----WHERE is Scott? Trina's trial was over weeks ago.......he's a lawyer----
    ----so realistic that the funeral home couldn't take a 'held credit card'-----
    -----Drew and Carly - also not working for me.....sorry again....

    1. It couldn't have been Rory. He was with Trina, joss and Cam today.

      Sorry. But apologizing doesn't help if you kep throwing it out there on the www.

    2. We don't know how long Rory was with them.

    3. "mufasa says, well, shoot------today was the first day I thought it might be Rory-----his face when he told Jordan he would be happy to help looked weird........I don't want it to be him...I LIKE him...."

      His face did look weird. Yeah I like him too!!! Dammit I hope it's not him. :(

  4. one more thing on the previews-----soooo unhappy about the previews---------yep, Dex is here to stay------these are the times I hate Sonny

    1. I absolutely hated the preview of Dex. AJ all over again and that was a story/scenes that I detested with the heat of a thousand suns. It was disgusting.

  5. Something definitely 'off' about Dex, but it's not the hook. Rory is my prime suspect right now, however we all know it can be almost anyone.
    Curtis may now be the most annoying character. His repetitive conversations started with hat man and now the divorce papers. I know it's leading to Trina's daddy but please.

  6. I'm assuming Dex was dumpster diving with Joss during Brando's attack so she's giving him an alibi tomorrow. He has been following her too and she may have seen him after.

    Poor Dex. I hope he's really an undercover cop and Sonny's going to get his comeuppance.

  7. Florida:

    Drew and Carly: Drew visits her awwwwwwwwwwwww. :) He has a video of himself, Donna, and Avery! The girls miss her awwww. Wow how can any woman not fall in love with him after that? He is going to stay and help Carly fight the bad people who want to move her adoptive mother's grave awwwww. :) OH! He was going to find a room to sleep in, but she said he could stay in her room! :) Carly thought the couch turned into a bed. Nope! :) She sleeps on the bed, and he sleeps on the couch.. As she calls it, an adult sleep over. ROFL!

    Port Chuckles:

    Brasha home:

    Sasha, Gladys, and Sona ninny nanny goat: Oh Gladys don't look good. Looks like she hasn't slept. Gladys wins the line of the day.

    Gladys: What do you know about tea, your a coffee importer.


    Sona ninny nanny goat: Sonny got a phone call about Diane!!!!

    Sasha, Gladys, and Nina: Awwww family. :) Oh oh they can't give Brando a funeral because Sasha's card don't work! That's because Brando had all the control! Nina will use her card, but Sasha said no.

    Sasha and Gladys: Sasha says she has no family left. Gladys says they are family the moment Sasha and Brando got married. Gladys made me cry!! :(

    The hospital:

    Portia and Jordan: Talkin about the hooker stabby killer. Diane got the antidote and is in surgery! :)

    Purtis: Oh sure you two are on stable ground and have no secrets from each other.. Uh huh. Just wait Curtis. Juuuuuuuuuust wait.

    The throw hatchet club:

    Jam and Calabrina: Hmmm. Jam and Trina can't hit the target with the hatchet, but Rory can.. Very well in fact. So now I'm thinking he is the one who is the hooker stabby killer. Oh oh Jordan calls him to go to the hospital on his day off to be a bodyguard for Diane.

    Rory and Joss: WOW!! Rory gives her hints that it's Dexxy bear that could be the hooker stabby killer. 2nd hint that he is the hooky stabby killer.

    Jam and Trina: Okay Joss says she is going to the hospital to see Diane, but I think she is lying and is really going to see Dexy bear.

    Trina and Cam: Oooo Trina still angry at Cam for lying to her about Spencer.

    Police station:

    Dex and Dante: Dex what the hell are you doing? Stop talking! Get a lawyer! Altho which lawyer? Scotty is not around. Marty isn't around. Alexis isn't a lawyer anymore.. Diane can't work at the moment.. Maybe Nora from Llanview will show up. Dexy bear doesn't call a lawyer. He calls Sonny!

    Sonny and Dante: Sonny wants to know what is going on and wants to see Dexy bear.

    Joss and Dante: YOU SEE! I KNEW IT! Joss was lying about going to see Diane. Joss has started to lie to Cam and I don't like it. Dexy bear and Sonny left.

    Portia and Jordan: Portia barges right into Jordan's office. Portia doesn't look very happy.

    Sonny's limo:

    Sonny and Dex: Oh oh. Sonny looks menacing.. They have to go somewhere first before he takes Dex home. RUN DEX RUN!

    Sidenote: Is Vanna still in bed? :)

    1. Gladys was great yesterday. She gave me the warm and fuzzies and I felt so bad for her. Line of the day was excellent, I snorted!
      Jordan is working my last nerve, and though Portia doesn't have a leg to stand on I hope she blasts her today, lol!
      Joss, another working my nerves.
      The previews for Dex look awful. Shades of AJ which was the most disgusting story. To this day it infuriates me. :(

      I was gone, but I want to say holy smokin' hot to Vanna! The youngsters could take lessons from those two. YOWSER!!

    2. "Julie H says, Gladys was great yesterday. She gave me the warm and fuzzies and I felt so bad for her."

      Yeah she was great yesterday!

      "Line of the day was excellent, I snorted!"


      "Jordan is working my last nerve, and though Portia doesn't have a leg to stand on I hope she blasts her today, lol!"

      Hahaha yeah GO PORTIA! :D

      "The previews for Dex look awful. Shades of AJ which was the most disgusting story. To this day it infuriates me. :("

      Yuck yuck yuck! :(

      "I was gone, but I want to say holy smokin' hot to Vanna!"

      I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! :) Wait what do you mean you were gone?

      "The youngsters could take lessons from those two. YOWSER!!"

      Yeah they could! It looked like V.C. unbuckled her outfit. :) I thought at first he was taking off her panties. :)

    3. Sonya, I was out of town at a friend's wedding. Binged watch GH yesterday! :)

    4. "Julie H says, Sonya, I was out of town at a friend's wedding."

      Awwwww congrats to the happy couple! :)

      "Binged watch GH yesterday! :)"

      OH! How many days did you miss?

  8. Karen, January 6th hearing postponed tomorrow due to hurricane Ian

  9. I wish VAnna was still in bed, but not showing them. Portia and Curtis got days in bed. Not fair

  10. Maybe Hurricane Ian will take Carly out to sea. lol

    1. "lindie says, Maybe Hurricane Ian will take Carly out to sea. lol"

      No no.. Not Carly! Next thing I know you will say Ian can take the Tribbles out to sea!!! No no no!

  11. J is for Jerry Jax. Miss him. Great bad guy

  12. B is for Barrington dept store. I dont remember egg salad painting wasnt it BLT? I thought that's why heather loved it, and it was like just different lines representing the b l & t lol.

    1. I did a blog for Karen once bout a new soap called "the Barringtons" where I detailed about 10 people from the family, etc and how this could be a great new soap. I'm sure no one remembers. I didnt know they had a department store. that's cool.

    2. I think back in the day Barringtons competed with Windhams but it wasn't mentioned as much.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...