Thursday, September 22, 2022

It's the POISON

I'm here !! Tillie and I walked in the rain-- oy! But now there is bright sunshine LOL Crazy. 

The poison Toxin is identified. Finn says whoever did it has a 'real imagination for murder" it's a reptile poison. Like natives used on spears. I'm going with poison dart frog LOL / Jordan figures out the killer did it to ensure the person died this time. Finn says when he and his wife (first one) were on some islolated island doing medical work a doctor he knew died of poison and it was long and painful. 

Maxie tells Val and Anna that Lucy left with Victor. They are worried.  Maxie says that Lucy tweeted a star and jack-o-lantern and I think they will figure out she's on the Haunted Star. 

Victor has lunch ready for Lucy on the Haunted Star and then they leave port!! OOOUPS! He says he has her all to himself this afternoon. They eat... chat and he gives her a giant diamond bracelet. He says there's an 'earth shattering' event coming and she can be his first-mate on the boat that will 'save people'. 

Valentin and Anna get a boat to the Haunted Star and get on board. They are looking for Lucy. 

Sonny and Nina are sad about Brando at Charlie's. Drew is too and tells Sonny he's not heard from Carly in a couple of days.Sonny's like WELL CALL THE PLACE SHE WAS GOING TO! Drew is like: Um, I guess I should do that. Idiot. Drew finds out Carly never landed. He calls her phone again. 

Carly gets a new phone. She starts to listen to her messages but Linda Purl comes and interrupts her. They argue about the graveyard stuff. She doesn't answer when Drew calls. Stupid. 

Carly calls Sonny and Nina leaves. He tells her about Brando. She's sad. Wants to come home. He says no, stay put where it's safe. So, she's staying in Florida to make sure her mother's body isn't moved. 

Liz and Kevin.. she has an idea. He thinks she should call her father. She convinces him to hypnotize her again. She still can't see any faces. She says I know what I need to do when she wakes up and leaves. She goes to try to draw the faces. 


Liz draws the lady and its' some LADY THAT'S ON FINN'S PHONE!! LOL What!!!!! It' s so weird

Valentin is going to sneeze and the goon hears him. 



  1. Wonder if there is a group discount for the therapy I and others will need?
    BIZARRE day----------several thoughts:
    -----Jan 9 was when Liz started this bizarre behavior - NO WAY the writers planned this in January - the way it happened today....NO WAY...
    -----SO Finn tells Jordan about the Doctors without Borders friend who died------and I thought 'he knew Jeff by a different name'-----but the pic on the phone as Karen said would NOT be on an IPHONE years later - so it can't be his wife, Rebecca's pic? maybe the daughter of his friend?
    ------but NOW Liz remembers all of this????? Maybe she wasn't as young as I originally thought? PLUS Liz had never looked at pics on Finn's phone which were RIGHT by Violet??????
    ------throwing this out here - it's almost like Laura Wright said, "give me a storyline away from PC so I won't be taping with anyone...." although I feel Drew just pops up at the bar/restaurant tomorrow......
    ------love KS, but they need to dress her better (don't care about weight) since she works at Deception...
    ------thinking Victor is testing Lucy and he knows what Anna told her to do...
    ----Pawtucket would have poison in the area.....
    -----if the attacker IS Finn, gonna be unhappy--------but maybe he asked to leave.......he would have access to poison...
    -----Liz was whiny today----me, me, me......
    must watch day.....

    1. Mufasa said: -"love KS, but they need to dress her better (don't care about weight) since she works at Deception"... I AGREE!! She is supposed to be a fashion icon. They have got to quit dressing her so frumpy!! She's gorgeous and deserves an amazing wardrobe - especially to go with her career.

    2. Liz is increasingly annoying. Cancel your day...she needs you. For not much. Art lesson maybe.

    3. Love both KS & Becky and all we can do is pray the writers give these vets something better. KS can shine with anyone, she's funny and charming and needs a relationship. They should have paired her with Cody and then she finds out she's his brother. (even if Step). I don't know talking out of my behind and just want our vets front and center.

  2. Ohhhh Was the woman in the picture Finn's wife; the one who supposedly died from a bad disease? Maybe he tried to kill her but she lived and is back for revenge. We only have his word she died. Maybe Liz saw that woman with her father before he took off for the jungle again. Or Liz saw him or Finn kill her. I still think old Finn is up to his eyeballs in this.

    Go get her Carly!! And out her husband too.Rip her world to shreds before you leave.

    OMG...That sneeze stop had me in hysterics. I love those two together!!!!

    1. "Di says, Ohhhh Was the woman in the picture Finn's wife; the one who supposedly died from a bad disease? Maybe he tried to kill her but she lived and is back for revenge. We only have his word she died."

      Yes that is true, we only have his word she died.

      "Maybe Liz saw that woman with her father before he took off for the jungle again. Or Liz saw him or Finn kill her."


      "I still think old Finn is up to his eyeballs in this."

      Yeah I think so too!!!!

      "Go get her Carly!! And out her husband too.Rip her world to shreds before you leave."

      YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Show her your teeth! Become CUJO! :D

      "OMG...That sneeze stop had me in hysterics. I love those two together!!!!"

      Hahahahahaha. It was perfect! I love them together too!

    2. VAnna is the best! Miss Genie

  3. Finn's wife had a disease and he supposedly watched her die and grieved.....maybe he really THINKS she died and she and Jeff are living in Africa somewhere?????????

  4. I am convinced that the writers have no idea where they are going with anything. Multiple writers on each story probably doesn't help.
    Dredging up Finn's old dead wife? If that's what it is.

    1. It really is time for a new crop of writers. This latest twist makes zero sense.

  5. So Liz is involved in yet ANOTHER storyline that's supposed to be about herself, yet once again, it is about SOMEONE ELSE? I really hope I'm proved wrong. Poor Becky, always spinning straw into gold all these years, with her acting, in the little bits we get to see of it, thanks to Frank the Puppet Master! Shameful.

    1. Love your support of Liz/Becky, and your loathing of Frank. :)

  6. Loved how Karen said "Stupid" with the Drew phone call. He's stupid and the scene was stupid, lol!
    Absolutely "Hi Goomba" was line of the day, OMG...hahahahah!
    Scene of the day, muffling the sneeze, again...hahahahahah!
    Going with one of Di's theories that Finn's wife had an affair with Jeff, before marrying Finn. After that I don't know. And I'm pretty sure neither do the writers. And me too Cujo, rip her freaking head off! :)
    Ninny Nanny Goat...missed that phrase. Welcome back!! :)

  7. "Julie H says, Loved how Karen said "Stupid" with the Drew phone call. He's stupid and the scene was stupid, lol!"

    ROFL! I thought it was Carly's dream! I thought the writers were being clever. But wait! Drew already tried calling Carly. Twice right? So it makes sense when he said I guess I can call again.

    "Absolutely "Hi Goomba" was line of the day, OMG...hahahahah!"

    Hahahahahaha! I hope they show him a lot so I can call him Goomba!

    "Scene of the day, muffling the sneeze, again...hahahahahah!"

    Again? :) When did she do that before? :)

    "Going with one of Di's theories that Finn's wife had an affair with Jeff, before marrying Finn. After that I don't know. And I'm pretty sure neither do the writers."

    Yeah didn't the writers admit once that they never know who it is? That's not good. They should know who the killer is BEFORE they write it and show it!

    "And me too Cujo, rip her freaking head off! :)"


    "Ninny Nanny Goat...missed that phrase. Welcome back!! :)"



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...