Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Half Time

 I can only give you 30 minutes on the front end of GH TODAY! I have a meeting. I am skipping Wed/Thursday AND Friday so.. I figured I'd better get in here now! 

Nik and Sonny: Sonny tells Nikolas to stay away from Ava's room. They banter. Yada yada. 

Stella, Curtis and Jordan talk about the divorce papers being missing. Jordan takes the fall for Stella. 

Drew apologizes to Marshall. 

Sasha has to sign guardianship papers or go to trial. 

Ava and Portia talk. Ava confesses that she thinks Nikolas could have stabbed her. She also notices Portia's engagement ring. 

Carly and Joss in Charlie's. Carly's going to a summit in Aruba. Dex walks in. He and Joss give each other the eyeball. 

Finn and Liz are talking again.. it's just boring. She thinks Nikolas may have given them an alibi for himself. SAME convo as yesterday. 


  1. GOTTA watch ending---------spoiler alert if you haven't watched/don't read.....

    Clearly we are to think it's Dex ---- Brando staring at Dex and Joss seemed weird to me and that he followed them - PLUS Joss leaving the back way????Stupid..
    ---today I thought Ryan cause a limper or Esme is hurt---
    but I STILL think it's related to Sonny/Cyrus/Mrs Wu---mob related....but I DID laugh thinking someone has lots of hooks in their house so it wasn't random weapon with Ava's attack CODY?........especially with Carly's plane problem...

    1. Dex has no reason to off Brando. Or Ava. Read my outlandish theory below.

    2. for sure - it's not Dex - but I think we are supposed to THINK Dex was the one..

    3. So who's left handed besides Nicholas? What about Finn? He always has his hands in his pocket so it's hard to tell. It looked like the assailant had on a suit at first and then the previews show that blue shirt. Wonder if that's cause Brando grabbed the guy" when he went to strike Joss. Hard to tell.

      Only one we know it can't be is Cody. He only wears red! lol

    4. "Mufasa says, PLUS Joss leaving the back way????Stupid.."

      I thought she was going to find Dex to give him his sunglasses. I mean the way she was looking at it.. *Shrug*

      "Di says, So who's left handed besides Nicholas?"

      The left handed boy! THE LEFT HANDED BOY! You know, from the Luke and Laura era. :)

      "Only one we know it can't be is Cody. He only wears red! lol"


    5. Sonya - you are right! I had forgotten the sunglasses!!!!

    6. Maybe he left the glasses so she'd follow him....hmmmm

    7. actually I thought it was weird too that he blatantly left them there..

    8. Ryan is left - handed.......cause he has no right hand-----I think it's a ruse to make us think him sometimes when not thinking Esme?

  2. Small spoiler alert...
    I don't like to speculate but...I have a theory. First Ava gets the hook. Now Brando. My thought is that maybe finally Morgan is back. Both victims are in Sonny's circle and Ava was most responsible for his "death". Most likely I'm wrong as usual but we'll see eventually.
    Nice Jordan. Crazy Liz.

    1. hmmmm although I think the person was going after Joss----and Brando showed up???

    2. Joss is part of Sonny's circle too.

    3. You watch too much walking dead and Zombie flicks. hahaha

    4. And yes. i think they were going after Joss too, Mufasa.

    5. Zombies were never my thing...loved vampires though. More like who GH can bring back from the dead next.

    6. "Di says, You watch too much walking dead and Zombie flicks. hahaha"


  3. I'm also wondering about that turbulance on the plane. Is this going to be another "Drew" scenario and Carly is going to end up in a cell with Holly in a day or two. lol They do like to copy storylines.

    1. what the writers need to do is have Selena find out Carly's secret (about Willow/Nina) and blackmail her to death. Carly needs to be confronted by a strong woman.

  4. Funny...through the front door it's lunch time. Through the back door it seems like a rainy dark night.

    1. Actually, Gladys said she missed lunch, so it's probably dinner time.

  5. Police station/Dan's office: The name Dan because of yesterday when Stella covered the name plate with her arm.. Dan Ashford! ROFL! Still funny. :)

    Dan, Curtis, and Stella: Oh come on it's so stupid! Just tell Curtis what you did Stella! You already told Dan! Don't let her cover for you!!!! COME ON!

    Stella and Dan: Oh now talking about family trees. Sure Dan could join that website you are on.. Is Dan gonna find family members? Give the Tribbles and Badger Bob the website.. Maybe they have family members they don't know about.

    The hospital:

    Brasha, Gladys, and the hospital guy: Or whoever this guy is. Sasha giving everything to her husband. Awwww. :( Well it has to be done. Once she gets well, then her life can go back to her!!!

    Nik and Portia: Nik throwing his Cassadine around. ROFL! Nik don't be all threatening to Portia! I'm glad Curtis showed up to protect her. Curtis grab the Tribbles and throw them to Nik. The Tribbles can bite him! :D

    Fiz: Blah blah blah Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny and Nik: Love that Sonny is protective of Ava!!!! :)

    Ava's room:

    Portia and Ava: Ava sees her ring, and Portia isn't squealing? Wow! Must be her professionalism. :)

    Fiz and Ava: Liz has to tell Ava what the truth is about her and Nik and where Nik was at the time of the hooking. Oy! Get all the facts first Liz!!!!

    Frank, Sonny's bodyguard and Ava: Oh oh what is Ava going to do? I told you Liz wait until all the facts come out!

    Nava and Frank: Oh oh. What are you going to do Ava?!

    Metrocourt pool: Mmmm wet Chase in the pool.. :D Oh wait that's not Chase. That's Drew.. :( Well he is yummy too all wet. :)

    Drew and Mr. Hat man: Oooooo I like that Drew apologized to Mr. Hat man. All is forgiven? Oh that's good. :) Mr. Hat man is going to go see Piffy? We haven't seen her in ages. They are still dating? Good!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Brasha and Gladys: Gladys is just too sweet to Brando! She is being all sentimental! OO Oh hi Sonny!!! Brando keeps looking over at his brother Dexxy!

    Brando and Sonny: I'm glad Brando is telling Sonny about what happened at the hospital.

    Carly and Joss: Oooo love Joss's dress. Very pretty. Joss and Dexxy having eye sex, and it's so convenient that Carly is looking down at her phone! ROFL!

    Joss and Dexxy Holla: Oh sure. Keep it a secret that you two were at the dumpster and don't tell Cam! Oy! Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: I hate judging people, so that basically makes me a hypocrite.


    The back way:

    Joss and Hook person: OH OH!

    Brando and Hook Person: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This can't be Vampira! Why would she hurt Brando?!!?! WE NEED TO PROTECT THE TRIBBLES AND BADGER BOB! They could be next!!!!!! They need to go to Aruba! They will be safe there!

    Plane to Aruba: Carly you can't use your phone on the plane!!!! Oh oh! Something is wrong with the plane!!! Oh look it's a bird, no it's a plane, no it's Carly being shakin like a rag doll!!! :)

    1. Loved Joss's line about being a hypocrite! HAHAHAHHAHAH! I'm dead, too!

      SO many great comments and theories here. I'd love Carly to be with Holly. Two characters that never had much interaction could make for interesting stuff!

      I'm feeling a little bad about Brando. I didn't have much use for him when he first started, but I like him now and his devotion to Sasha is a real thing. Who's going to be the guardian now if he gets offed?

      Jordan is a knucklehead for protecting Auntie.
      Liz and Finn were indeed zzzzzzz. But I was very glad she spilled to Ava and our Ava took it very well. I would have been hollering at Liz.

      Super glad that Portia wasn't squealing about her ring to Ava, she did remain professional. But her nails....extremely distracting and no doctor I know has a manicure like that. Holy cow!

  6. Will Carly be presumed Dead? Can we take out the presumed? Kidding. Kind of..

  7. Fun Fact - the stewardess voice and the voice on the phone with Jordan ---- same voice!
    -----------maybe Michael is hurting people Sonny cares about-------LOL

    1. lol They're not going to hire 2 extras just to do unknown voices. One person probably does all of them.

  8. Carly caused the plane to crash by using her phone. I find those fake planes so funny. Nice BIG seat and no one sitting next to her. Will she end up with Holly? I sure hope not. Carly gets too much airtime.

  9. This definitely seems connected to Sonny now since Ava is Avery mother and Brando is related to Sonny.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...