Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 Sonny asks Alexis about her newspaper article.  They go into Charlie's to see Kristina and Victor is laughing it up with her. 

Chase asks Finn how Brando died so suddenly. Finn thinks he's trying to get back on the force by solving the hooker case.  Chase says he's crazy. 

Portia tries to find out what the autopsy says about Brando's death.  She wonders if Finn tipped off The Invader. 

Brook Lynn has a dream about Chase but she's really in the Deception meeting with Lucy and Maxie. Lucy is chewing her out for being too into Chase. And Brook has to leave for Chases' audition. Lucy chomps gummies and wants to hire a new social media person and Maxie says no.

HOOK IS ON THE DOCKS AND ANNA IS THERE!!!!! OMG It's just Jordan!! ahahaha She bought it from the Marina shop to take a look at it. God, that was a fake out. Anna and Jordan talk about Jordan's "information" on Curtis and if she should spill. Anna doesn't know what the info is but adivses her to do the best thing for Curtis. 

Selina Wu goes to the Savoy and tells Curtis "things are getting dangerous in Port Charles". She says if she would have gotten notice of his engagement, she could have gotten him a Great GEM! AND then she brings in Chase for an audition. 

Victor finds Lucy at the office and is glad to have her all to himself. 

Chase singing

They get the tox results for Brando. I had to leave so hopefully Sonya will fill you in! 


  1. Police commissioner walking on the docks wearing black gloves and carrying a hook. Preposterous.
    The rest was a bore.
    Preview for tomorrow showed Carly in a different outfit so probably not a dream. Too bad. That was a decent scenario explaining the confusion. Oh well.

    1. "zazu says, Police commissioner walking on the docks wearing black gloves and carrying a hook. Preposterous."

      I know! It was so stupid.

      "Preview for tomorrow showed Carly in a different outfit so probably not a dream. Too bad. That was a decent scenario explaining the confusion. Oh well."

      Yeah damn. Too bad! *Sigh*

    2. You don't change in your dreams? lol Some people even undress.

    3. "Di says, You don't change in your dreams? lol Some people even undress."

      ROFL! Okay smart aleck! :D

    4. "Di says, You don't change in your dreams? lol Some people even undress."

      Those are usually the dreams that involve sex. Yes Sonya, I am on my pain meds so the filter is off. 😁

  2. Talk about a fizzle. The writers must have a contest going to see who can fool us the most. The inappropriate faces is one thing, but that opening was ridiculous. There's a hook killer on the loose and she's going to walk around town with a hook, and the same black gloves that the killer uses. Must be the only kind they sell in the city. She's lucky she didn't get closer and scare Anna as she might have taken her self defence.

    1. Wouldn't that have been great?! Anna whirls around with a round-house kick, and BAM, right in Jordan's face. HAHAHAH!

    2. That's exactly what I pictured. lol

    3. Great imaginations and all! :)

  3. "Karen says, I had to leave so hopefully Sonya will fill you in!"

    I got your back!!!!

    There are a lot of funny one liners today.

    The pier:

    The hook person and Anna: OH JORDAN! What the hell! That was so dumb of you! You know that Anna could have kicked your ass right? Did you forget that she is an x WSB agent?!!?!

    Vanna: I just want to hug V.C.!! He is so scared for his daughter! :(

    Deception offices:

    Brooky, Maxie, and Lucy: Brooky get your head out of the clouds hahahaha. I know Chase is sexy, especially with no shirt on, but pay attention to work! :)

    Maxie and Lucy:

    Maxie: Don't choke on your gummies.


    Victor and Lucy: Lucy tried excuses after excuses to not go out to lunch with him. ROFL! Didn't work. But wait he said the magic words. Profit potential and ways to increase it! NOW she will go to lunch with him. :D

    Vanna and Maxie: Oh NOW Anna is worried that Lucy is with Victor? Where was that worry before Anna? Was it out to lunch? Did it have lunch with the Tribbles or Badger Bob? Or both?

    The Savoy:

    Curtis and Ms. Wu: Ms. Wu has got bed head. :) I wonder who she was in bed with last night.. ;)

    Brase: Relax Brooky! Chase can sing and still be worried about Sasha.

    Chase singing: WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :) I love when he sings. :) But I really want him to go back to being a cop. :( He can do both!!!! Come on writers!

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Chase: Chase really wants to help find the hooker person! Yes Chase isn't a cop.. Yes it's hard to hear, but it's true. :( Chase wants to be back to be a cop!!!!

    Finchy and Portia: Yeahhhhh Portia knows that Finchy talked to Alexis. :)

    Finchy, Portia, and Jordan:

    Finchy: You think one of the doctor's HERE leaked the story?

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Finchy don't play dumb. Just tell her what you did! OH THE RESULTS ARE IN!!!!!!!!!! It was POISON on the hook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH HA!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sexis: YAY! A scene with them!!!!! :) They are both worried about Krissy awwwww. :)

    Krissy, Victor, and Sonny: Oh yes let's see how many ways you can say Scone! :) There are 2 ways right now.. ROFL!

    Sonny and Victor:

    Sonny: Always a pleasure. Bye bye must be off.

    Hahahahaha. Victor are you skeered of Sonny? :)

    V.C. and Alexis: V.C. wants to protect Alexis from Victor. ROFL!

    V.C. and Victor: Come on! Let's get a date when V.C. can see his daughter Victor!!!!

    Sexis and Krissy: Oh oh. Here we go again. You never want to tell Krissy she has potential! That's a bad bad word!!! Krissy walks away and Sonny wins the line of the day to Alexis.

    Sonny: She's all you.


    1. I just love Alexis and Sonny! And really never learn. Insulting Kristina's job. Really? And Sonny's expressions were hilarious. Almost as hilarious as his line of the day! Perfect choice!

      Got to say I agree with a couple of other posters would be pretty awesome if Finn was the Hooker!

    2. "Julie H says, I just love Alexis and Sonny! And really never learn. Insulting Kristina's job. Really?"

      Hahahaahaha. Yeah wait until she doesn't work there anymore then do it hahahaha.
      And Sonny's expressions were hilarious. Almost as hilarious as his line of the day! Perfect choice!

      Oh thanks hahaha. You haven't brought up the line of the day in awhile.

      "Got to say I agree with a couple of other posters would be pretty awesome if Finn was the Hooker!"

      That would be VERY interesting. Altho why would he do that? Hmmm.

  4. Sonya said:" It was POISON on the hook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH HA!"

    *** Or Finn poisoned him while he was in there because he couldn't finish hooking him.

    1. "Di says, Or Finn poisoned him while he was in there because he couldn't finish hooking him."

      Ooooo. That's another possibility! :)

    2. I said that when he died. Don't know why else he'd be there since he's a infectious disease dr.

    3. "Di says, I said that when he died. Don't know why else he'd be there since he's a infectious disease dr."

      Well yes.. That's true!!

  5. I would love this "hooker" to be someone VERY unexpected (like Finn).

  6. Is the actress playing Sasha pregnant again?

  7. Really surprised that JW was fired. Brando had family roots. Poor Sasha - she will be even more of a mess. Selena looked great yesterday. So glad we see more of her.

    1. "LSV422 says, Really surprised that JW was fired."

      He was fired?!??! Why?! :(

    2. Don't know. It was on CDL, which I normally don't believe, but it looked legit. No announcements were made about him leaving, either.

    3. "LSV422S says, Don't know. It was on CDL, which I normally don't believe, but it looked legit. No announcements were made about him leaving, either."

      Yeah weird.

  8. And so happy Kristina is back! Really good actress.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...