Tuesday, September 20, 2022

So Long, Brando!


TODAY IS TUESDAY AND I can stay the whole time--IF my TV cooperates!! 

I KNEW Brando would code at the end of yesterday's show without ever watching it LOL Just knew it. Soaps been on a LONG time and well, that fit. 


Alexis and Greg talking about whether or not to put the Hook information into her paper. Stupid FINN had to use his blabbermouth. She thinks they should write a letter to the killer via the paper to get to their ego and they might answer back. 

Jordan and Curtis still arguing about the divorce papers. It's weird. Stella sees TJ. They hug. 

Carly is visiting Virginia's grave in Florida. Talks about her past and such. Boring. I mean.. REALLY boring. Oh she finds out they are moving the graves because they are putting in a freeway. SOoooooo...I can only assume Virginia won't be in the grave? 

Liz is being hypnotized ..she saw the lady at the bottom of the stairs. Then she sees Peter at the bottom of the stairs. Kevin brings her out of it. She leaves. Goes and hugs Finn. She thinks Peter's death triggered her memories. 

Sonny stops and talks to some old guy that reminds him of Mike. I guess a symbolism scene. 

Brando is seizing. Crash cart comes in... Portia trying to save him. Brando-Sasha montage. A LONG ONE . Portia says it makes no sense why Brando is seizing--'it's like his body was hit with something else" ...so someone injected him with something OR the hook was poisoned. Anyway, Sasha says give me a sign and the lights flicker and Portia comes out. Tells Sasha. Gladys and Nina come out. Everyone is screamin and cryin' 

They all go in to say goodbye. 

TJ is baffled with Brando's death. Has no clue how it could have happened. 

Liz tells Kevin she remembers something

Portia asks Finn to figure out what killed Brando

Liz thinks her father might have pushed that lady down the stairs.

Alexis is going to run the hooker story. 


  1. I don't understand why Portia had Finn called in for a consult right after Brando came out of surgery since he was an infectious disease specialist. I understand after he was dead with those symptons. Maybe it was to give Finn a chance to inject him. muyhaha

    And with those flashing lights I was half expecting Brando to wake up again. .....weird episode.

    And did anyone else notice that Carly walked out of the grave yard into a lit room in a flash. Literally. I'm still thinking she's dreaming this and is unconscious after a crash. We did she her falling with the plane and then *boom* she was in Florida.

    1. "Di says, And did anyone else notice that Carly walked out of the grave yard into a lit room in a flash. Literally. I'm still thinking she's dreaming this and is unconscious after a crash. We did she her falling with the plane and then *boom* she was in Florida."

      Yeah none of it makes sense. The guy tells her to move her mother's body! WHERE?! He didn't tell her where!!!!! So this all has to be a dream!

    2. ooooohhhhh! Didn't think about it being a dream. I love it Di!

  2. --I think George was in Sonny's head------so bizarre--
    ---okay I am liking if Carly is dreaming----makes sense since she has yet to try and call her family------------and maybe this makes her rethink what she is doing to Willow
    -----but if not a dream, I don't understand any of this-----
    ----Because we don't see the face of the woman at the bottom of the steps-----wonder if it is someone we know? today I felt Jeff DID push the woman and Liz is defending him -----just sayin----Jan 9 was the start date of Liz's issues.
    ----NOT being unkind but NLG looked different today----like older or something like lost weight - she didn't look right and I don't like their idea of reaching out to the attacker....sigh...

  3. I am HEARTBROKEN that Brando is gone. I did NOT want this to happen. They bring in all these new guys, and get rid of a character with LOTS of ties on the show. Life is painful enough, this loss is NOT entertaining, it is too sad :(

    1. I agree AntJoan. I don't see the point of this.

    2. The whole show is NOT entertaining anymore, for the most part.
      Not happy with killing Brando and the continual torture of Sasha.

    3. I am taking a break from GH and I will just check out WUBS and spoilers. Killing Brando was too much. And I love Gladys...what will happen to her? GH has become gloom and doom. No joy found anywhere.

    4. I agree too, AntJoan. I don't mind them thinning the cast (CODY!!! and a couple of others) but I liked Brando. And yes zazu, the constant torturing of Sasha needs to end.

  4. Me too. Sasha has been through enough. Send them off Happy instead if the cast is overcrowded,

  5. Agree with AntJoan and Linda it is depressing, not entertaining

  6. Jacksonville Florida: Uh is this Carly's dream? I'm so confused. Well, I guess the storm passed. Carly needs to move her mother's grave? WHERE?!?!!!? This is odd. So now she isn't going to Aruba. She is staying in Jacksonville.. If Linda Purl's character is still there, then good otherwise zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Gregory, Alexis, and Finchy: Yes Finchy! People have the right to know what is going on so they are prepared!!!!

    Gregory and Alexis: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: It worked for Jack the Ripper.


    Liz and Doc: Well, we learned nothing new today.

    Fiz: I'm glad she trusts him to share what happened at Doc's office! :) But of course blame Hiney! Meh we all can blame Hiney! :)

    George and Sonny: Hmmmm. Is George an angel? :)

    Curtis and Jordan: Okay arguing about it once, is fine, but multiple times?!?!! COME ON! Just redo the divorce papers, sign them, and move on! Just like Jordan said. No need to keep harping on this!

    Brando's room: Those lights flickered!!! That's Brando! When Sonny was with George, the lights flickered was Brando too! WHY DID BRANDO HAVE TO DIE??!!? WHY?!?!!?! This is horrible! I didn't read anything that the actor was leaving. Unless Brando is faking his death to get the hook person! Hmmmm. Well anyway the montage of Brasha was heartbreaking. :( Brando is dead and so is Brasha. :( Brando is now with their son and Mike. Enough with tormenting Sasha!!!!!! Gladys was so upset that her voice was shaky. Great scene! Great scene with everyone!

    Finchy and Portia: Hmmmm the hook had poison in it maybe?

    1. So torn. Good show yesterday but DANG, so depressing.
      Good things: Jack the Ripper conversation, Sasha and Gladys reaction to Brando's death, Carly's chat with Virginia. (trying to redeem her by talking about all of her regrets, I almost fell for it, lol!) Liz being hypnotized.
      Bad things: Brando dying. WHY? More torture for Sasha. WHY? The same old conversation between Jordan and Curtis. I now detest both of them for a variety of reasons. Give them the HOOK!

    2. "Julie H says, So torn. Good show yesterday but DANG, so depressing."

      Yeah depressing, but very good acting! :)

      "Good things: Jack the Ripper conversation,"


      "Carly's chat with Virginia. (trying to redeem her by talking about all of her regrets, I almost fell for it, lol!)"

      You almost fell for it! Hahahahahaha!

      "The same old conversation between Jordan and Curtis. I now detest both of them for a variety of reasons. Give them the HOOK!"

      ACK! No!!! Don't give them the hook! Curtis quick take your shirt off! ROFL!

    3. Bare chests don't cure everything Sonya, lol!

  7. most of the websites reported he was leaving ----- just makes no sense though how much can Sasha endure?

  8. Brando mentioned hearing a clinking sound with the killer, implying it was a charm bracelet. Didn't they establish a long time ago that Nina has a charm bracelet? I think it was her. I definitely remember a female character getting a charm as a gift.

  9. This is not right for Sasha. They should have had them leave town together happy. It's been done alot on soaps in the past


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