Wednesday, September 7, 2022



I'm still angry my You Tube TV didn't have the show on yesterday live. I didn't get a chance to watch Hulu yet either!! I hear it was a whopper at Nelle's grave!! Anyway, I'm out today (I think most Wed will be hard) and won't see the show live. 

A GOOD NOTE:  Lydia Look who plays Selina Wu was in the opening credits yesterday for the first time!! Moving up on the GH ladder!! YIPPEEE!! 


  1. Great news for Lydia and us. Hopefully this means a good storyline coming up.

  2. If you haven't watched - don't read yet but I gotta leave in a few and this is on my mind!
    ----GREAT GREAT day of vets - ALL of them - CS as Victor is great by the way
    ---- LOVED LOVED Felicia actually TALKING to Maxie about Mac/Cody but Maxie can't keep a secret
    ----I got scared at first when Robert and Anna were at Peta's grave!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
    ----Austin and Britt - SO much more chemistry
    ----I misunderstood Sonny at first and I thought he said Nina has her own place but lives with me - glad I was wrong
    -----I tried and some are gonna be mad - but I just don't like Sam------Sam and Dante not so much but Sam - is funny that no kids were there cause in real life those kids would be arguing!
    ------So bizarre who this person is that wants Austin back.......cause it's been a year and we just don't care - seems a storyline outta the blue

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one put off my Sam's behavior. At one point she stuck her finger in the corner of her mouth to start her "barely a teen" flirting role and Domonic grabbed her hand and held it behind her back. lol He had a hold of her for a few minutes after too. Ridiculous behavior. Might be cute for a middle schooler or someone playing a role at a but ridiculous for a woman in her late 40's in the middle of a conversation. It just turned me right off the scene.

      And definitely losing interest in Austin and his cousin. This sl is taking way too long. Sorry writers but as my mother would** or get off the pot.

    2. "Di says At one point she stuck her finger in the corner of her mouth to start her "barely a teen" flirting role and Domonic grabbed her hand and held it behind her back. lol He had a hold of her for a few minutes after too. Ridiculous behavior. Might be cute for a middle schooler or someone playing a role at a but ridiculous for a woman in her late 40's in the middle of a conversation. It just turned me right off the scene."

      A brothel! ROFL! Yeah it's also gross because Covid is still around. Yuck!

  3. The editing on GH is atrocious. It is sloppy and clearly they don't care.
    Robert and Anna were so nice together today. Much more relaxed than Anna and Val. Sorry.
    Guess Cody only owns one red t-shirt.

    1. I agree - so Lucy is out by the pool right after Sasha's breakdown? THAT was weird...

    2. It may not even be the same day. Who knows.

    3. "mufasa says, so Lucy is out by the pool right after Sasha's breakdown? THAT was weird..."

      Why? What did you want Lucy to do? Spend all day with Sasha? Brando had her. Where he took her I have no idea.

      "Di says, It may not even be the same day. Who knows."

      Yeah probably the next day.

    4. No, but it wasn't mentioned - and she seemed happy and relaxed-Maxie didn't mention Deception either so I would have thought they would do 'problem control' since Lucy is always 'high maintenance', but I can live with the fact that it may be days later........and editing

    5. "mufasa says, No, but it wasn't mentioned - and she seemed happy and relaxed-Maxie didn't mention Deception either so I would have thought they would do 'problem control' since Lucy is always 'high maintenance', but I can live with the fact that it may be days later........and editing"

      Ohhhh you're right! Well, I'm sure they will talk about it. Maybe Lucy hasn't talked to Maxie about it yet. Maybe it's the weekend and they don't work? *Shrug*

  4. "Lydia Look who plays Selina Wu was in the opening credits yesterday for the first time!! Moving up on the GH ladder!! YIPPEEE!!"


    So today had a lot of funny one liners..

    Metrocourt pool:

    Lucy and Victor: Lucy needed to have suntan lotion on her, and she asked one of the workers to help her put it on, but Victor ended up doing it.. MAN! The sparks are so strong!!!!!! He keeps touching her!!!! Hahahaha.

    Lucy: Don't you know you should never touch a woman without her permission.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He is fond of her and wants to go out to eat with her. :) Oh yes! Make it a business dinner or people will talk hahahaha.

    Sante home: Moving in day moving in day! Oh look a door mat! I like it!!! Bonjourno and Arrivederci! Very cool! Although it should both at the bottom. This doormat is confusing. Oh wait when Sam put it on the floor near the door, I GET IT! :) OH the Tribbles!!! HI! :)

    Sante and Sonny: Awwwwwwww you can feel the wuv! :)

    Sonny and Cowboy Cody: Oh! Sonny likes him.. Well, if he is friends with Dante, then he is friends with Sonny! :) Cowboy Cody looks terrified! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Britch and Pawtucket Holtster: Man they need to be a couple ASAP!

    Britch and Mac: Mac is sniffing around to find out about Cowboy Cody!! :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and cousin Mason Jar: Nah nah Mason Jar didn't hook Ava Pawtucket Holtster.. It was Vampira.

    Britch and Cowboy Cody: Of course she has to warn him about Mac asking about him.. Is it really necessary Britch? The less you are near him, the better!

    Pawtuckete Holtster and Cousin Mason Jar part 2: Man! He wants Cousin Mason Jr to leave NOW!!! Pawtucket Holtster has to listen to the female boss... Who is she? I hope it's Ms. Wu! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Felicia: Ohhhh so Dominique was in Shadybrook for 6 months. Yeah I can buy she was preggers. Very nicely done writers. :)

    Mac, Maxie, and Felicia: Poor Mac! He is so overwhelmed and can't wrap his head around that he might have a son!!!! I'm so excited!!!! :D I just want to hug Mac!!!!

    Hiney's grave: What the?! Who put graffiti all over it?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    RnA: Awwwwwwww! :) Great scene! She wants the list of Robert's little black book. Anna wants to take down Victor! He will help her!! Robert is making me laugh hahaha. Awww he gave her a coin so she can call him. She says the phone booths are obsolete.. Robert says she will find one. Yeah they are not really obsolete. We still have some here in Rochester. Shocking I know! :)

    Lucy and Anna: Geez I thought Anna needing Lucy's help is over.. Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: No because I might be the main course!


    Port Chuckles Grill:

    V.C. and Alexis: Awwwww family! :) She wants to know how Charlotte is!

    V.C. and Victor: Awwwww family! ROFL!

    Sonny and Victor: I saw the back of Sonny's head and I'm thinking, Sonny? HA! I was right. :)

    1. Maxie needs to get nosy and collect things for a DNA sample. lol It could add some comedic relief. I really think it could open up some great sl's if Mac is Cody's father.

      sonya said: "Hiney's grave: What the?! Who put graffiti all over it?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

      *** Who indeed! (¬‿¬) I saw you give those markers to the tribbles.

    2. "Di says, Maxie needs to get nosy and collect things for a DNA sample. lol"

      ROFL! Well, not a toothbrush like Carly did.. Did Willow ever get that toothbrush back? OO

      "It could add some comedic relief."

      Oh yes! Her trying to sneak in and get the samples, and then slipping and falling on horse poo! Hahahaha!

      "I really think it could open up some great sl's if Mac is Cody's father."


      "Who indeed! (¬‿¬) I saw you give those markers to the tribbles."

      Uh no you didn't. You didn't see anything! And that's exactly what you are going to tell the cops when they ask you questions... Got it? :D

    3. Mac Daddy and Robert freaking Scorpio....I could watch them all day.
      Pawtuck Holster and his jar head cousin can vamoose. Don't care.
      I am laughing all over the place about Sam and her "brothel" mannerism, and Dom grabbing her hand. Sharp eyeballs, all of ya!
      Thoroughly enjoyed the graffiti all over "the grave". So wrong and so perfect, hahahaha! Really? Sonya gave the Tribbles markers? Shame, shame! :)

    4. Totally agree, Julie H.😃

    5. "Julie H says, Mac Daddy and Robert freaking Scorpio....I could watch them all day."

      ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

      "Pawtuck Holster and his jar head cousin can vamoose. Don't care."

      Jar head! ROFL!

      "Thoroughly enjoyed the graffiti all over "the grave". So wrong and so perfect,"


      "Sonya gave the Tribbles markers? Shame, shame! :)"

      If the cops talk to you too, you will say you know nothing!!! Got it?! :D

    6. Mum's the word Sonya! For a price of course, lol!!!

    7. "Julie H says, Mum's the word Sonya! For a price of course, lol!!!"

      *Looks around* What do you want?

  5. Very slow filler day. Happy thoughts: Robert was on, and Mac Daddy! I am also happy to see Kemo smiling and wearing regular clothes (or at least summer clothes earlier in the week). A breath of fresh air blew in for her and Maurice, just my opinion.

  6. I know she was a 'good' girl but anyone thinking that Austin's orders might be coming from Holly? Certainly a change of character isn't unusual.

  7. lol "Good" girl. Holly was a professional grifter and at one time a con artist

    She infected the townspeople with a toxin, resulting in several deaths [2006]
    She held the vaccine/antidote for the toxin for ransom [2006]
    Was imprisoned in the Maarkam Islands for stealing jewels [May 2006]
    And arrested for stealing jewelry from Tracy Quartermaine, charges were dropped [May 2009]
    She also helped Luke Spencer hack into files at a bank in Switzerland [Aug 2013]

    1. "Di says, She infected the townspeople with a toxin, resulting in several deaths [2006]
      She held the vaccine/antidote for the toxin for ransom [2006]"

      Yeah that was ridiculous! This was so OOC for her! I can't believe the writers at the time did that! UGH!

    2. Me either. There have been a few seasons in the past that were definitely over the top.

    3. I have blacked out that entire Holly-toxin story. It was just so wrong-wrong-wrong!

    4. I left the show for a while throughout some of them. Thought I'd landed in the twilight zone.

    5. "Di says, Me either. There have been a few seasons in the past that were definitely over the top."

      Yeah they were!!!

      "Julie H says, I have blacked out that entire Holly-toxin story. It was just so wrong-wrong-wrong!"

      YES! Very wrong. The writers failed miserably!

      "Di says, I left the show for a while throughout some of them. Thought I'd landed in the twilight zone."

      Yeah I don't blame you. When the 3rd Carly showed up in 2005, I stopped watching for awhile. Until I heard Laura Wright was going to be Carly. Then when she started, I watched again.

    6. That's why I wrote 'good' with semi parenthesis.
      Having watched GH since the beginning there have been some totally ridiculous story lines. There were always other ABC soaps to watch. Especially OLTL. Off and on I missed years of GH so some of those memories aren't there for me. But through all that GH always maintained a great cast of actors. It was the writing that turned me off.

    7. True zazu. I was just giving an example of how she's changed. And when she did we just went with it and embraced her new characterization. Unfortunately we have a generation now that doesn't seem capable of doing that. Their brains seemed to be locked in repeat mode and they won't let the writers "reform" the characters. Sad, really as that means they are missing out on what could be great storylines. They'd rather just keep complaining about repeating the old ones forever. (Or having new actors take over roles to see if they can be snapped out of it.) ☹

  8. I really liked yesterday's show mainly because of Anna and Robert. CN is such a good actor as Victor and so handsome. His scene with Lucy was perfect. Sam is acting like a teen but Kemo seems so happy to have Dante as her partner now. Can't ever remember her smiling so much.

  9. OT: Queen Elizabeth has passed at 96. How very sad.


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...