Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sunday Surgery: The Return Of Moss


I TOLD you he'd come back.... Mommy promised! 

I was seriously not going to write a SS this week because I didn't feel like it but if MOSS can return, I can do a short recap for you all! 

Sonny made us pancakes so get the whipped cream and come on in! 

         THE BEST OF THE WEEK: I'll put these all together for your reading pleasure: 

VANNA:  Oh the angst. The way Finola's eyes changed when she figured out Victor had Charlotte and the way Valentin reacted to her knowing. Just perfection. Both play distress so well. Bravo. 

The looks, the touches the...almost there but not there longing. SOAPY 101. They are building the longing and I'm here for it. Nick Chavez just kills all his scenes. 

THE DREAM: Speaking of killing it; Spencer and Esme? Gold...loved it. Also liked they set it in Curtis' club which is where Spencer is going to Tri's party. 

AVA: Is there anything Maura West can't do!!? My goodness...her looking at Nikolas while laying in that hospital bed said 1000 things without her saying a word.  Confused, scared...dazed. LOVE HER 

VALU:  Lucy and Valentin in his hotel room!! No, this isn't a photo of that--I couldn't find one. Anyway, they are a scream and mostly talked pickles and Marty. More please. 

                             THE NOT SO BEST OF THE WEEK: You know I had to go there! 

BRASHA: We haven't seen them in weeks and I totally forgot Brando was going to ask for guardianship over Sasha. It's not that I don't care but... ok, yes, it's that I don't care. These two could go to Passages in Malibu and keep Gladys for comic relief now and again. She would have been fun at the Q picnic! 

FINSTER:   While I'm SO SO thrilled Becky is getting a front-burner story, the Finn-Factor is killing it! He's playing this like he's her father. It's annoying. Maybe that's why she's triggered with him. MAYBE it's part of the whole set up. Can you imagine him talking to Anna like he does Liz? OH NOPE!! While I also liked the Nik insertion to the alibi (pretty genius) I could do with way less Finn scenes. 

COWBOY AND BRITT:  Now, don't get me wrong--happy that Mac will have a backstory but.. Cody and Britt just do not work for me. Some people might like their banter but I find it cloying and just smarmy. We all know Kelly is leaving at some point for primetime and then maybe I can calm down a bit when he's on screen. 

CREW:  I see they are promoting the HELL out of these two and have Laura and Cam doing some joint PR. While they are pretty and look good on paper they are just blah. Drew is just not an interesting character anymore. Carly needs to reinvent herself. I'm glad she wants to "wait" on their relationship but you know that means months of "I like you but..." scenes. 


Spencer writes a letter to Trina telling her his true feelings and what he did for her

Anna finds out Victor is keeping Charlotte to blackmail Valentin

Book and Chase try to bamboozle Linc to get her songs back

Sam and Dante decide to move into the Penthouse

Ava is rushed to GH and goes through surgery; wakes up but doesn't know who stabbed her

Spencer has a nightmare starring Esme about going to Pentonville

Joss and Dex look for Avery's bracelet in the dumpster

Willow decides to cut down her work schedule

Carly decides to "be her own woman" before she gets involved with Drew 

Jordan tries and fails to make headway in the Ava Hooking 

Finn pesters Elizabeth for details of the picnic and Nik provides them both with an alibi 

NEWS:  Evan Hofer (Dex) is now on contract. Ergo, you know he and Joss are a go.  Also NEW SHOW MONDAY (Labor Day). This is very unusual for GH. It might be to get back on track with Fridays? Not sure. 

That's a wrap! I can't believe I watched again this week as much as I did. I'm going back to work next week and will be having kids and meetings that conflict with GH some days. We will see how it goes. It's SEPTEMBER! whoa. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this. Thank you.

  2. Yah Moss is back. So they put Evan Hofer on contract yet how many contract characters are we not seeing. I hope that Cam doesn't get pushed to they no story crowd. I feel like Dex and Joss are a redo of Lulu and Johnny. If Brasha were never seen again I really don't think they would be missed. We would have Lucy say something about her being gone and move forward. Carly and Drew a big no from me, aside from no chemistry he has conveniently forgotten how she treated him once rock slide guy came back, how he wanted to spend time and reconnect with Scout, finally he has just forgotten Liz and her boys. The fact with all that has been going on with her he hasn't been around, apparently he has also forgotten his bond with Jake. I keep saying if you have to change so much about a character to have them work in a story guess what it's not working.

    1. I wish Dex was cast differently --he's SO GENERIC and looks like all the other GH players. Maybe William (Cam) will be doing more at college next semester? Who knows

    2. I hope William stays on even if he's not with Joss. Bring Emma back for him.

  3. So glad you posted a SS! Thank you.
    At least stuff happened this week.
    I like what JoyJ said: " if you have to change so much about a character to have them work in a story guess what it's not working". GH is constantly changing characters behaviors. Guess it's better than hiring more new people to make things work.
    Yes, Maura West can do anything. And now we have Nicholas Chavez too.
    Evan Hofer has been part of a Maurice Benard ongoing bromance video on FB with Marcus Coloma. I figured he was in for the long run.
    Nice to have a new episode on a holiday.

    1. Gotta give Evan props - you are right - he KNOWS how to make himself seen, etc.....even on State of Mind------yep, he knows....

    2. I think Dex is kind of a replacement for that other character, the one from Turkey. I can't remember his name, who I think at one point was supposed to be involved with Joss. I can't blame Evan for making himself seen.

    3. "Chatty says, I think Dex is kind of a replacement for that other character, the one from Turkey. I can't remember his name, who I think at one point was supposed to be involved with Joss."

      OH! I know who you are talking about. Shoot I'm blocking out his name!

    4. Dev, who was killed in the bombing at The Floating Rib.

    5. I watch Mo's TikTok and YES I saw Evan on there. They are pretty funny. I GET the appeal of having Joss date Sonny's henchman but damn it, why couldn't they have cast someone interesting in looks and mannerisms? Maybe some tattoos LOL!! I don't know, I like my bad boys with long hair and a sultry stare.

    6. It's almost like Dex is pretending to be a bad boy while playing both sides. He's good looking but bland. Yes...tats, long hair and definitely that sultry look would be better.

    7. "Kevin says, Dev, who was killed in the bombing at The Floating Rib."

      DEV! THAT'S HIS NAME! :D I kept thinking Zev? The name was on the tip of my tongue! Haha!

  4. "I TOLD you he'd come back.... Mommy promised!"



    Ooooo Valu.. Love the name!! :)

    "they are a scream and mostly talked pickles"

    And talked about biting Victor's gherkin! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    "COWBOY AND BRITT: Some people might like their banter"

    Why would anybody like their banter? Their banter is abusive and harassing.

    1. I absolutely can't stand Cowboy and Britt!

    2. "Chatty says, I absolutely can't stand Cowboy and Britt!"

      Yeah Britch should be with Pawtucket Holtster and Cowboy should focus on his daddy Mac for right now. :)

  5. Thanks, Karen! We appreciate you!
    Vanna = all day
    So Ava's attack: let's look at the options:
    -----front runners ---- Esme and Ryan
    -----possible-----Victor, Mason,
    -----dark horse------Liz, Spence, Nicholas
    -----not a chance but ----- Kevin framing Ryan, Peter is back
    -----final thought - I truly think the writers haven't settled on who it is, and it'll be November sweeps probably-----what is the attacker thought the blonde hair was Carly????? One of Sonny's enemies/Cyrus people? Just a thought!

    1. I love VAnna too. Watched their scenes maybe 3 times so far. Am I pathetic?

    2. "lindie says, I love VAnna too. Watched their scenes maybe 3 times so far. Am I pathetic?"

      Hahaha no of course not!!! It was a great scene!!!

    3. "Mufasa says, I truly think the writers haven't settled on who it is,"

      Yeah.. That's not a good way to write..

    4. I also wondered about the World of Wu -- I think Austin owes gambling money or Selina wanted the Q money and he failed. If Mason did it it would tie that whole thing to her. I was REALLY surprised she wasn't at the party. She would be a big GH donor and could have spiced it right up

    5. Mrs. Wu is too cool to be at a fundraiser - LOL! She likes to be low-key-----and pop up unexpected.......which is why I hope the writers don't ruin her character - Love her!

    6. Yes, I definitely want her in a sl soon too. She's a great character. I don't see her having any dealings with Austin though. She wouldn't have sent someone else to threaten him.

  6. Thanks so much Karen. You are the best.

    1. I try! GH has been good lately so you know I'm honest about things!! I am starting up work again fuller time the 7th. Can't believe it's school time again!

    2. I know the feeling; I used to be a teacher in my past life.

    3. Thanks again, kd. Need my Sunday coffee with you. lol And your honesty is good. You just say it like it is and move on to the good stuff. No beating the dead horse over and over again. And I love Sonya's too. It's smothered in humor, not hate. Hope you both stay with us through the drought.

      I used to be a teacher too, lindie. Still do work with an adult literacy board, and when asked helping 2nd language speakers with their high school science. Odd how the kiddies can always find me. lol I've always loved my job as draining as it can be sometimes so I empathize with you kd, and really appreciate the extra effort here.

    4. "Di says, And I love Sonya's too."

      Thank you!!! :D

      "It's smothered in humor, not hate."

      Humor is better in the long run! :)

      "Hope you both stay with us through the drought."

      The drought? You mean because of no rain? Well, we got rain today! :) It rained all day today.

    5. The drought - The drying up of the good storylines and use of all our old favs.

    6. "Di says, The drought - The drying up of the good storylines and use of all our old favs."

      OH! THAT drought.. Yes yes I'll stay with you through the drought! :)

  7. That's cool Di. Adult literacy is a huge thing. That must be very rewarding too. I've never been a teacher for adults, but helping those who most need and appreciate it would be a wonderful thing.

  8. The garbage bin:

    Dexxy and Joss: OH! Joss is stuck! She falls and he falls on her.. They were so close!! The sparks were flying!!!!!! Oh Joss found Avery's charm bracelet.. Some eye sex and now she has to go home to change or she will smell when she goes to Trina's partay!!!! I hope she takes a shower!

    The hospital:

    Brando and TJ: Talking about Sasha. Gee if it's not Sonny that Brando is talking to about Sasha, then it's TJ.

    TJ: Why are you telling all this to me, and not to your wife?

    Me: Because he is an idiot?

    Brando: Good point.

    Well, duhhhhhhh.

    The Port Chuckles Grille: Hmmm. Why on the door it says bar and not the Port Charles Grille? How odd.

    Lucy and Sasha: WHOA WHOA WHOA! Sasha is flipping out!!! She is so loud!!!! I thought Lucy was going to slap her! Sasha didn't flip a table over. Too bad. Oh she did break a guy's phone who was filming her. Poor phone is dead. :( Great scene though!


    Sasha: I need help! I need help!!


    Metrocourt pool:

    Sona ninny nanny goat: Yes Nina! You tell Sonny! Your conversation with Ava is between you two!!!!

    Sona ninny nanny goat and Brace: Ooooo Brooky wants Sonny's help! His connections to help Chase sing somewhere. Nina is going to help!!!! :)

    Brase: Oooooo Chase is upset. He thinks she went to far in asking Sonny! But hey it's okay! Nina is going to help instead! :)

    The Savoy:

    Cabrina: Awwwww! Lovey dovey! Hey Rory can dance! Too bad we didn't see him dance. OO

    Portis, Taggart and Jordan: Portia is so giddy!!!! So bubbly! So squeeing! So happy! I love it! :)

    Curtis and papa Mr. Hat man: Awwwww father and son bonding.. :) Next to bond, Mac daddy and Parachute cowboy man!

    Curtis and Sonny: Oooooo Curtis is still angry at Sonny for not helping him when he needed it. You can't count on Sonny I guess! But you CAN count on the Tribbles and Badger Bob!

    Jordan and TJ: Wait. So the family tree made an error with Stella and her cousin? Huh?! I'm confused. Stella IS going to come to Trina's party! YAY! :)

    Jam: Cam wins the line of the day.

    Cam: Well, I am a little bit stupid.


    Cam: I'm just sad you didn't call me though. I wouldn't want you to do that alone.

    Oh she wasn't alone pilgrim.. She had Dexxy Helly with her. I hope she tells him and not to keep it a secret. No reason to keep it a secret.

    Cam and Spencer: Man ever since Cam came to the partay, he kept looking at Trina's letter. Well, the letter keeps suffocating in his pocket, so that's why Spencer keeps taking it out and looking at it.

    Trina's letter: Thank you daddy. I can breath now.

    Hey Spencer! Listen to what Cam is saying to you!


    *Spencer tries to put the letter back in his pocket*

    Trina's letter: Oh hell no! I'm not going back in the pocket!

    *Trina's letter jumps off and lands on the floor*

    Trina's letter: I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

    *Trina's letter tries to run, but Trina picks it up*

    Trina's letter: Crap!

    Oh man! Is that how Trina sees the letter? On the floor? That's not soapy!!!!! So she picks it up. Is she going to read it? BORING!!!!!

    Sidenote: The actress who plays Stella, she is on a new Wendy's commercial! :D

    1. The sleezy reporter guy is in an ad I just saw. Car Zoom I think.

    2. "zazu says, The sleezy reporter guy is in an ad I just saw. Car Zoom I think."

      Yes! I saw it online! :D

  9. sonya said: "So the family tree made an error with Stella and her cousin?"
    *** The family tree named the cousin and an unknown connection in P.C. Stella is Curtis' aunt so maybe the other connection in P.C. was Trina and they're bringing that up now to tell us the truth is coming soon. (hopefully this year.)

    ( If Trina was underage then the site wouldn't name her.)

    Sorry skipped the meltdown in the public restaurant that everyone uses when they're firing people. *insert eye roll*

    1. "Di says, The family tree named the cousin and an unknown connection in P.C."

      Ohhhhh okay!

      "Stella is Curtis' aunt so maybe the other connection in P.C. was Trina and they're bringing that up now to tell us the truth is coming soon. (hopefully this year.)"


      "( If Trina was underage then the site wouldn't name her.)"

      True, but she is not underage anymore! :D

      "Sorry skipped the meltdown in the public restaurant that everyone uses when they're firing people. *insert eye roll*"

      Really? You didn't watch it? It was really good. Wait firing people? ROFL!

    2. Yes. .. firing someone.Lucy tried to sugar coat it but tact isn't her strong suit. That conversation should have been held at their private office. If I was in that restaurant i would have left when the yelling started.

    3. "Di says, Yes. .. firing someone.Lucy tried to sugar coat it but tact isn't her strong suit. That conversation should have been held at their private office. If I was in that restaurant i would have left when the yelling started."

      Well in the office, the way Sasha was yelling so loud, people in the offices can hear her, come running to see what is wrong and someone could video tape it on their phone. They should have done it in Sasha's home, but then people in her building can hear it. So it doesn't really matter where they talk. Sasha was so LOUD! Yikes!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...