Tuesday, September 6, 2022

One and a Miss


Yesterday's GH: Portia's party... 

Dumpster Dive Date!! Enough Chem testing with Joss and Rex?? 


LUCY takes Sasha in PUBLIC to fire her? LOL I did enjoy it tho! 


Sonny getting kicked out of Trina's PARTY!! LOL 

Trina picks up the letter when Spencer drops it..won't give it back. 

Joss arrives all decked out. Will she tell Cam about Dex-Dumpser-Diving ?? 

OMG Willow dreams that Nelle kills Carly and Michael and takes Wiley!! I SO wish it was TRUE!! LOL!! 

I CAN'T BELIEVE it...good show and My You Tube PLUS goes out!! It won't play ABC right now. I get a 'playback error"!! UGH SORRY> 


  1. Nekke talking to Nina is amazing and true then Nina turns 'never my fault' person

  2. Carly is keeping another secret and she can't shut her mouth. It's ridiculous with Nina is a villain. Plus is mildew an adult or not, she can't fight her own battles. Shut up Carly, please

  3. Oh no. You missed an exciting ending and a great performance by "Cameron." Do catch up later.

    Loved the quick resolve to one of our problems with a simple turn of phrase about the mail. Glad it finally came out and flawlessly at that. Also Trina mentioning she did a DNA test for a high school project will explain how she became that "unknown" relative. The site would have probably promised not to make those results public, since it was a school project, and that would explain why it was counted as an error on the site.

    I will give the same old same old battle of the evil ones a miss as no one is ever going to change sides.

    It was an interesting episode.

    1. I know!! I can't wait to see it!! The grave scenes too. So happy CL was back.

  4. And Michael is acting like a ten year old who's parents split.

  5. I am normally team Nina all the way but I have to say Nina
    and Carly were equally annoying today.

    1. FOR SURE - and after Nelle spat out all the truths to Nina, I thought 'here we go---she will be remorseful' but she and Carly were both worse........
      Willow STILL is the only woman who carries a purse in Port Charles!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Nina and Carly are always annoying. Tired of them.

    1. Me too. So many little things happened today and their hate overshadows everything.

  7. Millow's home: Willow's nightmare about Nelle!!! I miss Nelle.. Great nightmare! :)

    Millow and Carly: Of course Willow is freaked out about the nightmare hahahaha.

    TempRecast Michael, Wiley, and Carly: YAY! Recast Michael! :) Oh oh poor Wiley had a nightmare too.. TempRecast Michael has a very bad feeling something is going on with Willow! LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS!!!! :D

    The Savoy:

    Bodyguard daddy Mr. Hat man, Curtis, and Sonny: Curtis has a bodyguard! :) We still don't know why Mr. Hat man hates Sonny!!!!! WHY?!?!! Oh hello Nina.. :)

    Ms. Wu and Sonny: Hmmm. Ms. Wu are you going to have a scene with your son Rory? Hmmmmm? :D I hope he is your son!

    Jam: Come on Joss! Tell Cam you were in the dumpster with Dex!!! Nothing happened! Well, there was that eye sex and falling in the dumpster together.

    TJ and Jordan: More talk about the family tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!

    TJ, Portia, Curtis, Mr. Hat man, Portia, and Stella: STELLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :) Portia is all bubbly! Oh oh Curtis wants Stella to marry them. STELLA HAD ANOTHER FLASHBACK!!!!! SHE IS REMEMBERING ABOUT THE DIVORCE PAPERS!!!

    Jordan and Curtis: No Curtis you didn't get the receipt of the divorce papers and no neither did Jordan. When you get the marriage license then you will find out you are still married!!

    Cam and his band: YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WOOT WOOT! :) Now we need Ned to sing and also Chase. The look on TJ's face when Cam screamed! ROFL! Stella getting down and getting funky! ROFL! GO STELLA GO STELLA GO STELLA! :D

    Sprina: Fighting over the letter.. He lied to her about what's in the letter. It looked like she was going to kiss him, but Rory showed up to see how she was doing.

    Trina and Taggart: Awwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Spencer and Trina's letter: Spencer is burning the letter!!!! He murdered the letter!!! *Cry* :'( Why Spencer why?!!! The poor thing just wanted to be free!!! How could you!!!?!?!!? :(

    The grave: Wow! When we last saw Nina she was at the Savoy to talk to Sonny on the side, and the next time we see her she is at the grave!!! We didn't even see them talking.

    Nina and ghost Nelly: YAY GHOST NELLY! :) Great scene!!!!!

    Nina and Willow: Oh Willow shut up! You were being reasonable before and now you are poking the bear!!! UGH!

    Carly, Willow, and Nina: UGH!

    Carly and Nina: Oh stop with this!!!! Nina slap Carly!!!! I want to see some fighting!!!! Not the same drawn out chit chatting of the same argument!

    Sidenote: Poor Trina's letter was murdered!!! :'( The worst prop murder was when Connie killed Sonny's cake!!! It was horrific.. I will never forget that.

    1. Thanks sonya. I'm glad someone else noticed the scene about the divorce papers. Did you catch that bit about Trina doing a DNA project in high school, too?

      I think maybe more than a few people's eyes popped when Cam let out that scream. lol I think Joss forgot all about the garbage bin after that performance. Her face was dancing. lol

    2. "Di says, Thanks sonya. I'm glad someone else noticed the scene about the divorce papers."

      She is remembering little by little!!!!!! :D

      "Did you catch that bit about Trina doing a DNA project in high school, too?"

      Oh yeah! I caught that. :)

      "I think maybe more than a few people's eyes popped when Cam let out that scream. lol"


      "I think Joss forgot all about the garbage bin after that performance. Her face was dancing. lol"

      Hahahahaha. That's true!!!

    3. So, once Jordan realizes she is still married to Curtis, I am guessing she won't grant him the divorce to marry Portia? That might be fun.

    4. I just loved yesterday's show, every bit of it!
      Nell in small doses is fantastic.
      My eyes popped along with TJ's lol, but great song!
      Seriously and with apologies to AntJoan, PC folks are finally treating Sonny as they would in real life. I wouldn't associate with "a coffee importer" and wouldn't want him in my club. HA! (I'm thinking come Christmas we'll find out why Hat Man has the hates for Sonny)
      I might be in the minority but I thoroughly enjoyed Caroline and Neener! I will keep my fingers crossed for Sonya's sake, for a good old fashioned Dynasty type brawl!

      Kevin, I would enjoy Jordan not divorcing Curtis. And yup, potential for fun! :)

  8. Used to love the villain that Nelle was. Willow's nightmare was good. She emoted for once. Another late night cemetery scene fresh from The Savoy. Consciously speaking with a "dead" person. Okay. Sonny tells Ms. Wu that Nina wasn't with him tonight.
    Trina and Spence...period.
    Cam's band was fantastic!

  9. I miss Nelle, too! Willow's nightmare was so creepy - loved every minute of it ;-)

  10. Wow, Cam singing rock songs. Has he done that before? Wonder if William Lipton wrote that song too?

    1. Yes and that was his band. He wrote this on twitter today:
      Thank you for all your kind comments about my band and the song on today’s episode on GH. Song will soon be on all musical platforms. In the meantime you can listen to it on SoundCloud. Darling Darling by William Lipton on #SoundCloud

  11. also the spoiler and recap on myTV and in several print say today Sonny makes Taggart an offer that Taggart refuses --------------------SOOOOOOOOOOOOO ---- did they cut that scene---

    1. I think it was supposed to say Curtis instead of Taggert.

  12. Some news for fans of Michael Blake Kruse.

    1. OH NO! So he won't be on GH anymore?! :(

    2. He's not on a lot but Chicago PD is filmed in Chicago so I doubt he could do both. It's a prime time gig so I'm happy for him. I hope they don't kill him off though.

      P.S. maybe we'll get Chase back after, although I really like Rory.

    3. "Di says, He's not on a lot but Chicago PD is filmed in Chicago so I doubt he could do both."

      Damn. :(

      "It's a prime time gig so I'm happy for him. I hope they don't kill him off though."

      Hopefully they don't kill him off and just recast.

      "P.S. maybe we'll get Chase back after, although I really like Rory."

      I like Rory too! I wish Chase would go back to being a cop.. :(

    4. Thanks so much for the link, Di! Devastated that Jay Halsted is leaving, but yay for Rory getting a prime time gig! (I love and watch all the Chicagos!)

  13. Dear Trina, I want you to know the Truth. I wasn't going to tell you, figured you're better off without me in your life, but I need you to know, from the moment I walked into that interrogation room after you'd been arrested, I knew you were innocent. Despite what I said, I believe in you and I always have. Spencer Cassadine

    1. Is that what it said for real?

    2. Yes. I paused and transcribed it just in case others were unable to catch it.

    3. Spencer and Trina, along with Anna and Valentin, are the only interesting love stories currently on "GH."

    4. Thanks for doing that Judith.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...