Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday Surgery: PONS-EE Scheme

By the way...their smoosh name? CyLo ahahahaha. 

During a week that was chaos it was nice to (sometimes) have our show to look forward to. I had to catch up on Hulu a couple of times but I saw it all.  Great acting, directing and of course, dialog. Writers are stepping it up! 

Some great scenes and a surprise was in store for us. Grab a nice brew of choice and hunker down. 

CARLY'S PLAN OF THE WEEK:  Oh how glorious the show is with a Sonny break!! I can't say enough about it. NOPE. Having Carly try to "run" things with her manic impulsivity played off against Jason's robotic logic is just my fave thing. He's Spoc, she's Kirk on steroids. AHAHAHAA. (now if they'd just kiss, I'd be in heaven). Carly took Florence and naturally, everyone thinks it's Jason. And Jason being Jason doesn't want harm to come to Carly so he's taking the heat. 

SURPRISE OF THE WEEK: It was just leaked like 2 days ago that Denise Alexander was coming back to GH and "no date given". Then she steps out of the damn elevator Friday and I was stunned!! YEAH!! The exchange between she and Cyrus about her colorful past was great. Her realizing that Laura was his 1/2 sister? Priceless.  The fact we get to see these 2 ladies in their original roles all these years later IN A GOOD STORY just makes me so happy. 

  As Friz discuss going to the wedding, Peter and Maxie are sitting at the next table. When Liz gets up to talk to Maxie in the powder room, Franco lets Peter know he's getting Drew's memories back. You know that double wedding is going to be a wild one!! 

SMACKDOWN OF THE WEEK: Portia joins the long line of Jordan haters at the moment. She basically tells her that  she can't put anyone first but her job. 

FAKE OUT OF THE WEEK:  You think Ryan's PONS is going to keep him down? Think again!

I NEEDED MEMORY PILLS OF THE WEEK:  So, Sam and Dante talk about life. Julian's death; Lulu's coma. Then they talk about their brother. Huh? Their what? OH YES..! LEO!! That's right!! Now they share Kristina and Leo as siblings. One from Daddy on one side, one from Mommy on the other. It's pretty hysterical. 

WUBS DELIGHT OF THE WEEK:  The Britta Dr. O scenes were just hysterical. They so acted like Mom and Daughter who know each other, been angry and then just giddy when the time comes to make up. "You have bangs"!!  KT and KG played this to the hilt and I loved it. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK, YEAR, CENTURY :  Watching NLG and Maura go toe to toe over Julian's death was something to behold. It could have been a Netflix special. Their dislike of each other, their shared love and grief over Julian was on full display. The dialog was superb and I urge you to watch it on Hulu or ABC. com if you get the chance. Nothing short of Emmy worthy. @b_Dawg60

PROP OF THE WEEK: Click Click goes the pen! Click Click Click goes Dante's mind! 


Alexis and Ava have a chat about Julian. Spectacular chat

Jason won't out Carly as Florence's kidnapper, not even to Laura

Jordan finally tells Cyrus she doesn't care what he does-she's out

Kevin told everyone Ryan has "locked in syndrome" because of his PONS

Ryan let us know he's still in there and can move a little muscle

Britt and Dr O reunite

Franco lets Peter know he is getting Drew's memories back

Anna is still worried about Dante 

Dr. O is taking over Dante's "case" and finds out Maxie and Peter are having a baby

Jax is worried about Josslyn 

Sam is planning Maxie's side of the bachelorette party 

Franco hears Peter's voice and Sam watches him crumble

Bobbie is at the safe house, serving as Flo's nurse (off camera) 

Portia chats with Taggert in jail and tells him he broke Trina 

NEWS AND NOTES:  Real Andrews will be back taping at Taggert. The show is off for 2 weeks and no word on if LA county will allow them to resume shooting. You know what the numbers look like out there so ??? 

SPOILERS:  Looks like Bobbie pops up next week, Willow still doesn't know if she loves Chase or Michael and Ava gets one up on Carly. Get all the Scoop from Diagnosis Daytime. 

I hope you watched the show last week. Moved well and entertaining. We need that right now! 


  1. So, I guess we will get re-runs for a little bit. Hope they are good ones this time.

    Maybe we will have the real Taggart on for a short time. Miss him. And, I didn't used to like him "in the day".

    So, is Laura's whole life on social media or something? How does Cyrus know so much. I didn't watch at the time; didn't Scotty kill Rick Webber? Is that a secret?

    OK, so I am confused on the timeline. IRL Genie is younger than her t.v. brothers. Is Laura supposed to be the OLDEST??? I love Denise Alexander/ Lesley. She has still got "spunk". Great acting from her too. She needs to give lessons to half the cast. And, yes, give us 5 minutes of her and Monica. Would be great. Probably won't happen with all the COVID in L.A. right now. I was delighted with the scene with Laura, Lesley and Cyrus. I thought we'd get a "phone call" with Lesley and that's how we'd see her.

    So, another question. Has Sonny been laying in the snow for a month in his dress shirt??? lol. Of course, he will live through all this, most likely have amnesia for a year. The search and rescue people didn't find him?? That is too funny as well.

    Anyway..... It has been great lately. LOVE the use of more of the vets. They are the better actors too IMO. I don't want Carly and Jason together, but do like them without Sonny. No offense to the actor as I do love Maurice. We just need a break from ALL three of the musketeers though.

    OK. I wrote a book

    Thanks for another great SS Karen.

    My family and I just had our Christmas outdoors in 32 degree sunny lakeside. It was actually kind of nice. Got my first vaccine Friday. Sore arm is getting better today.

    Be safe everyone!!

    1. PS. We didn't eat. Only exchanged gifts 6 feet apart. lol

    2. "lindie says, So, I guess we will get re-runs for a little bit. Hope they are good ones this time."

      Meh. They probably will show the ones they have already shown back when the lockdown first started. All Sonny all the time.

      "OK. I wrote a book"


      "Got my first vaccine Friday. Sore arm is getting better today."

      OH! How were you feeling after the vaccine? Any nausea or anything? Just a sore arm?

    3. Congrats on getting the vaccine.

      Laura killed Rick during a breakdown. Scotty helped clean up afterwards.

    4. I agree I like Mo as well but shoved down our throats every day has got to go. I liked him better in the 90s. Taking a break is nice. Everyone needs a vacation. I got my first vaccine too. Go for my 2nd the 21st. My arm hurt just a bit worse than the flu shot but all better 2 days later.
      Karen great SS! The show has been great!! Even though I know Real needed to be off I so wish when Trina found out he was alive it would have been him and not another actor.

  2. Thanks for another great SS...after a great week of GH. It's nice to look forward to watching it again.
    The Willow/Michael/Chase/Sasha debacle is still ongoing. A continuation of the Wiley story...
    Is Brad still in the hospital?
    I like Carly and Jason as is. No zex please.
    Does anyone else think Nelle is still alive. Back when Chase was on his way to ID the body there was mumbling and grumbling but we never saw or heard a confirmation. She'll be back?

  3. Loved this week and this SS too. Hoping all of you commentators are doing well, and avoiding any kind of illness right now.

  4. "By the way...their smoosh name? CyLo ahahahaha."

    Hahahahaha. I love it! :)

    "He's Spoc, she's Kirk on steroids. AHAHAHAA."


    "(now if they'd just kiss, I'd be in heaven)."

    Yes!!! Kiss and have zex!!! :)

    "The fact we get to see these 2 ladies in their original roles all these years later IN A GOOD STORY just makes me so happy."

    Yes!!! It makes me so happy too!!! :)

    "Portia joins the long line of Jordan haters at the moment"


    "SCENE OF THE WEEK, YEAR, CENTURY : Watching NLG and Maura go toe to toe over Julian's death was something to behold."

    YES! It was glorious!! Nancy Lee Grahn has to win an emmy! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for another great SS.

    sonya said... "Yes!!! Kiss and have zex!!! :)"

    lol sonya, you want everyone to have the zex. I was surprised you did want to see the tribbles propagating this

    1. Di says, lol sonya, you want everyone to have the zex.

      Hahahaha. No I don't! I don't want Jasam to. :) I don't want Michael and Sasha to. I don't want Willow and Michael to. :)

      "I was surprised that you didn't want to see the tribbles propagating this"

      Whoa! ROFL! Did I say that? I don't remember!!! Hahahaha!

  7. lol That should be I was surprised that you didn't want to see the tribbles propagating this

  8. Great SS as usual. The scene between Ava and Alexis was awesome, both gave Emmy worthy performances.

    Karen, one of your tweets made the She Knows Soaps GH soapbox.

    1. "Gary says, Karen, one of your tweets made the She Knows Soaps GH soapbox."

      It did?!?!! YAY KAREN! :)

  9. Just read that John Reilly (Sean Donnelly) has died at age 84. So sad.

    1. Yeah lindie I saw that on twitter. :(

    2. watch the wub tub over the next few days. Karen and I are going to put a blog together. Not really sure what it will be, but it will be soemthing where all of you can post some memories


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...