Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Not Sure about Today


Old Time Gatekeepers for you! 

I have a meeting today and don't know if I'll make #GH ..so I thought I'd throw this up in case I don't get back. Tomorrow there is no new show due to the inaug-- so keep that in mind. There will be a repeat episode (not sure which one). 

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to those that used the Amazon link to order for Christmas--it helps keep this blog alive!! 

Have a joyful day! 


  1. Ned and Alexis look young in that picture

    1. Yes they do!!! Great picture of the Gatekeepers! I love it! :)

  2. "You have way too much money, Less country, more strip" line of the week.

    1. That was a fantastic line. The writing has definitely improved this past year.

    2. That's true. I lot more witty repartee and smart humor instead of just clowish behavior playing for laughs.

  3. I want the gatekeepers back together

  4. Nina's office:


    Nina: Because in my experience, saying I love you, is the start of everything going downhill, or things start getting better.

    Oh I can relate to that!!! That is my experience too!!! Someone says I love you, and that's the beginning of the end of the relationship.

    Nina: I want the latter.

    Yeah you won't get that Nina. Once you find out Jax lied to you about Nelle being your daughter, your relationship with him will be over. I can feel it! :(

    The hospital:

    Sam and Liz: Oh boy. Pushy Sam showed up today. Oh and she had to tell Liz the last time she saw BobTodd! NOW you tell her Sam? Geez why didn't you call her before? This was a waste of scene.

    Britch and Jason: Working together! :) Britch talks to him about her nicknames.. Westnile! Hahahaha. Love that they are working together.

    Friz home:

    Cam and BobTodd: Cam wins the line of the day.

    Cam: I offered you food, and you said you weren't hungry. that has literally never happened in the entire time I have known you.

    Hahahahahahaha! That is hysterical and very ironic, since Roger Howarth LOVES eating on screen. :) OH CAM! Stanford University!!! CAM MADE IT IN YAY!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :) Your bio dad would be so proud of you if he were alive!!!!! Oh Cam what is it? Whats wrong? You don't want to go to that college? Oh I know why! Because of Joss!! :) You can keep in touch honey!

    BobTodd and Liz: BobTodd calling Dr. O about his condition. That he had another episode. Oh Liz walks in.

    Liz: You're lying to me.

    Me: OO

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, V.C. and Marty: Oh this was fun! :) Glad Marty is going to help Alexis!

    Marty: BOOM!

    *V.C. gives him a strange look.*


    Q home:

    Olivia and Tracy: Great scene!!!!! Oh boy! Olivia keeps digging! Tracy lies! She tells Olivia that Alexis said that Olivia is a gold digging slut!! Olivia wants the truth! She brings up the alarm at Alexis's home. Tracy keeps lying.

    Tracy: If she wasn't behind the wheel, who was?

    Olivia: You!


    Tracy: Did it ever occur to you, that this isn't about me? That maybe I am doing something for somebody else?

    Olivia: Who? Who stands to gain for Alexis being thrown in jail?

    Me: YOU!!!!

    Olivia: Wait a minute you did this for me?

    Olivia and Ned: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Olivia is flashing back to all the conversations she has had!! SHE JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!!!

    Olivia: You wanted me to forgive you for doubting me, but there was so much more for me to forgive. Wasn't there?


    1. Loved the Alexis/Marty/Val scenes, they were good and funny! I now love Kentucky Fried Tad whenever he's on our screen.

      Tough call about line of the day, see above from wrenspence! I was dying!

      Can't speak about Mumbles. I just wanted her to shut up and leave Liz alone. And yeah, yeah, I know Tumor Franco terrorized her and half of Port Chuck, but she was the one who kicked Sonny into a hole for crying out loud! AND all was forgiven! :)

      Can't wait for Thursday and Olivia and Ned to get into it! Unless we have TV interuptus. Seems to happen every day now. :(

    2. I love when Tracy does something that seems devious but she actually has good intentions -multi-layered character and great actress.

    3. Except back in the day when she withheld Edward's medication back in the 80s when he was having a heart attack.

    4. "Julie H says, Loved the Alexis/Marty/Val scenes, they were good and funny!"

      Yes they were!!! :)

      "I now love Kentucky Fried Tad whenever he's on our screen."

      Hahahaha. Kentucky Fried Tad! Love it! :)

      "Tough call about line of the day, see above from wrenspence! I was dying!"

      Haha yeah there were a lot of funny one liners coming from Kentucky Fried Tad! :)

      "Can't speak about Mumbles. I just wanted her to shut up and leave Liz alone. And yeah, yeah, I know Tumor Franco terrorized her and half of Port Chuck, but she was the one who kicked Sonny into a hole for crying out loud! AND all was forgiven! :)"

      And just watched when kidnappers kidnapped Liz's baby!!

      "Can't wait for Thursday and Olivia and Ned to get into it! Unless we have TV interuptus. Seems to happen every day now. :("

      I hope tomorrow isn't interrupted!!!

      "lindie says, Except back in the day when she withheld Edward's medication back in the 80s when he was having a heart attack."

      Haha. Yeah except that!!!

  5. I watched NCIS tonight and our TJ (Tajh Bellow) was in it.

  6. Does anyone here watch "GH" on Hulu? If so, you can see the actor who plays Brando in a commercial for Gardasil 9. LOL

    1. That is funny. Guess he needs that having random sex with Molly. Lol

    2. I saw the commercial on ABC. I think he is such an average, not outstanding, actor and looks so average. Sasha is too beautiful for him.

    3. I saw the ad too. Even has a speaking part at the end.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...