Monday, February 11, 2013

Laura's Back...



  1. Yup. She's back. For 5 seconds. Which, if you are counting, is 4 seconds LONGER than Frisco was in a scene with Maxie 2 weeks ago.

  2. Look at Ron's twitter for his reasons for not showing Frisco and Maxie right away.

  3. Can you share the twitter with us??

  4. 5 seconds seem to be the average lately for our returning GHers. And the "nod" is fast becoming a bobblehead.

    I appreciate it if someone could share that twitter reply with us too, please.

  5. Here is the tweet:

    @carlivatiron: For those asking about Frisco, we only have him for a certain number of episodes. I'm trying to space them out! #FriscoMaxieScenesSoon #GH

  6. We all know why he is doing it, the problem is keeping people interested with vampires getting more airtime than these long awaited returns. If people hate the surrounding stories than this lull guarantees they tune out. I wish he understood that. I'd rather have Frisco for a week and love it than be too angry he is not on to do anything but resent the rest of the show.

  7. Thank you for sharing the tweet with us Erin!

  8. Luke to Tracy, sadly One Life To Live isn't on anymore.
    Molly has Luke's cold, who's next?
    Doesn't anyone notice "McBains" hair is longer and not as grey? I understand a man not seeing that but, women notice this, hello Anna?!
    Pickle Lila....everything old is new again. This is more then a little symbolic. Rebuilding ELQ, rebuilding GH using blasts from the past.
    Laura!!! :)

    1. Thank you! That was the first thing I noticed, the hair. I'm sorry but I am loving Caleb. Nice to see a different side of ME. :)

  9. I'm just enjoying the ride with all these "oldies but goodies " returning. The show is far from perfect, but, eh...what is these days?

  10. I try not to over think what is going on and enjoy the show also. I just wish Dante and Lulu were on more. I love all the old characters coming back too.

  11. Q home: One life to live isn't on anymore! ROFL! Thank you writers. :) Alice is nervous around AJ hahahaha!

    Pier: Sabrina sees the dead cop and Caleb, who she thinks is McBain! RUN SABRINA RUN! Or he will bite you! Hmmm wait! Let him bite you! Then you can become a vampire, and then you will be able to tell Patrick that you have a massive crush oh him! :) Oh wait! The cop is alive!!!! YAY! Anna and Luke kiss and Laura sees it!! She don't look very happy seeing it. :) GOOD TO SEE YOU LAURA!! :)

    The hospital: Oh dear! The actress who plays Dr, Britch, sounds like she has a cold now!!! And her eyes are watery! The cop died. :( NO MAXIE NO! :( Don't do this to Sabrina! Tell Lante the truth about the baby, and then tell Sabrina the truth! Hmm Maxie gets a phone call from her father, but she won't answer it! I guess once she saw her dad she left. Or maybe she told him off? I hope not! I want to see her tell him off!

    Police station: Oh there is Anna talking to that hottie blue eyed cop again. :) I wish Luke would go visit Lucy!!!! I want a Lucy and Luke scene!

    Alexis's home: Oh man the actress who plays Molly sounds awful now. She is losing her voice! TJ and Molly are arguing over Rafe. Rafe is listening in. TJ and Molly kiss (NO don't kiss her, the actress has a bad cold) and then TJ leaves, and Molly sees Rafe. It's cold out Molly! Give him your jacket! :) Boy Molly and Rafe remind me so much of Emily and Zander!! Molly and Rafe are the next Emily and Zander!! Molly lets Rafe stay at her house!!! Oh oh. Where is Zander, I mean Rafe gonna hide and sleep?

  12. The "sadly one life to live is no longer on the air" comment was not funny, it was paghetic. Ron and Frank need to get over the fact they lost their show before they lose another one. And they need to realize not every long time GH fan loved or even watched OLTL or Port Charles. Cut the OLTL , the newbies, the DID and obsession withnFerncliff, and vampire shit. Stop ruining the character of Lucy. Show Kevin, Felicia, Frisco and Laura more now that you have them back. Get Robert, Scotty, Serena, Holly and Bobbke back pronto. And for Christ sake, stop Anna from ever kissing Luke again...gross!

    1. As a OLTL fan, yes it was sad it was cancelled, but I found it funny and if you haven't heard, GH isn't going anywhere. ;)

  13. Oh, and I forgot about Duke. Now that they have him back it is like Frank and Ron don't know what to do with him. Have him research relish recipes as AJ's flunky? Give me a f'ing break. If they are not going to show him with Anna at least send him over to the Q mansion to have an affair with Monica or Tracy OR BOTH!

    This show has me more frustrated now then ever before...even during the Guza dark ages.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. friscogh said...Stop ruining the character of Lucy.
    They haven't ruined Lucy. :) She hasn't changed a bit. :) Same old Lucy. :)

  16. The frenzy of fandom throughout the Luke and Laura years was truly amazing and hard to imagine today. I had a friend who postponed surgery because she was sure L&L would hit the sheets that week. Going on vacation was unthinkable during big story highs in their adventures. I taped all their scenes so I could write magazines features about them. Well, that's not quite why--I wanted to watch each scene over and over because I was as obsessed as every one else! GH was a national passtime in the afternoon for nearly 5 years and much of it because of TG and GF and their electrifying chemistry.

    There was no explaining it. She was what--17? He was 32 or 33. He had done quite a bit of TV, she had done only one show before GH, but she held her own with him from the beginning.

    Everyone knows about the rape, but that was not the sum of L&L in any way. We knew Luke was already in love with her, that to him she was all he yearned for. We were pretty sure she was fascinated with him, though Laura was a rather passive character and didn't give much away. Anyway, because they portrayed the whole thing from both points of view, showing his devastation at his own actions, her need to be stoic afterward because she wasn't sure whose fault it was...well, not realistic perhaps, but dramatically it was so convincing as a sort of shared tragedy that it drew them together and drew us in.

    Their first runaway story was like an unexpected gift to views, because it wasn't the usual triangle story we were thought was coming. We kept expecting Luke to be named and suffer, maybe be killed. And he wasn't! Laura forgave and finally admitted her love for him and by the time they caught the bad guys (Mr Smith), there was a new adventure. And again, viewers were held enthralled.

    Ratings were higher than any soap had EVER had.
    I hope Ron honors that, not making their reunion TOO easy, but handling it with loving care. Guza absolutely trashed it. I am one who loves him with Anna, but not if Laura is around. Doesn't matter their ages now. She is truly his love of a lifetime and he is a man who loves deeply and forever. We who watched the whole romance from the beginning know that.

  17. Soaplover, that was beautiful!!! Bravo!!! *gives you a standing O* :)



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