Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"There Will Never Be Another One Like Him"

FLASHBACK galore today! Even old old AJ ones..SK looks so young.  wow... sniff.

Skye with her daughter Lila..looking pretty old. SO GLAD they remembered her...last time Skye was on she wasn't even MENTIONED!! Robin Christopher looks DELISH!

NED!! Did you see they blurred out a face during Tracy's wedding flashback? Was that AJ?? No..that was too early. I don't get the blurry thing.  Weird..never ever seen that before. 

Olivia saw Heather when she looked at Shawn but Heather was at the counter. Eating a BLT natch LOL..she then crept to the Q's. 

Tracy in the crypt. WOW. "There were four of us and I'm the only one left"..:sobbing: 

The Q's were all squabbling all over-- yeah!! Skye catches Heather in the drawing room. They have history--!! Heather hates her because of Luke... Heather has a HUGE KNIFE on Skye. "Goodbye ALL GOBBLE GOBBLE"..and then ALICE WACKS HER with a bat. LMAO. She gets taken out in a straight jacket and Steven Larz follows. 

WONDERFUL montage of Edward..from the Nurses' Lila, with Tracy in the rose garden. Awwww ...They got pizzas from somewhere "Edward sent them"


BTW, Nancy Lee Grahn was out filming Castle when Wally was back on set so no Gatekeepers.. So sad. I guess Diane is reading the will.

Get out while you still can - Ned to Lila Rae


  1. The ending was perfect. It's exactly what long-time fans of the Q's would have wanted, and I'm so glad that "Cartini" did justice to the history of GH. RIP John Ingle. You are missed.

  2. Great show and perfect ending today. We have been missing the great GH holidays of past for way too many years. The past 10 years or so have been a big giant slap in the face for not paying homage to the GH great Quartermaine Thanksgivings. I hope they do Christmas as well as they did this episode. Remember when they had the Christmas parade at the hospital and then finished with Steve Hardy reading the Night Before Christmas and then when he was gone I think Alan did it? Oh, I hope they go back to that tradition too.

    Today was like turning the clock back. And what I wonderful, fitting, tear-jerking moment at the end. RIP John Ingle. I think he would be touched by the sendoff. Big Thank yous out to Frank and Ron for doing this episode justice.

  3. Beautifully said PM61.

  4. Such an amazing couple of episodes. The ending today was just so damn sad, yet so uplifting. Kudos to the writers and producers and actors. And thank you.

  5. Wow, that show was GREAT. The flashbacks, the memories, the ending!!

  6. They blurred out several faces. I'm thinking extras they didn't want to pay again?

  7. THis was an episode that I will remember for a long time...What a great week GH has had this week. SOmething to be thankful for that GH is nothing like it was 1 year ago

  8. The ending killed me. Thank you writers for doing justice to John Ingle and our beloved Edward Quartermaine

  9. I said the same thing about the blurring in the blog..

  10. Sorry, Karen! Didn't see that you had already said that about the blurred images.

  11. I looked it up. Lila Rae was born in 2006, so she'd be 6, so the child seemed right. It's even likely that's Robin's real daughter as she played Lila Rae as an infant.
    I honestly wasn't expecting much going in. I was a bit disappointed that Edward's death/memorial were going on this week when people are so busy & it's a short soap week. But I should have known better. What a beautiful nod to history. In days gone by Thanksgiving was Q day. We got treated to the whole family bickering and then disaster struck, leaving them to eat pizza. LOL. So what better way to memorialize Edward then Thanksgiving? It was so old school. All those wonderful flashbacks. And then the ending. That was amazing. Lila and Edward together, good body doubles, lighting and clever use of snippets of dialogue. Kudos to everyone involved. And rest in peace Anna Lee, David Lewis and John Ingle.
    @FriscoDances gosh yes, I remember that. Cast & crew members kids were often in that shot. Yes, Steve did read until he died. Then I think you're right, Alan maybe sometimes Tony? Too bad we don't really have an elder statesman on the show any more. There's Luke but he's hardly a candidate.

  12. FYI _ The blurred faces were of Savaughn and Lucky. I think they may bave been blurred to cut costs or avoid crediting them for the episode.

    All in all, excellent episode. I loved having the Q's back!!!!

  13. Today's show was great!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Kelly's: Olivia and Steve are there talking. Olivia sees Heather! Oh but wait no it's just Shawn. :) OH NO WAIT! There is Heather! In disguise! :) She goes right past Olivia and Steve. :) Olivia she is right there!!!! :)

    Michael's home: Oh Sonny cut it out!! Leave Michael alone about AJ! And Sonny just had to let Michael know HE is his father! UGH!

    Q home: Great scenes!!! I love it!!!! Ned is there! Skye is there with Lila Ray! Q's bickering! It wouldn't be Thanksgiving or any day without Q's bickering! :) I want a Ned and Alexis scene!! Please writers? And then have them back together! :) Heather is there to sneak in to see Edward's will! What did you do Heather?!! Skye sees Heather, and Heather grabs a knife, (which looks fake) and threatens her with it! While the Q's see this! Alice hits Heather with a bat! ROFL! Men with white coats take her away, while Olivia and Steve show up to see them take her away! Heather ruined all the thanksgiving food ROFL! They had to call for pizza, but the pizza place that is the only one to be opened on Thanksgiving, is being renovated! But wait! The door bell rings and so many pizza's are there! The Q's sing we gather together! Edward is there singing, An Edward and Lila reunion!!! That reunited was beautiful! I cried! It was an ugly cry! I loved all the flashbacks!!!

    Heather: She says I know something the Q's don't! Hmmmmmm?!!?! WHAT DID YOU DO HEATHER?!!?! :)

    1. I was right there ugly crying too. The last ten minutes of the show was so well written and put together. The flashbacks of some great moments and the ending was such a beautiful fitting surprise. Edward and Lila walking away together. "Cartini" is amazing, they are making the wrongs right. Take note, this is daytime television at its best! And Heather was soooo creepy, chanting at the end.

  14. Loved the bickering Q's but the Heather cameo made it all the better. Robin Masterson as Heather is by turns hilarious and creepy and plays insane about better than anyone...So good to see how it all came together with the upset meal and the will.
    Good to see Ned and Skye back too - both actors slid right back into the roles without missing a beat.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Beautifully done and befitting such a deserving person. It was wonderful to see Skye and Ned, and those flashbacks were just fabulous. That's why having these vets around is so rewarding.

  16. Today was beautiful, I too shed many tears. I absolutely loved the ending with Edward and Lila hand-in-hand walking up the stairs. So touching.

    I too, wondered if young Lila Rae was played by Robin Christopher's real-life daughter.

    And I also got some chills with Heather's "I know something the Q's don't know"...especially after Steve mentioning to Lisa that Edward was married to Heather for a brief moment, then had the marriage annulled.

    These past two days were beautifully done in tribute to both character and actor, John Ingle will be missed.

  17. I agree with Love4dogs: Those people were probably blurred so the network would not have to pay them residuals!

  18. Loved the Qs today. It ended up being a typical Q Thanksgiving after all, right down to the pizzas! Great to see Ned and Skye again too. That last scene with the Edward and Lila doubles walking up the stairs into the light was a perfect ending to a loving, well-done tribute.

  19. The faces that were blurred out were siobhan, lucky, nikolas, and brooke lynn.

  20. I watched the Edward and Lila scene again on youtube, and I cried again! :( Lila was a wonderful woman! :( But she also had a backbone. You don't want to mess with her. :) She wasn't afraid to kick her out daughter out of the house when Tracy was being bad! :)

  21. I will say this. I will state it simply...

    The BEST episode of GH I have ever seen. Absolutely awesome. What a way to remember the legend!



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