Thursday, October 26, 2017


NOTE: OMG--trying to live tweet and blog this is exhausting. The show is going so fast an there are a lot of clues dropping. Doing my best to bring it all to you but-- oy, it's tough. You may have to watch to get the details!! 

Party is starting!!  Alexis and Molly are there, Krissy is in Portland. David Bensch was supposed to come with Alexis BUT-- he's at #GH ....

Liz is all dressed up and ready to go. Franco doesn't want to --the thinks they don't want to see him.
Sam and Miller show up at the launch. The goonies are serving drinks. They look so out of place.  Everyone is congratulating Killy on the Media company.
GrAva walk in. Carly asks "Why the HELL are you here"? Throws them out. They don't leave though and listen to Sam and Jason Miller's speech about the new company. It's name is "Aurora" meaning new day. It's also the town they were going to move to when they wanted to leave Port Charles awhile ago. 

Griffin recognizes the Goonies from Russia!! He tells Dante-- Dante tells Miller to get the goons out of there. GUNS OUT! Everyone hits the floor!! Welp, that escalated!! 

Melle-- Michael is NOT Happy about the tickets to the show. He found out that Nina didn't get them for her. Nelle says she bought them. Michael then asks why his mom knows the are moving in together. She hedges, then says she told her that because Carly is mean to her. Michael says, you're a liar--and you can't come to the party!! He wants to break up with her.  Nelle gets really mad-- wonders if he thinks she killed her husband. Michael says no, but she lies all the time and he's done. She says "But you said you loved me". He leaves her apt key. Nelle breaths heavily. Looks a bit psyho. That could have been her trigger!! 

Maddox talking to Dr. Klein, He's all: "GET PATIENT 6 before anyone knows the truth!!  Franco is getting too close to the Andrew story!!"  So Dr. Klein says "let's throw him off the trail".  I think he gives him a fake death certificate for Drew. Then Franco barges in and says "Who's this" to Dr. Klein.  Klein says he's a patient and leaves. Franco tells Maddox Jake saw "Jason" and says Drew has to be alive.  Dr. Maddox says "don't believe a 10 year old"!  Tomorrow, he'll give Franco the 'death certificate'. 

Cripes Jason and Sonny all crying again. Sonny is saying ' a lot rides on this, my biz, my family (not sure what "THIS" Is.??) Then says "When Carly sees you, she's gonna lose her mind. Her Jason--OUR Jason..ALIVE"!!!  tears. LOL. It's pretty funny now. 
Jason asks about Jake--Sonny says yes, he's alive. Jason staggers back...asks how, he saw him! He was brain dead. Sonny says it was staged by Helena. Jason has to sit down. Sonny pours them a drink. 
Sonny says no matter what, welcome home. 
THEN, when he's telling Jason the whole kidney story and then about the clinic and how Miller escaped with Robin's help, Burton finds out ROBIN IS ALIVE! ahaha. His head is spinning. Sonny's tells him to take another drink!  Sonny tells him about Robin's ordeal but she's happy now.  Then they talk about Jason Miller. Sonny tells him why they all believed it was Jason.  He says he was with Liz when he first got to town as "John Doe"--- and that Jake thinks of him as his Dad.  Burton wonders if Miller could have been in on this since day one, along with Helena. Sonny tells him he doesn't think so. Jason Miller never wanted to be "Jason Morgan" or be in the business. He wanted to just be himself. He wasn't trying to take over Jason's life.  
Sonny says he has to tell Carly he's alive. Jason is NO! People are after me. Sonny is all "She'll kill me"!! (ahaaha she will) Jason doesn't want to tell Sam because she's so happy with Billy Miller. Sonny says she is but something is "off" and he has to tell her he's alive. 

PHEWWWW! I need a nap! 


  1. Okay, I may have missed something but what was up with Sonny dissing Jason Miller to Jason Burton? All the "he don't know me" stuff. And yes Sonny, Carly will kill you if you keep this a secret.

  2. Can't wait to get home and watch!! I hope the death certificate thing doesn't happen. Everyone needs to know about the twin thimg.

  3. I don't think you notice this
    Now we can change GH's theme to "Everywhere you look" from Full/Fuller House!

  4. Looks like Laura W. got her seemingly unemployed bf a job at GH.

  5. Re: everyone needs to know about the twin thing

    They can come out with all of the fake death certificates they want . . . once everyone besides Sonny finds out Jason Burton is back, it's pretty obvious that Jason Miller is Drew. Or, you know, that one of them is. Whatever.

    I'm surprised they're bringing Maddox in as a bad guy. The writers probably don't even know right now who they're planning on having be the person who had Jason Burton kidnapped to that clinic.

  6. A lot happened today ... I like it! This two Jasons story is so good! Does Jason know that Danny is his bio kid?

  7. They haven't mentioned Dannhy yet, Paul773.

    kd said...Nelle breaths heavily. Looks a bit psyho. That could have been her trigger!!

    And judging by that look on her face, I hope Michael doesn't have a pet rabbit. lol

  8. I like Sam with Jason Miller anyway -----reunion between Sonny and Jason is SO much better than anything with Sam - plus she talks so low I wouldn't be able to understand her AND the reunion with Jason-Carly ------Jason-Michael is what I want...
    WHERE THE HECK IS DILLON??????? and whoever thought we wanted Claudette back is stupid.......we don't.......

  9. Thanks, Di!

    Barbara - Sam mumbles so much ...

  10. OK, I didn't finish watching yet, but, so far, Jason has not asked about his Mother, Monica, this is bugging me no end. . .

    On a good note, they actually sprang for extras at the party!! It is so awful that all of the weddings lately had, like, 4 people attending, I hope that tptb are going to start populating larger events. . .

  11. Also, it is so funny, Sonny telling Jason all of the folks that came back from the "dead." I think that, by now, almost all of PC would fit into that category, it is like Zombitown . . .

  12. Sonny HAD to "badmouth" Miller and say "he had a feeling" because-- they are backtracking LOL. They did start this about a month ago when we knew Burton was back. All of a sudden "Jason is acting weird" was popping up

  13. SONNY KNOWS ALL! ::: eye roll :::

  14. Di said...

    And judging by that look on her face, I hope Michael doesn't have a pet rabbit. lol

    ** No boiling bunnies!


  15. kdmask said...

    Sonny HAD to "badmouth" Miller and say "he had a feeling" because-- they are backtracking LOL. They did start this about a month ago when we knew Burton was back. All of a sudden "Jason is acting weird" was popping up.

    ** This type of stuff is definitely one of the things that most annoys me, since it's just such a sudden reversal of direction, and comes across so damn ridiculously.


  16. ROFL Poor Karen. :)


    Melle: Michael wins the line of the day.

    Michael: It's called irreconcilable differences.


    Janey: Your mom is a big fat meanie!!!! So is Bobbie!!!

    Michael: You keep lying!!!! It's over!!!

    *Michael leaves and Janey breaths hard and looks like she is going to turn into the incredible hulk*

    So glad Michael broke up with her! YAY!!!

    The safehouse:

    Sason: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes Jason! Jake is ALIVE!!!! Robin is ALIVE!!!! Well hey this is Port Chuckles! Land of people coming back from the dead! :) Oh yes and Morgan is dead, but really this is Port Chuckles. :) And oh Ava and Sonny have a daughter!!! Morgan and Ava used to date!!!! Poor Jason! Yes sit down and have a drink! :)

    Ava's home:

    Grava: Yes call the police!!! No better yet go to the party! ROFL!

    The hospital/Maddox's office:

    Bad guy and Maddox: Do you really think BobTodd will buy the death certificate?

    BobTodd and Maddox: Poor BobTodd is so struggling!!!!!

    The pier:

    2 bad guys: Man they are hot! :)

    The Metrocourt/party: PARTY TIME!!! The name for the media company is Paint and Wall media! Oops I mean Aurora.. Bad guys just standing there with the drinks on the tray ROFL! At least Carly noticed hahahahahaha. Glad Griffy noticed the bad guys and told Dante!!! :) Too bad Dr. Benchy couldn't make it! OH OH THE BAD GUYS THE BAD GUYS!!! GUNS!!! Awww Drew saved a woman. How sweet. :)

  17. "LSV422 said..Looks like Laura W. got her seemingly unemployed bf a job at GH."

    Huh?? She has a boyfriend and he was on?!!?! Where was he? Was he the one at the pier who was hired by the bad guy?

  18. Sonya, see Karen's post above about Wes Ramsey. Not on yet!

  19. I thought Molly looked so pretty. Why isn't she on more, or TJ, to appeal to the younger set? Both are good actors and so likable. Yeah, Jason hasn't asked about his mom. If I remember correctly didn't he not know Danny was his before he "died"? Ha, the not dead after all lineup. Carly needs to tone down-she could have been a bit more discreet asking Ava to leave. She is such a loudmouth. Nelle has got to be on her way out hopefully. Maxie should have been at the party and Curtis, Jason M's only other friend. I am really enjoying watching Stevie B!

  20. I'm enjoying this and I only pray that the end result is not something stupid.

  21. "LSV422 said...Sonya, see Karen's post above about Wes Ramsey. Not on yet!"

    Oh I read it, but I didn't know that he is Laura's boyfriend!! :)

  22. LSV422 said...

    If I remember correctly didn't he not know Danny was his before he "died"?

    ** Yep. He had JUST brought Sam and Danny home from the hospital. After getting them settled in, that's when he got the call from Bernie that he needed to talk to him on the pier. Once he got down there, he saw Bernie bleeding out and pretty much died in his arms. That's when Faison came in, shoots Jason in the back, then kicked him into the water. He knew Danny was actually his son. But not for very long.


  23. "K says He knew Danny was actually his son. But not for very long."

    Wait who knew? Faison or Jason? I don't remember Jason knowing Danny was his. When did Jason find out?

  24. sonya said...

    Wait who knew? Faison or Jason? I don't remember Jason knowing Danny was his. When did Jason find out?

    ** Jason. He had JUST brought Sam and Danny home from the hospital, after learning that Danny was actually his son, and not the baby that Todd had "delivered" from Tea (which was stillborn at birth, ((Yet again, Todd's heart was in the right place at the time, but like damn near everything else he did, just made things worse)) and "swapped" with Danny. Essentially he learned Danny was his, the day he "died".




Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...