Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Rules of Divorce

Ned is leaving ELQ-- and running for mayor. Hmmmm, ok. that might be interesting.  Olivia is glad he's out of ELQ. 

So, this new character? The guy from BJ and the Bear? Oh, he's James someone-- he seems to be buying up Charles' Street.
Alexis tells Molly that she can't go all out after the landlord. Molly is confused. I'm confused.  Something about Curtis? I must have missed that day. 

Laura and Liz-- nice to have them have some coffee together. Laura explains why she loves Kevin. Tells Liz sometimes you just has to "go for it". Liz smiles. 

Laura goes to The PUB and sees Jim Harvey (the guy buying up property). She sits to talk about the redevelopment project with him.  Laura wants to know how the redevelopment will help families and kids.  He won't compromise..he thinks the neighborhood will reach his full potential. She's like Nope. 

Kevin stops in Franco's office. They talk about Kevin's rage-brother-twin Ryan.  Kevin analyzes Franco's painting. He sees "peace" in the painting. That damn painting has been dragged around more than the egg salad one!

Franco comes home. Liz wants to set a wedding date.  He says let's do it! She wonders about Feb-- and then Franco starts chugging milk, strangely and then has to go get more at the store. I think he's trying to get out of the house? 

Carly and Michael...Carly told him Nelle's working at Ava's gallery. Carly thinks she's going to be influenced by Ava. (to be more devious). Michael says he has to play along with Nell, and make her think she's going to win him over. Michael knows what it's like to be in a tug of war as a baby/kid. He doesn't want that. 

Michael goes to Ned's table and tells him that the company strength comes from being a family. Michael is sorry if he didn't respect Ned enough.   Ned thinks that means Michael wants to do the Charles Street project. He says NOPE, I wanted you to run the South American division. Ned is like: SOUTH AMERICA?? Ned is like, are you scared of me?? Is that why you want me to work in the boonies? Do you think it will be obvious if I stay here everyone would know I should be running the company, not you??  Ned won't go back. Olivia says he should run for mayor. Ned is thinking of it. 

Carly and Olivia talk,. Olivia is #TeamCarly when it comes to Nell. Olivia's like, I'm down to get that bitch lol. 

Jason and Sam are still technically married. Sam needs a divorce from Jason--he says ok. "It's really important to me and my family"-- Jason says he gets it and draw the papers up and he'll sign them. They have to have a reason for the divorce in the state of NY even if it's uncontested. They look through the reasons and don't find a good one at first. She apologizes for New Year's Eve kiss. They wouldn't change the past though, and aren't regretting they got married. Jason just wants to make Sam happy. If divorcing her will make her happy, he'll do it. Sam says Jason made her really happy back then and he helped her be "whole". Jason said he couldn't give Sam the life she wanted (Baby, stable family).  
They choose 'irreconcilable differences" for the divorce reason.  "Because I love you and you love him". Jason leaves. 

Jason goes to the Metro-- and Carly just blabbers to Jason about Nelle and on and on.  Carly's like WAIT: You were WITH SAM at her office right? Jason says: Yep, but she wants a divorce. 

Sam calls Alexis in to do the divorce for her. Then she pops out with "We kissed on New Years, Mom"!! It was like being transported to the past--we have to let go now.  Alexis thinks Sam shouldn't do anything (like Marrying Drew) right away until she's thought about things and knows what she wants.  Sam says she does love Drew and knows it so Alexis says "let's get you that divorce'! 

SO James Harvey knew Bobby Frank when he was a kid.... Franco comes back. "Bobby Frank, Man have you grown". He says Franco is all @@ 

UPSHOT: Both Ned and Laura agree to run for Mayor. Wonder who's GOP and who's DEM? LOL LET ME GUESS....hmmmm.. 


  1. Karen, Curtis is investigating the landlord, I guess to see whom he has ties to, if he's dangerous, etc. I think Alexis asked him to do this?

  2. Oh there you are Karen!!! :) I put my comments for today on yesterday's blog.. I deleted it and I will put it here.

    Charlie's pub: Is Julian going to change the name of the bar to Julian's pub? :)

    Molly and Julian: Oh Molly stop being rude to Julian! He isn't doing anything to you!!! He is not being rude to you! UGH!

    Jim and Laura: Hey that Jim guy, I looked him up, and he was on my two dads!!! He played Joey one of the dads! I didn't even recognize him! The actor was hot then and still is!!! :) Great scene with Jim and Laura.

    Doc and Laura: I knew Laura would change her mind! I mean after that conversation that she had with Jim.

    The hospital/BobTodd's art studio:

    BobTodd and Doc: Oh I hate that painting!!!! Burn it UGH!

    Doc: You know, I have a twin.

    RYAN CHAMBERLYN!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Friz's home:

    Friz: Awwwww! Love it!! :)

    Liz and Laura: Great scene!!!

    Friz and Jim: HOLY CRAP!!!! I bet BobTodd is peeing in his pants!!!! :)

    Paint and Wall media:

    Jasam: More eye sex and more desperate Sam.

    Sam: You made me whole.


    Sam: Or at least you got me to a place where I could become whole.

    Ah that's a better line.

    Alexis and Sam: I think Alexis can see right through desperate Sam. Alexis can probably smell it!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Jason: So basically,

    Jason: Sam wants a divorce.

    Carly: What?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! She is so desperate and rushing into a marriage cus she is scared!! She wants safe and security!

    Jason: Carly let it go!

    Jason wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Yeah she does. The same way I love Jax. Who's a better guy than Jax?

    Jason: Um.

    BAHAHAHAHHHAHA! And the look on his face!!! ROFL! Alexis would have won the joke of the day with her huh what after Sam told her that she and Jason kissed, but Jason and his line with the look on his face, wins! :)

    Carly and Michael: Great scene!!!! :)

    Michael and Ned: YAY! More Q bickering!!! Love that! :)

    Ned and Olivia:

    Me: Come on Ned!!! Run for Mayor!!!!! :)

    Ned: I'm running for mayor.

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have competition Ned! Laura threw her hat in!!! I hope you win Ned!!!

  3. Greg Evigan character knew Franco growing up?? I like this. Hope he stays. GE is still hot. I fell asleep so will have to watch what I missed.


    ...My sentiments exactly. She's an alcoholic who supposedly wants Julian to stay away from her. That makes no sense. If she doesn't have an office to work at why doesn't she hang out at a coffee house or Kelly's?

    Kd said...Franco starts chugging milk, strangely

    ...I think it's just Roger playing it for laughs again, chugging milk like a 12 or 13 year old.

    Carly's shrill complaining got to me today. If I'd heard her shreik Nell's one more time I would have puctured my ear drums so I FF'd through it.

    Ned and Laura running against each other in the mayoral race should be fun.

  5. I don't know if Sam actually needed to get a divorce, as Jason was pronounced dead.

    I hope the Mayor's race adds more candidates.Throw in Jordan into the race, as she is the police chief and have Obrect run as the 3rd party wack-a-doo candidate(" Letz make Port Charlez into a new Berlin!!").

  6. AntJoan said...

    Karen, Curtis is investigating the landlord, I guess to see whom he has ties to, if he's dangerous, etc. I think Alexis asked him to do this?

    ** He offered to do it on his own, when everyone ended up at Julian's bar, after Molly and TJ's landlord shut off the heat in their building on X-Mas eve, when they had everyone over at their appt for dinner. So they all relocated to Julian's bar, which is right across the street. Since he isn't a cop or fed, he can use other methods in his investigation. Which Alexis pointed out, as long as he doesn't tell her how.


  7. Michelle Latta said...

    Greg Evigan character knew Franco growing up?? I like this. Hope he stays. GE is still hot. I fell asleep so will have to watch what I missed.

    ** The look on Franco's face, when he sees him, is great! :)


  8. I think the Jim Harvey guy is either a great actor, PERFECT for the part, or both!

    I think that someone has to be missing for 7 years to be officially pronounced dead, but I could be wrong.

    As for Alexis going into Julian's bar, I think she goes there to meet specific people, like Molly, who lives across the street, plus other stuff keeps happening to throw her in there. However, as a recovering alcoholic and Julianaholic, everyone should be considerate of her and offer to meet elsewhere.

  9. I like the actor playing Jim Harvey--but we also have JDP running around still? Maybe? (David Bensch, aka Max Holden)... where's he been? Last time he was on was Thanksgiving. I think he might be the evil landlord but if he's not on, again this will be A NOTHING BURGER like the drug story was.

  10. I can't stand to see that idiot Franco with that painting anymore or that dumb storyline, but seeing a guy from his past could be interesting. Carly needs to shut up! And I also wonder why Alexis and Molly, who hates Julian, keep going to his bar just to keep harassing him. I like that he has a new business but why don't they just meet at Kelly's? Carly owns the Metro Court - why is she always at the bar? Looking forward to more Anna and Finn today! Lovely Liz and Laura scene!

  11. I actually like the paintings continued reference. To me it shows that Franco is a hell of a lot deeper of a character than given credit for. It's going to be a big key to story with Drew and Franco.It's part of Franco's redemption. Roger was given a huge brick wall with this character and look what he's done. Great actor.

  12. I also love the Liz and Laura scenes. Liz was her daughter-in-law, and the way that Laura talks to her--calling her sweetie, honey, etc.--is the way you would speak to your daughter-in-law, granddaughter, niece, etc. It reminded me yet again that this is how Parker speaks to Krissy--same tone, same terms of endearment that Laura uses with Liz.

  13. Since Jordan is a fictional character is it OK for me to hate her?

  14. Yes, Cheryl. I definitely moved her to my dislike list after today. That was just plain mean. Hell, that was Carly mean!!

    1. I love Anna and Finn and when Jordan told him that I wanted to slap her! The look on Finns face. 😓 I hope they can get it back, they make a surprisingly good couple. ♥️

  15. AntJoan said...

    I think that someone has to be missing for 7 years to be officially pronounced dead, but I could be wrong.

    ** It varies with each individual state. But, 7 years is the most common time length used. And there are several other criteria that have to be met also:


    As for Alexis going into Julian's bar, I think she goes there to meet specific people, like Molly, who lives across the street, plus other stuff keeps happening to throw her in there. However, as a recovering alcoholic and Julianaholic, everyone should be considerate of her and offer to meet elsewhere.

    ** Proximity is definitely what I was thinking, too. (And it's a brand new set, so it HAS to be used often, still.) Molly has been the most hypocritical, though. On Christmas Eve, when the power was off, it made total sense. But, since then she's been in there several more times.


  16. kdmask said...

    I like the actor playing Jim Harvey--but we also have JDP running around still? Maybe? (David Bensch, aka Max Holden)... where's he been? Last time he was on was Thanksgiving. I think he might be the evil landlord but if he's not on, again this will be A NOTHING BURGER like the drug story was.

    ** Yeah, that definitely is Greg Evigan as Jim Harvey. (I still have no idea why I didn't catch it, the first time) I agree, he's great for the role. It's nice to see him in another dramatic role, since he's known primarily from his comedic ones. And JDP IS still there. From the interviews of him, and the writers I've read have all said that the character (for now at least) won't be driving story. There are some ideas that might come to light, but this character was conceived as a "support" character originally. A big reason being that of "easing" JDP back into soaps again. Since he's been out of acting and what not, and everything he and KDP have gone through in the last decade or so. He did a GREAT interview in SOD shortly after he first started airing again. There will be more to his character and what not, but the slow pace has been deliberate. Another big reason was to see how he fit in with the rest of the cast and what not. I'm just very grateful to have him back in soaps, period, myself.


  17. Di said...

    Yes, Cheryl. I definitely moved her to my dislike list after today. That was just plain mean. Hell, that was Carly mean!!

    ** I've never been a real big fan of the character in the first place, and my opinion of her pretty much just went downwards from there. But yeah, that was it for me too. It was just uncalled for.

    She NEVER should have been given the job of heading up the PCPD in the first place, IMO.

    It was Lomax who hired her for it, IIRC.


  18. Michelle Latta said...

    I love Anna and Finn and when Jordan told him that I wanted to slap her! The look on Finns face. 😓 I hope they can get it back, they make a surprisingly good couple. ♥️

    ** I'm still on the fence somewhat, myself. I have to give it a bit more time. There have only been 3 people who I think really `got' her and really understood who and what she is. So, I'm just keeping the possibility open, for now.


  19. I was shocked when Jim Harvey said he dated Franco's mother. I thought he was going to say that he knew Franco when they were children together. I thought he and Franco were close in age, is Jim supposed to be old enough to be his father?

  20. OK, so I looked this up, and was shocked. The Jim H actor is 64!! Wow, does he look amazing! Then I looked up Roger, he is 49!! Looks amazing also. I thought that Roger was 40ish (like Liz), and Jim H maybe 50ish at most. Well, still, if Roger is 49 and Jim is 64, he still is not really old enough to be Roger's father, but I guess he could've been dating his mother. . .

    1. Haha! Ant Joan I did the same!! 15 yr age difference I think, I was like whaaa? But still I like the storyline and GE. Hopefully it'll be good.

  21. I thought yesterday's dialogue was excellent - clever and sharp, and really well written. I liked the Nina/Valentin twist to the Cassandra stabbing - I didn't see that coming at all. I really like Greg E., too - his character is appealing but definitely smarmy. It was funny that Franco bought only a quart of milk when there are supposedly 5 living in that house, LOL.

  22. Forgot to mention - don't know if anyone else saw this in Twitter. Sarah Brown said that when she was on GH and after winning 3 Emmy awards, she was being paid less than half of what Maurice and Stevie B. were making.

  23. K said...She NEVER should have been given the job of heading up the PCPD in the first place, IMO.

    It was Lomax who hired her for it, IIRC.

    *** I didn't either. She was too young and inexperienced. She should go out with Lomax's administration. Maybe they could hire Anna and then we might actually see the PCPD solving some cases.

    I also liked the Nina twist on the stabbing and the way Anna just made peace with it as she would have done the same to protect Fin. That was a good scene. I loved their little half smiles as they parted. Good work writers!!

  24. P.S. Greg is doing a great job. His character is definitely smarmy.

  25. Last 2 episodes so much better than prior 2. Acting and some of the stories superor.

  26. OK, I STILL don't understand why Cassie was left alone in Anna's house? She went with Finn to the hospital and left Cassie lying there? First off, the ambulance would have taken Cassie also. Why wouldn't they? So the medical workers and Anna just left Cassie lying there with a needle in her chest? Can someone PLEASE explain this to me?

    1. I thought they found Cassies body in an alley near the docks or something like that? Alexis is so addicted to Julian it is so painful to watch her with him. It brings me back to the Luke & Laura phenom which made my stomach turn too. Ill never understand turning a rape into a romance. Sorry,I hope I don't offend anyone. Pls pray for the people in Cali affected by the fires and now the mudslides. Have a blessed day!

  27. AntJoan said...

    I was shocked when Jim Harvey said he dated Franco's mother. I thought he was going to say that he knew Franco when they were children together. I thought he and Franco were close in age, is Jim supposed to be old enough to be his father?

    ** Yeah. Greg Evigan has aged VERY well. I completely forgot about the difference too, until he said that. But, I'm thinking it's mainly so they can have a "witness" to Franco "pushing" Drew.


  28. AntJoan said...

    OK, I STILL don't understand why Cassie was left alone in Anna's house? She went with Finn to the hospital and left Cassie lying there? First off, the ambulance would have taken Cassie also. Why wouldn't they? So the medical workers and Anna just left Cassie lying there with a needle in her chest? Can someone PLEASE explain this to me?

    ** If you can, make sure to watch Wednesday's show. EVERYTHING gets explained. (Which is why I don't want to go into details, if you still have the the ability to watch it. If not, I'll gladly go into detail. It's just worth watching if possible, IMO)


  29. Di said...

    *** I didn't either. She was too young and inexperienced. She should go out with Lomax's administration. Maybe they could hire Anna and then we might actually see the PCPD solving some cases.

    ** She's just been a huge embarrassment from the start. I wouldn't necessarily say she was too young. Anna was younger than her, when she was first in charge. (Granted that was when she was doing the "Co-Chief" thing with Burt Ramsay at the time. And we know how well THAT turned out to be)). Jordan was definitely far too inexperienced, though. She definitely came off as an incredibly inept DEA agent.

    I also liked the Nina twist on the stabbing and the way Anna just made peace with it as she would have done the same to protect Fin. That was a good scene. I loved their little half smiles as they parted. Good work writers!!

    ** I didn't see that coming, at all. But it fit perfectly. :)

    P.S. Greg is doing a great job. His character is definitely smarmy

    ** He is! He's one of those people that one would never think that would do a soap. It's nice to see him doing more dramatic work. I've seen him do some once in awhile over the years, but he's best known for his comedic stuff



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...