Dr. O just flounces out of the tunnels at Wyndemere, gas-happy!! Dante is glad Lulu is ok. He gets a phone call from Jordan about Nathan. Nina is there with Val. Ut--OH!! So is Dr. O!!
NOTE: Lucas. who was on Friday and came with Nathan to GH--and told Maxie he'd "Be with him" is EVAPORATED TODAY!! Griffin is going to operate.
Anna talks to Jason about Faison. Jason says "one way or the other, Faison is done" They go to GH.
Faison gets into the OR first...Maxie freaks out. They should take Nate but?? Anyway, Faison is out of surgery in about 3 minutes. Anna goes into his room. He wakes up. She says "we have to talk". He says "I shot the wrong one"...Anna says "you mean Heinrich"?? He talks a bit and says "Cassadines"-- then Finn comes in and chases her out.
Maxie explains to Jordan what happened. She doesn't think Peter was shot? I thought he was! Jason comes over later to tell her that he'll take care of Faison if he lives. Dr. O, Nina and Val get to GH. Dr. O wants to operate on Nathan. Everyone is like, no you can't--Nina is very upset seeing Nathans's blood on Maxie's coat.
August didn't meet Anna, he went to the Metro instead. He wants his iPad or something?? He wasn't shot? Why did he lay on the ground then?? Huh? Oh, he tells Jordan that he 'dove for cover and hit his head"...doesn't remember much. lol. Out in the lobby of the PCPD, Dante yells at him for starting all of this. Lulu says it's her fault too.
END: SO Peter August goes to the garbage can outside the metro and finds the bullet proof VEST he threw out. The bullet is in there. So--there ya go.
Dr. O says she never should have claimed Nate as her son -- Faison wouldn't have found him then. Maxie says stop it, he loves you and will want to see you when he wakes up. Dr. O calls Maxie "Daughter" Awww. Then Griffin comes out and everyone is like: HOW IS HE??
END. SO, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
What is going on with GH? They let Genie go and SOD and SID magazines just pass over it like it was Genie taking a little time off. Were they told to play it down? Viewers are really outraged over this dumb move by TPTB and petitions are flying! This is the BIG news of the month.
ReplyDeleteI know Jason and Sam and Drew and so on are supposed to be the important characters--but I've never been especially fond of any of them or cared much what their stories were. I'm a tolerant fan, up to a point, but losing Genie when I've put up with the tiresome people like Sonny and Carly and Sam and Jason...really infuriating. I sit thru their weary stories while I wait to see Anna and Finn and Laura and Kevin--and try no to complain. But letting Genie go is just too much! It makes no sense!
I have called the GH number provided here, and also wrote a letter to FV. I also have asked others to call. I hope that we all are calling, writing letters, etc., for Genie--and that those on social media are fighting hard! We got our Becky back, WE MUST GET GENIE BACK!!
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteI have called the GH number provided here, and also wrote a letter to FV. I also have asked others to call. I hope that we all are calling, writing letters, etc., for Genie--and that those on social media are fighting hard! We got our Becky back, WE MUST GET GENIE BACK!!
** I REALLY hope we can do something. I've called the #. It doesn't help that the biggest reason ABC likes FV, is that he essentially does EVERYTHING as cheaply as he possibly can. Which is great sure, by helping to keep the show on longer. But, it's kind of a pyrrhic victory really, since it results in the show being trimmed and pared down so much, it drives away viewers, especially the those who have been watching for such a long time. Which these days that's the biggest group of viewers with soaps. There just aren't a lot of "new" younger viewers getting introduced by an older relative/friend, whatever. Like I'd be willing to bet most if not everyone here were. I'm sure there are SOME new viewers out there these days, just not enough to focus on, like in the past.
The hospital:
ReplyDeleteMaxie: Save Nathan's life!!!! You can't have Faison get surgery first!!!! Nathan should be first!!!! You have only 1 doctor who can operate!!! Let it be Nathan!!!! Let Faison die!!! WAIT! Nathan I will be right here when you get out of surgery! WAIT! Griffin you two have history but take care of him!!!!
Damn for a woman who wants desperately for them to operate on Nathan, she sure won't let them!!! Shut up Maxie and let them do their job! DAMN!
Faison's room:
Anna and Faison: Give him a little kiss.. He will feel SO much better. :)
Wyndemere: Oh look! Maxie's hair isn't frizzy anymore and Dr. O is still drunk. Damn I want that gas. :)
Police station:
Auggie and Dante:
Dante: This is all your fault!!!
Lulu: No it's all my fault!
Ah Sonya - "give him a little kiss", haha! Great show yesterday! KS is doing a terrific job! Wonderful to see Nina, Dr. O and Maxie together, but why wasn't there a police guard for Faison, a world renowned and wanted criminal? Did Peter have the vest because he is actually a cop or was expecting Faison/Dad to shoot him? Lulu's stupidity is really why Nathan got shot. And yes, let's keep the bring Genie back campaign going.
I think August was wearing the vest because he was planning on going to the meeting, just lucky for him he already had it on when he got shot. I also think that having Nathan in uniform was on purpose so that Faison would mistake him for a beat cop, he didn't even realize that it was Nathan until Maxie said his name. I'm still confused as to what this has to do with Jason and Drew and the Cassadines. The Cassadines stole Henrik? Then Henrik switched the twins to screw over Faison? I'm still confused, guess we'll see
ReplyDeleteI'm confused too...
DeleteYou want soapy drama? Faison requires a transplant and Maxie, a transplant recipient, has to decide whether to pull the plug on Nathan and donate his organs
ReplyDeleteH-e-l-l NO. JUST NO NO NO.
DeleteAlicia said...
ReplyDeleteI also think that having Nathan in uniform was on purpose so that Faison would mistake him for a beat cop, he didn't even realize that it was Nathan until Maxie said his name.
** To me it looked like Faison got a brief glance at Nathan's reflection on the monitor, just enough to see that whoever it was they had a gun, so he fired on instinct, shooting Nathan. I don't think Faison got a long enough look at him even, to see the uniform, before he shot.
friscogh said...
ReplyDeleteYou want soapy drama? Faison requires a transplant and Maxie, a transplant recipient, has to decide whether to pull the plug on Nathan and donate his organs.
** I really wish they had just gone the coma/recast route this time.
"LSV422 said...Ah Sonya - "give him a little kiss", haha!"
"Great show yesterday! KS is doing a terrific job!"
Yeah the acting is great, but the dialog, it could have been better.