Lucas was on...talking to Bobbie and Carly about adopting a baby. No BRAD tho.
Sonny tells Anna "We are playing by my rules" ... um.. SHE'S WSB--shut the freak UP!!
Lulu and Dr. O are getting gassed in the stables. Dr. O is like "I'm just going to fall asleep"--Lulu tries to get out.

So at Crimson, Faison shoots Peter August-- takes Maxie to the foyer of Crimson. Meanwhile, Nathan runs up to save Maxie. Faison shoots him--Faison didn't realize it was his son-until Maxie said "Nathan". SO, Faison shoots Nate just like Sonny shot Dante! So--next, August is out in the foyer with a gun aiming at Faison and Faison runs.
LUCAS goes up to Crimson to see if he can help.
Later, Sonny tries to get into the hotel and Dante says NOPE. He gets all huffy and Jordan says "I'll arrest you if you go in there". Carly sends the doorman/desk guy outside. And BOOM! Faison was hiding and grabbed her!! They go towards the door and guess who POPS OUT?? WHY it's ST. JAYSUS!!
AHAHAHHAA. He totally SHOOTS Faison BOOM Faison is still alive tho. He tells Dante he'd better hope he stays alive so he can find Lulu. Peter August tells them Lulu went to Wyndemere. Everyone runs.
Dante and PCPD guy get to the stables and bust through the door but they cut to Jason and Carly (I think Lulu climbed into the holes to the tunnel)
Anna is waiting for "Heinrich" and Peter shows up lurking in the bushes. Oh, Anna has a LOT of Faison flashbacks.
Faison and Nathan are both wheeled into GH--Finn takes Faison and Lucas takes Nathan.
If Peter is Heinrich, wouldn't Faison have recognized him?
ReplyDeleteWith all this commotion, did Carly still have time to tell Jason he needs to be with Sam and try to plot a way for Sam and Jason to be together?
ReplyDeleteI'm disgusted by the contract news today. I really think I am done with this show. I know, I have said it before. And my disgust has always been about storylines and writing. But now...
So unfair.
What was the contract news?
ReplyDeleteAuggy and Faison: Oh shoot!!! (no pun intended) Faison just had to see Auggy in the laptop screen!!! GAH!!! :(
Nathan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't die Nathan!!!! I heard rumors he was going to die! Crap crap crap! :(
Metrocourt hotel:
Lucas, Bobbie, and Carly: LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! Where is Brad? Gee Lucas why are you so nervous? I was thinking, he and Brad gonna get a divorce or adopt a baby? Carly wins the line of the day.
Carly: We know you're gay.
BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! That cracked me up! :) Oh Brucas are gonna adopt a baby! YAY!! :) Where is Brad? He should be there with Lucas to tell them!!!! COME ON WRITERS! Details please!
Carly and Faison: Oh oh! Oh and yes you are right Karen! St Jaysus saves the day ROFL!
Carly and Jason: Geez is Carly going to suffer from PTSD?
The hospital:
HamFinn and Alexis: Great scene!!! Yes HamFinn, Alexis should be your sponsor!!!! Great idea! :)
HamFinn and Anna: Come on kiss already!!!!! Boy today HamFinn really likes the word, obsessed hahahaha. He said it more than once. ROFL! :)
Maxie: Gee I was thinking she was going to pass out!
Nathan and Faison: Gee the EMT's didn't want to say their ages? Nathan is what 30? Faison is what 145? ROFL!
Wyndemere stables:
Dr. O and Lulu: Wow! That poison makes Lulu's hair frizzy, and makes Dr. O drunk ROFL!
"david said...With all this commotion, did Carly still have time to tell Jason he needs to be with Sam and try to plot a way for Sam and Jason to be together?"
Hahahaha no! :) But I was wondering if she was going to! :)
Has it been confirmed that Ryan Paevey is leaving the show?
ReplyDeletedid anyone else think maxie's pink coat with blood on it reminded them of jackie kennedy's pink coat
ReplyDeleteI thought today's episode was great! Better than it's been in a minute
ReplyDeleteDi said...
ReplyDeleteIf Peter is Heinrich, wouldn't Faison have recognized him?
** I think he did. When he first came in and started talking to him, he sounded like he knew who he was, but just didn't care. Faison was only interested in Maxie and the baby, and wanting to drawn Nathan to there.
sonya said...
ReplyDeleteCarly and Faison: Oh oh! Oh and yes you are right Karen! St Jaysus saves the day ROFL!
** I LOVE that even when he was holding Carly hostage, Faison still said please, even when sticking a gun to her back. Manners are important, after all!
I can't remember where I read it, but I saw an interview with Nathan where he said he was taking a short leave of absence to make a Hallmark movie. He said he is not leaving the show and will be back shortly. So, I am assuming he will be in a coma or something after the shooting until he finishes the movie. I hope that's true because I've come to like the character. His acting has improved quite a bit since he started.
ReplyDeleteYeah!! I've always loved him. I admit I DID watch yesterday in case Nathan died and having seen Finn and Anna together was a treat.
Delete"witch said...did anyone else think maxie's pink coat with blood on it reminded them of jackie kennedy's pink coat"
ReplyDeleteNo, but I do now!!!! Wow!
"K says I LOVE that even when he was holding Carly hostage, Faison still said please, even when sticking a gun to her back. Manners are important, after all!"
ROFL! Yes manners are VERY important! :)
Disgusted with the way they marginalized Anna. I know she has her flaws (her double-agent past, past jewel fencer with questionable clients, repeatedly falling for "bad boy" lovers) but COMEON. She is freaking WSB and can stand toe-to-toe with the best villains out there...WTH do they have her running to Sonny for and then Jason is the one that has to take down Faison? STUPID and demeaning to her. Hell, Robin is written the same way pretty much though, loving on Sonny and leaning on Jason to be her protector. DISGUSTING.
Well Genie Francis fans we have not heard from ABC studios or Frank Valentini to get Genie back to General Hospital full time and show her respect. We need to show them that we are not going to sit back and do nothing. We have to STOP watching GH and bring the ratings down. If ratings do not plumage they will say that Genie was not worth keeping. I for one have not watched GH since I read about Genie being put on recurring. I’ve read on various soap sites that there is a lot happening on GH but this cannot stop from proving our point that fans mean business and we should be listened too! STOP WATCHING IMMEDIATELY and lets make it clear they made a huge mistake and need to fix it!!
ReplyDeleteWell Genie Francis fans we have not heard from ABC studios or Frank Valentini to get Genie back to General Hospital full time and show her respect. We need to show them that we are not going to sit back and do nothing. We have to STOP watching GH and bring the ratings down. If ratings do not plumage they will say that Genie was not worth keeping. I for one have not watched GH since I read about Genie being put on recurring. I’ve read on various soap sites that there is a lot happening on GH but this cannot stop from proving our point that fans mean business and we should be listened too! STOP WATCHING IMMEDIATELY and lets make it clear they made a huge mistake and need to fix it!!
ReplyDeleteI agree Anon. The new people in chrge at GH do NOT like strong women. They shredded Alexis' character, and turned Anna into a sobbing mess, and got rid of Tracy and Laura. Only Carly is allowed to be shown as having a mind of her own since she is tied to Sonny.
ReplyDeleteThey've finally given Sam a mind of her own, let her character grow up and choose a man who will put HER first and Jasam fans are still having a come a-freakin-part.....
DeleteMichelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteYeah!! I've always loved him. I admit I DID watch yesterday in case Nathan died and having seen Finn and Anna together was a treat.
** It was worth it for the flashbacks alone! I've liked RP, since he first appeared. Unfortunately, he was just saddled with pure crap when KS had to take time off. No matter how great an actor is, one can only do so much, with material that bad. (And I still can't stand Amy) I REALLY hope he isn't being killed off.
Cheryl said...
ReplyDeleteThey've finally given Sam a mind of her own, let her character grow up and choose a man who will put HER first and Jasam fans are still having a come a-freakin-part...\
** I know! I can actually tolerate her now. (provided she isn't near Sonny, Carly, or Jason.)
Which is something I didn't think would even be possible, for a LONG time.
carly still has the mentality of an 18 yr. zero character growth with her. and sam i can finally like.
ReplyDeleteWhat's really sad about Carly, is she HAS matured. Every so often, when some massive tragedy (That is a direct result of Sonny's actions) kills/badly hurts someone close to her, she'll get a (VERY) brief moment of clarity and realize that children should NOT be raised in this environment. Unfortunately though, said clarity usually goes away within about a couple months at most. Which is still a MASSIVE growth in maturity, compared to when she first came to PC. It's just not enough, for someone who has had 3 kids.