Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday Surgery: Stop The Presses

Old Enough to Run for Mayor. Time Marches ON! 

We've been snowed in and it's a mess. 60 degrees at 3 pm Friday , in the 20s at 6pm and ice--then a ton of snow! OY!! I've been cleaning and eating..and baking, cooking and eating!! Our roads are still open, even with 15" of snow-- nothing stops around here. 

GH was good this week, nice movement and dialog. The town finally feels "like a town" again. People are moving around during each show, turning up in other stories or just adding some depth to the canvas. 

Settle in! 

So.... I guess this is it...

Yeah, I guess...



So.... JaSam --are divorced. Yet--their passion may linger just below the surface. How can you tell? Longing looks-- sighs...flashbacks... the Killy Stelly fanbases sniping on Twitter. How will it end? I think the only way to end the fighting is to kill Sam off. Then, she ends up with neither! LOL That's a joke, people--but really, someone isn't going to be happy in this scenario-- I'm just enjoying the story. 

On the Drug-Bust front, Nina is the one that got Cassie with the needle and Valentin moved her to the alley. Since Cassie's accomplice "confessed"?? They are off the hook...for now.  Please let us be off the hook too.

Hey, James here. 80's star.. but look, I'm here to buy up all the property I can along Charles Street.  The Pub... Franco's art studio... that Gelato Cart,  probably some mob buildings. Like my hair? 

Yeah, I can see that.
It came through my window! Right through! It was scary as hell.
Well, ok, make a complaint and we'll look into it. 
Oh, I know who did it...that scum bag Corinthos. Threw a brick. While I was making today's soup. 

So...Faison is my father Lulu...and...
OH my GOD! No way! He is? Because I totally want to interview you so we can find him!
You think that's a good idea? 
Who cares? I want to be a journalist !!! You know, so I can work for WaPo..or Buzz..or..
You could totally write for the Onion. I could see that. 
Shut up, Nathan.

Ok, stand back, Jackal at work!! 
Is this going to make noise because I don't like noise...
No, Mr. shall not, just watch as I push a button and..RATS!!
What is it? Is it Faison's other son? 
No... my DVR forgot to record  The Magicians! 

But Mom...
But nothing, that's a pretty snazzy dress for your age. 
But Mom...
Listen, it's tough out there, I know--but you have to be smart and well..
Not dress like you did? 
Oh honey, if I had dressed as well as this, I'd probably be a whole different character by now
Mom can I just..
No..sit down and let us talk about the feminist movement in the 21st century, ok? 
Well..if we can talk about unequal pay in soaps later..
Um, that's your other mother, but sure....


Yep, we are going to have to have a "responsible protection but are you ready and don't get HIV please" discussion. 

Seriously, now he owns...a bar?? 
Yeah..he does...and who's he being all cute with over there? 
I don't know but she sure can make a cup of coffee! 

So, Best Story right now for me is the Mayor's Race/Charles Street refurb... I like that so many characters are involved. Get Stella back in there and make sure TJ is around too. Having Alexis "drop into" the Pub so much is kinda lame, so.. use your creative juices. YEAH for Laura and Ned--two vets that are well loved and should do this story up. 

Drew/Sam/Jason... you have to get that Drew backstory going faster. Yeah, Curtis found the yearbook but there's nothing "there there".  Sam showed some good fire with Alexis this week, loved her telling Mama to back off when it came to Danny and Jason. Alexis asked great questions about the future as well. LOVE having Diane on and hanging around with Alexis too. 

Drug Stuff--? Umm...the Nina twist was good, liked how they revealed that. That's also one thing the show has done a lot better -- good twisty reveals without making me think "WHAT"? Other than that, didn't impress me much.  Anna better get in on the Faison thing but quick. 

Faison. Speaking of-- will he be back? I've heard he is coming-- but to close out Nathan's story. RP is set to exit. Will he be shot by Faison or his brother Peter August?  Maybe Pete will try to save Nathan so we'll like him? (ha....dream on).  KS is playing Maxie's anxiety perfectly. I love when I can feel the character's nerves through the screen. 

JaSammers got a lot of flashbacks and "looks" between their faves and Dreamers got a divorce for Sam and declarations of love and family. So--you both should be happy, right? Hahaa. Ok, ok, settle down. 

Another note: I'm wondering if Dr. Bensch is off the show? Or?? I mean, they have this new guy come on, around the same age. He knows Franco (enough to call him "Bobby") and has shiny hair. Could be someone for Alexis. She told Diane she wasn't seeing Bensch anymore and he was absent through the holidays so?? Hmmmm???  Unfortunately his character is basically not needed so? 


Mr Faison is in there!! WHOOT! Ian is the one that tweeted the pic. Now I think we know Pete is his kid.  Kin and Ian are friends of his so they came along too.  Anyway, I'm so happy!! 

One more thing: On January 17th--this Wednesday, it's all about AVA according to SOD--  it's when she goes under to get her face fixed. I'm sure MORGAN will in in there. yuck. 


  1. that guy don't know his name looks too young for laura wright. and can someone tell me why cassie's accomplise confessessd

    1. Jordan asked Valentin why he visited Cassandras accomplice right after he was arrested. So I'm sure that he threatened or blackmailed him into confessing.

  2. Witch, if you mean Peter August, the actor is 40, and Laura W is 47. Peter, however, looks REALLY young. I am 8 years older than my husband, so I don't think that 7 years difference is a lot.

  3. wow peter august looks really young. thought he was 32.33.

  4. Fantastic Surgery once again. Thanks so much.

  5. So, why are they writing out Nathan? Is it the actor's choice or the writers? I really love Nathan and Maxie. Can't one couple be happy? Very upsetting to lose both Dillon and Nathan for these new guys, who are not entertaining.

  6. Dang, I hope I look as suave as Ian Buchanan when I hit 60! I'm not a fan of the character of Duke, but Ian looks like the man

  7. Great SS as usual, Karen!

    James DePaiva IS still on. The role of Bensch was intended to be more of a "support" character for awhile to kind of slowly "ease" him back in the swing of things, and to just see who he worked good with, and then see where they want to go with him. What we've seen of him so far, is EXACTLY how things have been intended to be. With everything that's gone on in his life for the last 10 years or so, he didn't know if he'd ever do much acting again, let alone soaps. But FV actually reached out to him for this role. (Which if anyone knows their history BTS at OLTL, is VERY surprising.)


  8. AntJoan said...

    Witch, if you mean Peter August, the actor is 40, and Laura W is 47. Peter, however, looks REALLY young. I am 8 years older than my husband, so I don't think that 7 years difference is a lot.

    ** Had I not already known his age the first time I actually saw him, I would've thought he was no older than his late 20s at the MOST.


  9. Has it been confirmed that RP is leaving, for certain? Or is it still along the lines of "It sounds a LOT like he is, according to sources"


  10. Excellent SS! I think RP is leaving to pursue other interests. He's ok with KS, but not a great actor by any means. I wouldn't mind seeing Maxie back with Spinelli, but they weren't a great match romantically. I LOVE the right side of that photo. Looks like our Faison is back. WR does look so young as I've mentioned before, but my hubby is 7 years younger than me so I have no issue. Drew and Sam are getting a bit dull so I hope something happens soon.

  11. Please bring back Morgan! (I know he has a successfull career on Valor) No one else is even close to the chemistry he had with Ava. Griffin is a dud with the spit fire that is Maura West.
    And yes yes yes to Maxie/Spinelli reunion. Would love to see them as one big happy family with both Maxie's babies under one roof.

  12. OMG, sooo sad if they kill off Nathan! The only thing good about it would be, let's see how Nina likes it when someone kills HER brother, maybe she would become more sympathetic to Lulu and less to Valentin.

  13. LSV422 said...

    I think RP is leaving to pursue other interests. He's ok with KS, but not a great actor by any means.

    ** That's kind of what I figured. I did like the two of them together (when they were written well) Which is the whole crux of the issue, he got saddled with quite a bit of crap the last year being the worst. I'm REALLY hoping though, that with him going, it doesn't mean this will be the last of Liesl, also. Since with him gone, her ONLY real ties left in PC will the baby, Maxie, and Nina. (And her rarely seen anymore, friendship with Franco)

    I wouldn't mind seeing Maxie back with Spinelli, but they weren't a great match romantically.

    ** I'll pass there. I've never been a big fan of Spinelli. It wasn't until RC's writing him, and actually making him sound and act like an adult, that I started to like him at all. But, whenever he does show up anymore, he seems to kind of regress at times.

    I LOVE the right side of that photo. Looks like our Faison is back. WR does look so young as I've mentioned before, but my hubby is 7 years younger than me so I have no issue.

    ** So do I. I was starting to wonder if we were going to see AH again this storyline, at all. Since more and more stuff/people we're told about are completely offscreen. (Nik's funeral/Lucky at said funeral, and unable to get to Laura and Kevin's wedding). All of which makes sense. But, seeing as I think in the last couple months we've heard Faison's name used more than in the last 3 or 4 years combined! I agree with you on WR, too. Age shouldn't really be an issue. But, had I not known he was 40, before first seeing him, I'd have thought at the MOST he was in his late 20s


  14. JPink said...

    Please bring back Morgan! (I know he has a successfull career on Valor) No one else is even close to the chemistry he had with Ava. Griffin is a dud with the spit fire that is Maura West.

    ** He's the LAST person I'd want to see come "back from the dead." I couldn't stand BC in the role. He just came across as a whiny spoiled teenager. (Even though he was older.) Then we had to sit through a year of Sonny and Carly going on and on about how he was such a wonderful person. I just honestly can't understand the attraction to him. And I don't mean just physical. (Which he definitely isn't my type either)


  15. K, I agree with you about Morgan. I couldn't stand BC in the role, and Morgan was unpleasant, obnoxious and just plain unlikable. So far removed from the adorable, smart young Morgan before they sorased him.

  16. LSV422 said...

    K, I agree with you about Morgan. I couldn't stand BC in the role, and Morgan was unpleasant, obnoxious and just plain unlikable. So far removed from the adorable, smart young Morgan before they sorased him.

    ** Exactly! He was just turned into someone with not one single redeeming quality at all, about him. And the longer he went, the worse he got. I tried to give him a "fair shot", but it became pretty obvious after a short while, that it was pretty futile. I just could never understand the attraction to BC, and what he did with the character. This sort of thing is one of the biggest reasons I don't like SORASing. I understand the reasoning behind doing it. But, IMO at least, far more often characters end up turning into something completely unrecognizable, becoming a completely different person. (Pun DEFINITELY intended)



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...