Monday, January 15, 2018

Donuts in AA

THORAD condoms makes me think of NORAD lol... Carly sees Bobbie at GH and shows her Joss' condom box. 
Josslyn and Oscar talk at Kelly's "you sure you wanna do this"?? "I think so..."
*PREDICTION: They aren't going to have sex at all. Those condoms are probably for sex ed or something. (they look ancient don't they? LOL) You know, Three's Company type misunderstanding. 

Carly tells Kim about the condoms. Kim is like: eh, at least they are being careful"== Carly freaks out, says Oscar is the one doing it and Kim is like How you know it's not JOSS? 
Finn and Anna--Anna was seen for her blood issues. She's getting "back to Normal" . They say goodbye (seems like for good). Go their separate ways. Awww. 

Charlie's PUB:  Diane and Alexis go to lunch. Kim and Jules are still flirting. GREAT lines between Diane and Ava!! Alexis has the menu upside down too because she's so busy staring at Jules!! She and Diane leave. Ava and Jules talk about the brick in the window. THE BRICK. 

The "Traitor" answers Spinelli's email--"Who's this"? It says.... Spin types "I know you, you're Faison's son."  Spin finds out that the Faison story has gone viral and is worried about Maxie, he runs out. 

Maxie's all hysterical over Faison. Lulu says it's gone viral. Everyone knows.  Maxie is pissed at Lulu. I swear her belly has gotten bigger since Friday lol.  Maxie starts having pains..she goes to GH and yells at Lulu to stay behind. Haven't you done enough??  Lulu cries. Then Pete August HUGS HER (ugh. she'd better not have a damn affair with that noodle) -Spinelli runs in and says..hey..they stop the embrace.  Spinelli and Lulu talk--he's not happy with her spilling the story either. 

Maxie and Baby are ok. Kim tells her to get rest, NO STRESS. 

Later, Anna is boxing at Sonny's gym..Felicia walks in. They talk about Nathan being Faison's  Son and that he has another son. Anna is protecting Finn from Faison if he comes back, btw.  Both KW and FH look GREAT by the way. I need to eat what they are and not what I am! LOL. 

NICE twist!! Finn and Alexis go to the same AA meetings! WOW--what a great idea. That's perfect to get other characters interacting. Good to have new friends created. Anyway, Finn wants to spill to Alexis and Alexis tells him to give her a donut. He does and she says she's now her lawyer.  They talk about their lives. He tells her about his wife and Hayden. He asks about Alexis and she says she's addicted to a "person" she can't let go of. That makes her make bad decisions but she still loves him. Good scenes. 

NOTE: there was a Diane/Sonny/Jason scene. We found out Jason has a LOT of money offshore and that she thinks Sam still loves him. ("You don't need to be a lawyer to see that") 



  1. I saw the Anna and Felicia scenes and enjoyed them. THANK you GH for having some long time characters acknowledge their friendship from back in the day and just having them chat, process, and letting their lives breathe for a few minutes. Now, what the hell is Tristian Rogers doing these days and can we please get him back for a few days? I would kill to see him, Mac, Felicia, Anna, Bobbie, and Robin out for happy hour and just shooting the breeze for a few scenes about life, Faison, whatever. Hell, I the thought of that is so great I am adding it to my bucket list of seeing before I die. Please GH - throw me a bone here!

  2. A lot I enjoyed today mostly the Finn and Alexis scenes. I could totally see them being friends. Wish he and Anna would get it together already. Damn Jordan for messing that up!

  3. I never thought I would say this - but I miss Nelle. I love it whenever she confronts Carly. We need a bad girl on the show. I think Nathan must be going to die. It looks like they are going to write him off the show. We can't have any couple happy for too long. Maybe Spinelli can come back to Port Charles with Georgie and have a family with Maxie.I just wonder who the mother of Faison's other son could be? I hope it is not Anna.

    1. No....don't say her name, she'll show back up. Haha!

  4. Anon said...

    I saw the Anna and Felicia scenes and enjoyed them. THANK you GH for having some long time characters acknowledge their friendship from back in the day and just having them chat, process, and letting their lives breathe for a few minutes. Now, what the hell is Tristian Rogers doing these days and can we please get him back for a few days? I would kill to see him, Mac, Felicia, Anna, Bobbie, and Robin out for happy hour and just shooting the breeze for a few scenes about life, Faison, whatever. Hell, I the thought of that is so great I am adding it to my bucket list of seeing before I die. Please GH - throw me a bone here!

    ** I'm 100% in agreement with you! Having Tristan back is hands down my biggest desire for GH. Especially with the way things are going now. There is just SO MUCH potential the way things are headed. I'm not even sure what he's doing these days. Seeing as he hasn't been on Y&R in several months. And I'm VERY behind when it comes to "The Bay".


  5. Do you think it's possible Peter August is really Faison in a mask? I wouldn't put it past him

  6. Loved Anna and Finn scene - two great actors with so much chemistry! Great Finn and Alexis scene, too, and Felicia and Bobbie on also! And Diane, who I absolutely adore! So much goodness in one day. KS is doing a great job. And Spinelli on! I noticed there are not many writers anymore, as opposed to what seemed like 40 when Jelly came on. What they are writing is really good and the interaction of characters is amazing. And the recurrence of vets is what we have been wanting for so long. Yeah, get Tristan back!

  7. Peter is way too young and tall to be Faison with a mask, but with GH you never know.

  8. Charlie's pub:

    CarlyKim and Julian: SO ADORABLE!!!! :) Me really likey!!! I'm on team Kimlian!!

    Ava, Alexis, and Diane: Alexis all jelly hahahahaha. Ava notices and tricked Alexis! ROFL!

    "Karen says Alexis has the menu upside down"

    Hahahaha. No. :) Ava tricked Alexis telling her the menu was upside down, but it wasn't. Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: You're oven's on.


    The hospital:

    Fanna: So awkward!!! Just grab her and kiss her!!!!

    CarlyKim and Carly: Great scene! :) It did seem like at first like CarlyKim was acting all meh who cares. :)


    Alexis and DocFinch: OH! GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Sonny's office:

    Spinny and Sason: Great scene!!! Love that Spinny is there and helping! :)

    Crimson office:

    Lulu, Maxie, and Nathan: Ra ro. Are Maxie and Lulu's friendship over? :( RA RO! Something wrong with baybay... Baybay is all stressed too! Oh baybay is gonna be okay whew. Don't stress the baybay out Maxie!

    Mr. August and Lulu: Hmmmm is an affair in the horizon? Man he is so tall he makes her so tiny!

    The gym:

    Anna and Felicia: GREAT SCENE!!! :) Poor Anna!!! :( She is in tears. :( She wuvs DocFinch!!

  9. "Michelle Latta said...Wish he and Anna would get it together already. Damn Jordan for messing that up!"

    ROFL! Jordan was just being a protective friend. And Anna and Finchy are adults. They have choices.. They could be together if they really want to. :) I mean they are not teenagers! ROFL!

  10. BeaArthur said...

    Do you think it's possible Peter August is really Faison in a mask? I wouldn't put it past him

    ** I really don't think so. At least when he used the mask for Duke, and the one of Luke also, they were close in age, body size, and physical capabilities. Peter August is MUCH too young (at least in appearance), and smaller. There are just too many physical differences between the two.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...