Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Awards and Apathy

Hello! Well, HAPPY FATHER'S day!! We know on GH there is ALWAYS a question of WHO'S THE DADDY??!!! Wonder who will be the next to get PG on the show?? Sam??  We'll know if she's with child soon enough. I know but I can't tell. I'm under a Guza-Gag order. And yes, he's still around. Sulking. heh.

Tonight --DAYTIME EMMY AWARDS!! We have the following actors from GH vying for them: Laura Wright, Nancy Lee Grahn, Jonathan Jackson, Jason Thompson, Maurice Benard and Lexi Ainsworth. Now, out of those Alberta Wubs has met Lexi and Nancy so she's pulling for them LOL. I will be wearing a lobster dress (see above) to the festivities..based on the one Wallace Simpson designed. I will be on Twitter @wubsnet tweeting live so join in!! 
Emmy Tid Bit: 
America's most elite custom dog collar by Zany Zak is chosen as part of the 2011 Daytime Emmy Awards celebrity gift bags...

This week on GH ... I'd like to say I really enjoyed the graduation party stuff --until Sonny acted an ass and the whole Michael punching that kid out. Luke/Lucky scenes were of course powerful an on point. When Luke said he never wanted kids and didn't want to be a father any more and Lucky's hurt face?? OY. The burning of the Spencer house pissed me off. Until Mac got there and I figured if it took burning down a landmark to do it? What the hey. Lisa going nuts at the hospital? Well, at least it was exciting. I Have to say NOT HAVING CARLY there made it even better.. Sorry but she's just over-exposed. 
 SCENE OF THE WEEK: a little unique because it's more about WHO was in the scene than what happened. I loved Sam/Nikolas getting trapped in the hospital room together. NICE to see they remembered they are related. Of course, Nikolas is leaving now, so the point is moot, but still nice.

If you're keeping track, Guza has now destroyed the Old Webber House AND the Old Spencer House. ERGO, I think he's made his statement, don't you??   But, he's "outta here" (maybe he'll sneak in and write his wife's scripts now and again...?? ;)

SEE who won the "back from the dead" poll by a landslide on the WUBS NET  -- and I'll have new scoops up soon!! Rumor about Brenda's exit story too! Please just click on a google ad and make me smile.

Once more, if you're not watching One Life to Live, give it a go for two days. YOU will LOVE. it. And you'll get to see how their head writer operates, and he's coming to GH as a script guy or co-head writer when OLTL ends!!

PS. if you are watching the Casey Anthony trial, I'm usually on @dkmask on twitter giving my usual 2 cents about everything.



Even the
Honorary Dads..


  1. I have to say probably Mac has been the best 'DAD' raising those three girls, always being there for them and loving them Granted he yelled a lot and was not always reasonable, but he was great.....HAPPY HONORARY FATHERS DAY, UNCLE MAC!!

  2. HOPE that's why I put him in!!! I love MAC DADDY!

  3. Thanks for including Mac -- May be an honorary dad but has probably been the best

  4. My vote would be for Alan Q I miss him soooo.

  5. Oh Karen! LOVE the pic of maxie, mac & Emma. precious. And IMO, Mac needed to yell. maxie was naughty!

  6. Mac wins by a LONG shot!!! GY Lucky was a good dad too. I can't say JJ has been with the kids enough (but I don't watch GH like I use to so I could be wrong).

  7. The characteer of Maxie was much more of a 'good girl' when she was portrayed by Robyn Richards. She did well in school; thought grades were important, etc.

  8. Karen, I know you are watching the trial of what's her name (I actually can't think of her name at the moment, haven't been following it), and saw on the news that it's become an international obsession. As a psychotherapist who likes to know what makes people "tick," I 'd love to know why you find the trial so fascinating and if you can speculate why so many others do as well.

    All comments welcome.

  9. Your poll is missing Johnny and Rick. I'd also throw in Ned, Frisco and Blackie.

  10. Good girl Maxie was kinda dull.

    Ant Joan, personally for me I just want to see Casey Anthony Fry. What kind of a woman, mother, daughter, etc can do what she did after the child was supposedly missing, then supposedly accidently killed in the pool, etc?

  11. I am totally into the Casey Anthony trial for a lot of reasons. Mostly, I've read true crime since my teens and LOVED that genre, not sure why. There's a slew of us out there. I always wanted to be a police detective but couldn't go to training for it because of my eyesight!! Had to be close to 20/20 back then.
    I actually watch I.D. TV a lot, love the cases and have been following this one for 3 years.
    IT has EVERYTHING. A really true honest to gosh sociopath (rare) and the whole thing is in your livingroom!! The "cast" is straight out of a movie. Infact, if it WAS a movie you wouldn't believe it!
    Everyday at trial is excitement.

  12. A little off topic but soap cancellations made the WSJ.

  13. Please, Please let the major actor leaving be Maurice Benard. In order to make the show good again he must go!

    Karen, In the handsome poll WHO is Abner?

  14. Oh.
    Abner is my pet name for Abby cause I think she's a bit manly with the voice hee hee. I always say Franco planted her for Michael and she's really a man!

    I'm bad hee hee

  15. Karen, You should watch the series called " The Killing " on AMC channel if you like crime dramas. This is the American version. I have also heard that the version shown on BBC based on nordic version is fantastic as well with a different killer. I am watching the finale tonight and am very excited.AMC website also has placed the victim's room online , and you can enter and look for clues as to who killed her. Everyone has so many theories on the blog which builds the excitement. I can see why you find the casey anthony trial interesting.

  16. All "the killing" episodes can be seen on the AMC website. 13 episodes including tonight and each episode represents one day of the police investigation. Hope you watch :) !

  17. Was the emmys the Oprah show?????

  18. Love the polls that you do, but I really wish the picture of jake were with Liz instead of Jason. It was a great pic of Jake though.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...