Thursday, June 9, 2011

IS Ron Carlivati COMING TO GH!!??!! WHAT!!

Robin Strasser JUST TWEETED: 
JUST TOLD but NOT told it wuz SECRET: Ron CARLIVATI to #GH as script writer-hopes 2 b co-head writer? Yo,I'm taking heat for leaving early?

OMG, THAT'S the head writer at OLTL!!! :twirling: WOW! You know I love OLTL. If this is TRUE I'm going to be ONE HAPPY CAMPER!! woot!! 
PS. He's from Rochester, I am biased. heh. 

UPDATE: SID JUST CONFIRMED!!! :twirling: he's COMING once OLTL wraps up! 


  1. But please, not til AFTER OLTL goes off--because the show is so good now and it just has to stay that way to the end! I'm hanging in there every day just anticipating...this story and that.

    The news is heartening, he sure does know how to write a soap, but so few of the good cast is left at GH, mostly killed off by Guza. Think what Ron could do with Alan or how he would have handled the Cassadines, etc. Ron can perhaps restore the Spencers or the Qs, but ...oh well.
    It IS good news for GH.

  2. I know! I hope so.. ;) I see him staying at OLTL then moving to GH

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. THe best news that I heard in a while. Maybe all hope is not lost.


  6. Dare we hope this could save our show? Even if it doesn't, the last few months are sure to be great!

  7. *Prays intensely for Liason* *chants* lmaoooo

  8. Carlivati released a statement he will join AFTER OLTL is done. I love that man, can't wait

  9. While I love his writing for OLTL, I am not sure that this can transition to GH. GH has no multi-generational families left. And Frons will probably find a way to ruin anything else he tries to do for GH.

  10. I SAW Lori!! AFTER OLTL is done! woot!

  11. I am hopeful they will do what's right. Let's just hope they don't get rid of anyone in between (Alexis is rumored to be next which will alienate fans more than ever)

    Can't help but wonder what he'll do with Jasam/Liason. Garin lvoes Angst! Not so much expecting a reunion but I wonder if we can have hope for JAKE! A venture where Liz, Jason & Lucky go find Jake while Sam stays back with her baby. Ahhh, yhe possibilities...

  12. I fully match with whatever thing you've presented.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...