Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wubs Net Interviews: Brianna Brown!

You know her as Dr. Lisa Niles, that crazy, wacky gal after Patrick Drake. Brianna will also be at this year's GH Fan Club Weekend and will host her first ever solo event. She was nice enough to take the time to answer some questions for me about everything from coffee to her web series "Retail Therapy".

Wubs: So this is your first solo event! Are you excited?? 
Brianna: I am thrilled!  After my first fan club weekend last July I was actually able to meet the lovely peeps who I've received letters from, tweets or facebook messages.  The GH fans are so sweet and supportive so I'm excited to give back and share some of my favorite things (coffee & chocolates) this July at FCW.

Wubs: What can the fans expect if they come to your event?
Brianna: What I found to be the BEST chocolate and coffee in Los Angeles!  I'm known on set to randomly treat cast members with coffee from Intelligencia or LaMill Coffee.  This past Christmas I sang at a holiday party and the owner of John Kelly chocolates had the most amazing fudge truffles I've ever tasted!  It's my go-to gift now.  So aside from some yummy treats that I truly love I also will be raffling off some cool items.  Like one of my actual doctor coats from GH and one of the syringe's (minus the needle) that I actually used on set.  Then there will be a few items that I love...still figuring out all the details!   Lastly it will be a fun get together to talk shop about GH, Lisa Niles, how I'm sooooo not my character and a lot of laughter!

Wubs: It must be delicious to play Lisa on GH... have the fans been receptive to her? Do you ever get the "Leave Scrubs Alone" mail!!? 
Brianna:  Majority of the fans are very receptive.  One of my favorite things when I run into someone who watches GH and doesn't like Lisa is how they usually shift gears toward me after I speak a few sentences.  They realize that I couldn't be further from Lisa Niles and usually are shocked at how warm and open I am. 
Yes, I do get "Leave Scrubs Alone" mail and I get it!  I joke with Jason Thompson that my character has had to stare at his character for a year and a half!  Hiding behind trees (or a few random branches) and basically every crevice in the hospital and at Jakes!  Playing Lisa has been the highlight of my career.  I feel so lucky to have been able to play a surgeon, who drinks beer, throws darts, watches Nascar and is "Fatal Attraction" obsessed with her Ex.  It's always a roller coaster with Lisa. So yes, I would say it is delicious!

Wubs: I saw you were nominated for best actress at the Edgemar Film Fest! Can you tell us which film festivals fans can catch your movie "The Encounter"?
Brianna: In July "The Encounter" which I starred in and co-executive produce will be screening at three different New York festivals! 

July 11th at 7:45pm in Long Island, NY @ Long Island International Film Expo
July 24th at 9:30pm in Stony Brook New York at Stony Brook Film Festival
Manhattan Film Festival time TBA - under "News" for more info and upcoming festivals.

Wubs: What are some of the things you are working on now?? 

Brianna: A lot!!  -I just finished co-producing a web-series "Retail Therapy" so we are beginning to submit it in the festival circuit/pitch it.

-My women's non-profit "The New Hollywood" is starting to prep for our big benefit for Free the Slaves the last Sunday in October at King King  It's going to be a multi-media extravaganza with singing, dancing, poetry and a smorgasbord of creativity and fun for an excellent cause! ;

My production company Brown Rose Productions is developing a few projects right now. One of which is a single camera comedy TV pilot that I'm co-writing and going to star in along with some of my fellow TNH ladies!

Lastly I'm training for the Twin Cities Marathon on October 2nd (my birthday) to run my first marathon with a group of close family and friends to raise money for NAMI-Dakota County which my family has been actively involved within since I was a child.  One of my aunts is severely schizophrenic and the funds will help her and others like her with treatment, housing, awareness and support.  Unfortunately these causes always seem to be the first things negatively effected by budget cuts.  My grandmother was the president of the branch for many years and helped build it to what it is today and now my other aunt is the president.  I thought it would be a good way to give back and support my family in a bigger way.
Twitter: @briannabrown 

Brianna Brown's official website: 
Event Info:  
Coffee and Chocolates With Brianna 
Friday July 22nd from 1-4pm
at the Sportmen's Event Center
Tickets $55 a person
Email for order form


  1. I loved the interview. Very rarely do we get to hear from the real person and not charecter they're playing.


  2. Karen about the wub poll, I was going to pick Brenda but you put Jason on there!!!! So I had to vote for Jason! :)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...