Friday, June 10, 2011

General Hospital Today: Shortie

How can you tell Siobhan and Lucky are in Florida? 
Colorful pillows
Tropical pictures on wall
Linen suits

How can you tell Ethina are in the Dominican Republic?
Palm Plant
Banana Daiquiri mention 

 HAHAHAHAHA! I do love Sexis... they can have decent conversations together...Alexis "Can you believe your brother was WORSE than you"?? LOL!!  And she says "You don't have that many friends"!! Says Sonny might be a GRANDPA! They are so refreshing...

RUBY MENTION, BOBBIE MENTION!! Chili mention??!! NO, but it could be comin' soon! 

Lulu and Maxie are in UBER bright dresses from Forever 21. Goodness, you'd think we were in Florida in August! 

Last day to vote on the BEST HAIR on Wubs Net  !! HIT and AD! THANK YOU! 
Did you like GH today?? It was fun acutally (not counting Dante and Jason) lol 


  1. Hey today's show was pretty good. :) It was great actually! :)

    Ethan and Krissy: Oh man I want her do something that will make Ethan tell her that she needs to grow up! :) Back in the day, Frisco said that to Felicia, and Luke told that to Laura! :) So yeah I want Ethan to say it!!!

    Alexis and Sonny: Oh boy this was a great scene!!!! :) She had a lot of great one liners!! She gets the lines of the day! :) I love when she said you better get this thing going or you will be a grandfather! ROFL!

    Maxie and Denial Spencer: I love how Maxie is so worried about her!!! Uh Lulu? Are you going to the beach?

    Denial Spencer and Jason: Oh dear Lulu!!! Get out of your denial quick!!! I thought you were going to the beach!!! :) If not, change clothes!

    Dante and Jason: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Dante and Maxie: Maxie is just so sweet!!!! :)

    Dante and Lulu: Oh come on Lulu!!! This is your chance to go to France with Dante! :) Is your mother still there? You can visit her too!!! :)

    Maxie and Jason: :( So sad. :(

    Florida: LUKE SLEPT WITH A HOOKER AT A BROTHEL!!!!! ROFLMAOPMP! Time for a divorce Tracy!!!! :) Great history lesson from Lucky!!!! Damn too bad Bobbie isn't there. :( Damn it Guza!!!

    Dominican republic: Krissy is acting shocked that she saw her parents! ROFL! Did you really expect your mother (who is a lawyer) and your father (who is a mobster) NOT to find out where you are? :) DUH Krissy! :)

    Brenda and Robin: Awww they are in a scene together. :) But oh oh Brenda is paranoid!

  2. I loved Sexis today! :D We need more of them!<3 Love their banter! "You better get this plane moving before you become a grandpa" heh. xD

    When they mentioned Bobbie and Ruby I was like :O I hope with the new writer we will see Bobbie again!<3

    I loved seeing the girls in brighter colors. I luuuuved Maxie's dress. So fresh. Hated the way they styled her hair.

  3. Andrea I thought the same thing with the Ruby/Bobbie mention... here is hoping!

    Nancy and Maurice have the best non sexual chemistry of anyone on daytime in my opinion, they are so much fun!

  4. I loved Alexis and Sonny, Ethan and Kristina and Maxie. Great show today, IMO.

  5. And a Georgie mention as well!!!

    That Bobbie is not on the show now is just beyond stupid.

    NLG is the sexiest woman on GH. She is also one of the most talented of the entire cast.

    Please, please Brenda, go away now!!!!

    Maxie is awesome. I really wanted Jason to break down in front of her. I can see her becoming the "Lila" type character in 50 years...if only GH survives that long.

  6. In Wolf's interview, he mentioned Monica and Bobbie. Bringing back the Quartermains and rebuilding the Spencers. I was tickled to hear that. Got my fingers crossed. Now if we could just talk him into getting the Scorpio family back together. :)

  7. GH IS IN LAST PLACE. 6th overall in ratings! When will they wake up and scrap the Guza storylines!? You don't need to wait until the end of July! GH lost 196 000 viewers!!No offence to the actors but these storylines and characters that are front and center are not what people want to see. All I can say is that they want the show to fail.
    New writers had better wake up!!
    As much as I liked the cute scene between Alexis and sonny , I could care less about ethan and krissy. In age 12-17 GH is last. NEW LOW in 18-49, Last with men 9 mob storyline is not drawing them ).
    Karen, what is going on? Any word on whether they will scrap some of Guza's storylines?

  8. That week was aweful: Carly and jax arguing (don't care), Lulu and Lucky arguing ( don't care ) , Jason and michael arguing (don't care ), sonny and brenda arguing ( really don't care ) , Jasam baby arguing/talk ( I'm in a coma with how much I don't care ).
    Give us characters we can care about. I've stopped being interested in these characters outcomes because they are so annoying.

  9. GH ratings deserved. Foolish. OLTL did well.

  10. Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina) was asked and has said there is no indication the new writers are ditching the Ethan/Kristina thing, so....but I haven't heard about any other characters or storylines. I'll be interested to see what the new writer(s) comes up with. Hopefully, there will be more balance in general and more well thought out stories that follow through and give the actors the opportunity to "stretch their legs" more.

  11. I loved Friday's eppy. Not exactly a Friday cliffhanger, but more than 50% of it was enjoyable. I really like Kristina with Ethan, but I like the actress with anyone. she's a doll and really lights up the screen no matter who she's in a scene with. Yes Ethan is older/taller etc but their pkayfulness is refreshing for a change. Used to love CarJax and now Carly is making me scream again. I did laugh at the Sonny & Alexis scenes but wondereed outload where the heck is Diane?

  12. i liked the episode yesterday especially ethan and krissy. seeing sam with someone other than jason is always welcome even tho i despise abby and it's always welcome to see jason with someone other than that sam, spin, carly, sonny, or lucky. anyone else think jax should have had shawn arrested when he punched him? hell aj would have ; )

  13. yesterday was not the best,but not the worst.. I enjoyed Sexis,not sure about them as couple but as parents working together on their girl yeas!!!

    The luke/Jake saga feels its been dragging too long..

    But I did enjoy the maxie&Jason scene I wish he would have open up to her more but It was great..because I felt she did care for him and he knew that.. I always love Maxie/Jason scenes..

  14. Could careless about Ethina glad there is a backlash. I hope this show is canned funny how quick the anti-Kristina posts are removed. This site let Maya bash stay up forever and attacks against Annie! Kristina looks ten!

  15. anyone know where Kristina's white dress was from?

  16. I don't know, but it was gorgeous! Love the back, especially.

  17. Thank you for this post, really worthwhile info.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...