Friday, April 10, 2020


(with apologies to David Bowie)

It is evident that GH will return someday. Unless of course, Disney uses this as an excuse to cancel the show. Which would not surprise me at this point. But when it does return, there will probably be some changes. (Flash forward 5 years anyone?) Karen and I wanted to do one of our point/counterpoint blogs, but I feel this might be more of a joint venture. I'll start with what I think/feel/hope will happen to GH upon its return.

First, I feel that the 4-show format will stick. It saves money to Disney and right now Disney can get all the help they can get with all their lost revenue from park and theater closures, etc. Fridays will continue to be flashback Fridays. Its unfortunate for us that whoever picks those episodes is not picking the "right" ones. Another cost saving measure might be to go to the old SoapNet format where interviews were commonplace and have someone interview other actors from the privacy of their own home. This would personally bore the hell out of me, but I am sure there would be a market for it. And it would be low cost. See a pattern here? Disney cutting costs.

This could be the perfect opportunity for the show to streamline itself and drop a lot of its cast. I see a smaller GH, more intimate, with just a core group of people. Smaller, shorter storylines with less people. If social distancing remains a thing, then one-on-one conversations, no extras and no backgrounds.

How to do it? Well... art will imitate life. Port Charles will undergo a fictitiously named virus attack that will affect the entire city. Nurses and doctors can show the stress of not having proper equipment and facing and unknown future. Also being torn between helping patients and loved ones at the same time. Monica could ask Leslie to come and help out at the hospital. Residents will be forced to quarantine themselves "in place" and we will see many couples separated and new romances formed from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But most tragically will be the loss of life due to the virus outbreak (this is where they cut half the show). Epiphany, Felix, Audrey Hardy, Molly and Tj, Jordan, Peter, Sasha, Willow, Mike, Olivia, Nina, Britt and Brad will all die. I realize some of these are beloved characters, but imagine the acting scenes of their partners/loved ones having to say goodbye to them. Truly emotional and stellar performances will come from this. Ned saying goodbye to Olivia. Liz saying goodbye to Audrey (face off camera). Sonny saying goodbye to Mike. Alexis and Molly. Virtually no one is safe or sacred. At least 20 will ultimately succumb. Many in brave fashion.

GH surfaces from the outbreak with more relationship stories, no more mob, and a focus on family.

Oh I agree with David on most points today!! I can't even call him names!! Yes, I do think the 4 day format would fly, although I've been a champion of 30 minute shows for awhile now. That also would cut down on cast and bloat. 

I don't agree with the virus story line however. I know it seems like a good idea but...too soon. Especially here in NY. Not only that they'd have to walk a fine fine line between soap drama and real life drama.  How would I cut the cast?  I'd say Ryan Chamberlain but that's been done. Plus, too gruesome for right now. I would just fade some out and also do a month of resets. That would look like a week with each family "day in the life" type style.  And I mean everything. Kids, laundry.. car pools, the works.  I'd cut GH to the bone. I'm even sick of Maxie and Lulu--neither of whom have much of a function lately.  A dark way to do this would be at Mike's funeral. Entire town shows up, church goes up and we'll see who walks out. Dynasty did it... Homeland did it..we could do it. 

I would also focus way more on the younger set. I'm hoping the Molly Brando thing will keep she and TJ on canvas more and not just as background players. Kristina needs to get back as well.  We need young blood...and we need it fast.

How about you? Your ideas??  Here's hoping our soap survives this. I think if they can get back to taping after April 30th we may be ok. If not? Who knows. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Dave! I would love it if 4 days a week and Friday flashbacks were permanent!!!! No I would not like all the characters I love to die with the carona virus!

    "Karen says, Here's hoping our soap survives this. I think if they can get back to taping after April 30th we may be ok. If not? Who knows."

    I doubt it will be by April 30th. :( So okay I will copy and paste what I said back then about this episode.

    Crazy town:

    Jason and Carly: Oh whew Jason is saving Carly!!! So glad!!! Oh oh they are in slowmo.. Something bad is going to happen? Oh nope. Everything is fine. Whew. :)

    Outside crazy town:

    BobTodd, Jason, and Carly:

    Jason: Get out!

    I was thinking, what?!?!! You are just going to leave him there?!?!

    Jason: Get in the back.

    Oh good then you aren't leaving him.. :)

    The hospital:

    CarlyKim and Liz: Why is CarlyKim in disguise? ROFL! Hey wait! CarlyKim brought up the cafeteria!!! The hospital still has one?!!?!?! :) Hmmm how come they are talking there, and not at the cafeteria? When Liz brought up how if she has female friends she would talk to them.. I was thinking, where is her childhood friend? She isn't working at the hospital?

    CarlyKim and "Charlie" Awww great scene. :) And she is still in disguise.. Hmmm Lucas is still in surgery? Damn!

    Friz: They are just so adorably adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    The crash sight:

    Janey and Michael: Oh Micheal! Why did you tell her the truth!?!?!?! Oh crap you are stuck!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP!

    "Karen says She tells Michael if she smoked, she'd chuck a cig right on it...but now she'll leave it to fate and she walks into the woods."

    Actually, he wanted her to help him, and she said well if she had a cig right now she would smoke it and think about helping him, but since she doesn't have one, she can't think about it.

    Michael and Sonny: CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!! I was yelling at Sonny after Michael was free. I was saying, pick him up take him out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dr. O and the cops: Oh wow!!! They were in that accident too! I didn't see that coming! Glad Dr. O checked how those two guys were. :)

    Janey and Dr. O: Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: Can it be, that you are lying?!


    Private cabin:

    Jarly: So.... Are they going to have I'm so grateful you saved my life sex? :) Why does Carly only want Jason to know how she felt being at the crazy town place? That is strange.

    Brucus home:

    Wiley and Brad: Awwww what a cutie patootie baybay!!!! :) OH OH SOMETHING IS WRONG! I KNEW IT I KNEW SOMETHING BAD WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Karen says Looks like Wiley dies from crib death"

    You mean SIDS? It can't be! Wiley was on his back!!!! Hmmm although the blanket was very loose.. Hmmmmm...


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