Thursday, April 9, 2020

Half My Heart

Ok, so... lots of flashbacks again about Willow and loving Wiley (all leading to the marriage I'm sure)

Flashbacks of Joss and Nelle --lots of them. 

Crimson:  Nina talks to Jax about the necklace and her missing daugther. 

Carly and Nelle are still arguing. Nelle says she was there when Carly visited. She cries and says Carly left her with Frank and she could have taken care of her. Chloe killed those scenes Wow. 
Young Carly goes to Frank Benson's apartment in Miami. IT's VALENTIN !! ahahah in a bowling shirt, stubble and eating a sammy. OMG young  NELLE walks out WITH 1/2 THE NECKLACE ON! WELP!
Carly wants money, Frank says no. She says well, tell me about my birth parents then.  He says her mother was a prostitute and her dad was probably a john. Said they were rejected by the adoption agency and went looking. Ruby was selling her. Oh boy this is going to piss people off. LOL 

Sonya had a good idea: Could Willow and Nelle be twins? 

The  amount of flashbacks and the length of them and HUGE?? Going to turn so many viewers off.  Jason and Carly flashbacks...... pretty recent ones.  Carly and Jason. More Willow ones. Nina flashes back to giving her necklace to Sasha... then the wedding, Sasha saying she's not her daughter. 

Nelle looks in her jewelry box... sees the rattle and .. there's the 1/2 necklace. 


  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now we'll be stuck with her forever. And Nina will be Wiley's grandmother? *gag* Willow was a much better choice but then she's not a convenient choice. I'm so over this now.

    1. Rewriting history, like Carly wouldn’t remember Nelle. Good casting though as Valentin playing smarmy stepfather.

    2. I was just gagging when I saw the necklace in Nelle's jewelry us now! I so wanted it to be Willow!

  2. Who's playing adorable little girl Nelle (did I just say that)???

    1. HAHAHAHAHAH, good one! But she was a little cutie. :)

  3. I'm a bit confused. We know that Nina had a child while in a coma. She was a grown woman. So how can Nelle be her daughter except by soapy magic. She is assumed to be the same age as Carly...right? So Caroline, played by Eden, is maybe 18-20 and Nelle looks to be about 8. So Nina would have been like 10 at childbirth. Right?

    1. nina's daughter would be sasha's age , maybe 25. carly is 50ish like nina.

    2. This just doesn't sit right. How could young Carly be in the same room with even younger Nelle and Nina be her mother if Nina and Carly are about the same age. She allegedly gave birth in her coma. As a grown woman.

    3. Nina certainly doesn't look twelve years older than Carly.

    4. This is a huge load of horse crap! There are so many holes and improbability to this story it's like swiss cheese! I wonder how dark the whole story behind Frank getting Nelle will be? Did he go to a freaking orphanage to look for a child just to sell her kidney? I can't even begin to imagine how they're going to spin this! Was Nina's mom so cold that she just sold her baby to a random scum bag? And the last time we saw that box it had the rattle and her engagement ring from the fiance she murdered. Someone help me out here!

    5. And you're right Zazu,the age thing doesn't work according to the flashbacks and stuff either. Do they even think? Or do they just throw stuff at the dry erase board and see what sticks?

  4. great I guess nelle is staying. not

  5. So, I guess when Nina and Nelle find out they are mother and daughter, this will change Nelle's disposition and she will be all "sugar and spice" now. This is stupidness

  6. I'm just upset that the show wouldn't actually show flashbacks of original Carly and Jason instead of them talking about their past. It's not that big of a deal to have SJB shown as Carly - that's less confusing for the casual viewer than having Joss playing Carly, Valentine playing Frank, and Nina play Virginia (without an accent) lol...

  7. I can look past a lot of this retcon, but Ruby would NOT SELL A BABY! That's a load of crap.

    1. I KNOW!!!!! Give me a break!

    2. I was screaming at the T.V.!! Why are they letting them do this?? Such a slap in Ruby's face! A legacy character! How dare they!!

    3. Plus, Caroline Benson lived in a trailer in Pensacola!

  8. So, it looks like Kiki and Nelle were half-sisters after all.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


    The hospital:

    Sasha and Willow: Willow boohooing. Sasha is the BEST BESTIE EVER!!! Loooooooooooooooooooong flashbacks.

    Carson kitchen:

    Chase and Michael: BESTIES!!!!!! Moooooooooooore flashbacks!! I wonder if the Tribbles enjoy seeing Chase and Michael.


    Nelle and Carly: Mooooooooooooooore flashy flashys.


    Frank, young Carly, and little Nelle:

    "Karen says Frank Benson's apartment in Miami. IT's VALENTIN !! ahahah in a bowling shirt,"

    ROFL! The bowling shirt! HAHAHAHHAHAHA! I love it! :) Oh look little Nelle has the half heart necklace. *facepalm* Yesterday I saw a picture of the little girl wearing the half heart necklace on twitter. Frank wins the line of the day.

    Frank: I doubt your mother knows, because she was just a hooker.

    HAHAHAHAHA! The way he said it and the look on his face when he said it! HAHAHAHAHA! When little Nelle was talking about a cookie, I thought Frank was talking Russian to her at first hahaha. Wait a second. Ruby selling baby Carly?!!?!?! YEAH NOT!

    Young Carly and Sarah Palin: (Julie H hahahaha) Time for Young Carly to go and meet her bio mama!! Ohhhh how exciting!!!! :)

    Nax: Awww let Jax find your daughter!!! She is 20 something years old?

    Nelle's bedroom: Oh look at that!!! The half heart necklace!!! OY!

    "Karen says, Sonya had a good idea: Could Willow and Nelle be twins?"

    Oh it wasn't my idea. Someone on soap central has been talking about it, and someone today talked about it on twitter in your blog while you were blogging GH! :) I really really like that idea!!!!

    Sonny's office:

    Jason and Joss: I forgot to mention yesterday, awwww young Joss in the flashback!!! So sweet!!!! :)

    Jason and Carly: Now Carly wants Jason to kill Nelle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Who next? Will Michael show up and ask Jason to kill Nelle? The flashbacks!!!! I love my Jarly! Now I will have to go on youtube to find and watch when they first met. :)

    1. Seriously Sonya, all I can see now is Sarah Palin!! HAHAHAHAH!
      I thought Nina and Valentin were great as Carly's adoptive parents!

  11. Nelle was 5? in those flashbacks that took place let's say 1 year before Carly had Michael (ie Carly headed to PC then and Michael was born approx 1 yr later). Won"t even get into the discrepancy of Nelle still being a child when Joss needed a kidney. But basically Nelle, and Sasha by extension, are 5+ yrs older than Michael? Lol. Soap math.

  12. I hope everyone can hear me screaming at the TV- what is going on???? Changing history BLANTENTLY like we are stupid? Nelle is not Nina’s daughter. Chloe wanted to LEAVE GH and she did. We don’t want Nelle back! Was Frank even alive when Ruby was there? I HAVE been and she wouldn’t have done any of that. Sheesh. Trying to get through COVID19 and this is NOT helping!

    1. I am pretty sure Ruby was a madam Bobbie worked for, maybe she was behind the adoption.

    2. Yeah Ruby was Bobbie and Luke's aunt. :) She was a madam.

  13. Yes she was Luke and Bobbie's Aunt Ruby. They were from Florida. Ruby was the Madam, Bobbie was a hooker, and I forgot what Luke did. Probably a grifter. I believe Bobbie got pregnant by a john and put the baby up for adoption


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...