Monday, April 13, 2020


Back when Nurses were NURSES! 

Today I actually have a meeting during GH. A REAL Meeting! Well, a remote one but still. Haven't had one of those in awhile. 

So, it's a do-it-yourself blog today. I think we've been over all there is to dish about at this juncture.  We have until the end of May and then shows run out. I'm wondering if we'll just get giant chunks of flashbacks the whole time! 

I do wish their classic shows were truly 'classic'. Since we are doing Carly's whole story, show when she first came to town or her affair with Tony. We ALL KNOW she was recast -- just go with it. You'd make soapy history! 

Hope your Easter was a good weird as it probably was. We have 50mph winds here today. OOF


  1. I agree: If we are going to do flashbacks, let's have good ones of actual GH history with the original actors.

    1. I would love episodes from the beginning of GH

    2. Yes, old flashbacks. Who cares about poor quality.

  2. Oh, and I DEFINITELY do not need flashbacks to events that happened a month ago. Ugh.

    1. Exactly. That is SO stupid to flashback to last month. Arghhh

  3. Show was interrupted in NYC :(

  4. Give me the 90s....I'd love to see Lucky and Liz! Old Nik and Emily! I was out doing errands and didn't care I missed 1/2 of GH...

  5. Chandler mansion:

    Anna-bot, Hiney, and Maxie: Little V is having a birthday party! Anna encourages Maxie to go visit Dr. O!! Later, Maxie shows up to boo hoo all over Hiney! UGH!

    Anna-bot and Hiney:

    Hiney: My life has changed so much.

    Anna-bot: You have changed.

    NO HE HASN'T!!!! Whoa 30 kids are going to little V's birthday party?!!?! 30?!!? Are we going to actually see the birthday party?


    Dusty, Brooky, and Lulu: Oh Dusty!! Brooky and Lulu were going to fight! Don't stop them! Oh crap!

    Dusty and Brooky: Oh great scene!!! Brooky doesn't like being vulnerable and has walls up! Dusty notices.

    Brooky: Why would you want to be with a perpetual victim.

    Dusty: I don't know. Why would you want to be a bully.

    Ohhh great question Dusty! :) Dusty wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: It was real. I don't do fake.

    Dusty: Oh since when?


    Dr. O's jail cell:

    Dr. O, and Robert:

    Robert: You are going to the Hague.

    I had to look up what the Hague is. Is Robert going to work with her or not? I'm not sure.

    Dr. O and Maxie: HOLY COW MAXIE SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is pleading with you to believe her!!!! When the truth comes out, YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE TO HER!!!!! Maxie is telling her that Britch left Port Chuckles and went to Boston to be a doctor there. Maxie wants Dr. O to plead guilty! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Dr. O: James is the one who holds all the power.

    GAHHHHHHH! She made me cry!! :( Dr. O is crying, and then when Maxie is about to leave, Dr. O is crying. She made me cry again!!!! :( WILL SOMEONE BELIEVE HER?!!?!?!?!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! She went on the floor to cry!!!

    Robert: Do you think you can beat the charges against you?

    Dr. O: No prison can keep me from justice. Peter will suffer for his crimes. And I will get my family back.

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That is what I like to hear!!!! GO DR. O!!!! Hmm I rhymed. GO GO GO GO GO GO!


    Nax: Hmmmmm. Nina is sticking up for Nelle. It's like she already knows Nelle is her daughter.. Great scene with Nax! She tells him to see who she really is, and not what he thinks she is. And to not put her on a pedestal. They dance! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Laura: Oh Laura shut up! I am getting really tired of the same conversation between them.

    Laura and Lulu: Lulu is upset because she wants to make french toast for Rocco for breakfast tomorrow, but she can't because Dante does it better. He put a special something in it and never told Lulu. Oh no! Laura and Lulu hugged twice!!!! STOP HUGGING! Social distancing you two!!!

    Check this out! General hospital from January 1967

    At the hospital this doctor was asking this nurse out and wanted to go dutch! HEY GUY! If you are going to ask a girl out, then don't say let's go dutch you jerk!! Man he is rubbing me the wrong way. Who the heck is this guy? Anyway there are also 1967 commercials hahaha!

    1. Thanks for the recap Sonya! I loved "Dusty" yesterday. He was speaking some serious truths (why would you want to to be a bully!! loved it!!) to both Lulu and Brookie. He was treating them like the high schoolers they were being. :)

      Doctor O broke my heart. PLP has to get caught, now! This has dragged on way to long, and these supposed looks of guilt he gets when hugging Maxie are making me want to barf. Lol! I also don't want Dr. O to disappear from our screens for 6 months, then come back and take care of PLP. Ugh!

    2. "Julie H says, Thanks for the recap Sonya!"

      You're welcome!! :)

      "I loved "Dusty" yesterday. He was speaking some serious truths (why would you want to to be a bully!! loved it!!) to both Lulu and Brookie. He was treating them like the high schoolers they were being. :)"

      Dusty was awesome!!!! He spoke many many truths!!! :) Yeah Brookie noticed that he was treating them like high schoolers hahahaha!

      "Doctor O broke my heart. PLP has to get caught, now!"

      She broke mine too!! He has to get caught ASAP!

      "Lol! I don't want Dr. O to disappear from our screens for 6 months, then come back and take care of PLP. Ugh!"

      I don't want it to be 6 months!!!!! ICK!!!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...