Monday, April 27, 2020

MON-Day Monday...


I have NO idea what is happening.
I swear half the show was a REPEAT of stuff I've seen??? The whole first part was stuff we saw last week:

Alexis Neil at Metro arguing about whatever. 
Laura, Cyrus Lulu at the Metro. He wants to donate to Laura's campaign and she wants him to donate money for drug rehab. 

TJ and Mac at GH all...old scenes. They played LONG scenes from last Thursday over again. TJ remembers the guy holding him had "Old Kentucky Home" as his ring tone. And TAPS on his shoes.

Molly and Brando talk briefly, Sam asks her if she knows him. He says he worked on her car.
Davis girls in Charlie's.. flashbacks to Jordan/Sam scenes
Flashback to Molly TJ and "Domestic Partnership" scenes. 
Molly tells Sam and Krissy about the Domestic Partnership. 

Carly and Sonny talk about Avery missing Mike. MIKE / Sonny flashbacks. 

TJ tells Felix he's going to go see Molly and her sisters. He goes to pick up the car from... Brando. BLOOOP!! Brando's says SURE! TJ is wondering why he doesn't need ID from him. 

Molly tells her sisters she SLEPT WITH someone. :eyeroll: Kristina is like YEAH! YOU GO!! lol Molly's like come on... I wasn't sampling something like at the market! 
She tells them it was Brando Corbin. 

Some weird insert of Jordan and Cyrus... and then Cyrus Jordan flashbacks. LOL Then Mac comes in and tells them he might have info on who kidnapped TJ . He points to a map. 


That's about it. 


  1. I honestly was almost halfway in before I knew whether or not it was a new episode or a repeat of last Thursday. In one scene the girls said a sentence each and it went to a long flashback. Honestly, by the time it was over I was dizzy.

    1. ROFL! I heard that in Canada it was a repeat.

    2. It was a repeat on the Canadian station so I watched on ABC. (I have choices here. lol) It had a brief interruption for a news update but it doesn't sound like I missed much.

      I know I've been stuck in the apt. for a while now but my brain still works, Sonya. lol At least as well as it always has. ROFL

    3. "Di says, It was a repeat on the Canadian station so I watched on ABC. (I have choices here. lol)"

      ROFL! That is awesome. How did you get the ABC channel!?! :)

      "I know I've been stuck in the apt. for a while now but my brain still works, Sonya. lol At least as well as it always has. ROFL"

      ROFL! Your brain still works, but you're dizzy! ROFL!

    4. I get the American networks in my cable package.

      And the flashbacks were manking me dizzy. lol

  2. Yeah - this is NOT very productive, I see what they are trying to do but the stories are not moving forward when over 1/2 the show is flashbacks. I would rather they run through the episodes they have and then go into the archives and find a storyline that from the past that they could run for a series of days/weeks whatever is needed.

  3. Just thinking about today's show makes me dizzy. I will be more likely to record it now so I can watch the 20 minutes of new material.

  4. I actually got a full rerun of Thursday in Canada 😖

  5. It was not so bad,since we haven't seen these sisters together in so long. So nice to see Christina.

  6. Flashbacks flashbacks flashbacks............ Yeah I thought this was a repeat too at first. I was confused.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura, Lulu, and Cyrus: Flashback flashback flashback....................

    Neil and Alexis: Same chit chat.

    The hospital:

    Mac and TJ: Same chit chat. Oh! The bad guy gave TJ a smoothie awwwww! How sweet!!! New bromance? :)

    Carson home:

    Carson: Flashback flashback flashback.


    Jason, Sonny, Cyrus, and his hentchman: Oh! This got my attention! :) Me likey!

    Sonny: You get your man off me right now! '

    ROFL! The guy wasn't even touching you Sonny! He wasn't moving! ROFL! Well, Sonny wants social distancing!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Brolly: Damn Molly calm the hell down!! And Stop apologizing to him!

    Molly, Sam, and Krissy: Holy crap Molly! You don't want Brando to tell your sisters you two slept together, but yet YOU tell them yourself? WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!!

    Molly: I thought he dumped me! I thought he dumped me! I thought he dumped me!

    So basically,

    Molly: WE WERE ON A BREAK!!!!

    And then.

    Molly: We are going to apply to be domestic partners.

    Sam: 00

    Krissy: 00

    Krissy: How is that different from marriage?

    ROFL! It's not any different!!!!! :) Krissy would have won the line of the day with that line, but Molly wins it.

    Molly: So you think I sampled him like a freebie at the market?

    HAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHA! Hysterical!!! Well you know, I used to like Molly and TJ together, but really Molly is growing up and changing. It's time to move on and be with Brando! :) Oh damn Molly you are so stupid talking about your car accident and Brando!!! They are going to put 2 and 2 together and realize you slept with Brando!!!

    Krissy: Well I have only one thing to say! Good for you!


    Jordan's office:

    Jurtis and Mac: Flashbacks flashbacks flashbacks. I like the map! :)

    Lulu's home:

    Lulu and Laura: They showed the V.C. and Laura flashback again! That is the only flashback that I don't have a problem seeing again! It was a great scene!

    1. Krissie was killing me yesterday, I thought she was a hoot! But the line of the day definitely went to Molly, thanks for that! Molly is getting a little too hyper for me, and confessing she slept with Brando? To her blabber mouth, pokey nosed sisters? She's doomed! All of Port Chuck is going to know in an hour, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Krissie was killing me yesterday, I thought she was a hoot!"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah she is too much!!! :)

      "But the line of the day definitely went to Molly, thanks for that!"

      You're welcome. :)

      "Molly is getting a little too hyper for me,"

      Yeah she should cut down on the coffee!!

      "and confessing she slept with Brando? To her blabber mouth, pokey nosed sisters? She's doomed! All of Port Chuck is going to know in an hour, lol!"

      Hahahaha yeah no kidding!! :)

  7. The flashbacks were a bit much, I was having weird deja vu issues, lol! I want you all to note that I thought Mumbles looked beautiful yesterday, her makeup was perfect and her hair was full and brushed. To me it was very noticeable and she should look like that all of the time. That being said, I hated the look on her face (during the Molly confessional) because I just know she's going to go give Brandon crap. I am doing a preemptive "Shut the Hell Up and Sit Down Sam", right now! :)

  8. Hi, I have a dumb question...Is that a hearing aid worn by the actor playing Cyrus? I presume it is but don't know and it's bugging me! Thanks in advance!

    1. I noticed it too, and assumed that it was. But I don't know for sure! :)

    2. Maybe it's a receiver like artists wear on stage and someone is feeding him his lines.

  9. Sure looks like a hearing aid from the picture

  10. ok, i guess i've never seen a metal/silver one before!


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