Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Didgeridoo FUN


Birthday Party Fun!
There are kids there!! Friz.. Chillow. Maxie and Peter

AND OH MY GOD! Charlotte brought a SNAKE!!!!!!! YASSS!! ahahhaa It's under the stairs in a bag. It's name is the one in Harry Potter. 

Robert gives her a giant Didgeridoo!! That's that big instrument from Australia. Anna's like NOooooooooo!! LOL he plays it for her. 

Maxie and Peter talk about Lulu. He eats a YUMMY cupcake. wow. they look awesome 

Olivia says that Leo eats just like Dante. Robert says there's no news about Dante improving. DANTE FLASHBACK 

Jason comes to tell Anna Cyrus is out of jail and might be gunning for police people...he warns her. She says she can take care of herself. He asks if The WSB ever investigated him. She says she can't give out that info . OMG is that who Peter is in cahoots with??
Anyway, Danny yells :DAD??? is that you? He's there with Sam. Jason says he can't be with them. Um, DOESN'T DANNY ALREADY know that?? LOL I mean, it's been months right? That was really weird. No Scout shown, btw. 

Ava and Lulu have a fun talk about hating Valentin and the fact they are 'sister in laws" I enjoyed it!! 

HAYDEN AND FINN FLASHBACKS  A LOT OF They have such chemistry. 

Kitchen.. Moss, Sonny and Jason. Going on and on about Cyrus. He leaves. Nikolas and Ava walk in to get Avery for the party. Sonny says his bodyguard will take them and he wants to talk to Nikolas. 
Tells Nikolas he's the worst for putting his son through what he did. Yada, yada... lectures him. 
!!  Probably won't mention killing HIS son's father but... you know, it's Sonny. 

Charlotte has put the snake in the's waiting to go outside. 


  1. Sounds like a fun show I need to watch

  2. I just knew it was a snake. Bad seed.
    Was today Friday? Besides the cute little party the last 15 minutes was Hayden/Finn flashback. Maybe she is on her way back. Wasn't it rumored that she'd return in April.
    Maura West should have her own show. With RH. Primetime.

  3. Danny yelling, DAD??? is that you? was hilarious. Has he been gone so long he forgot what he looked like? Sam was seeing him every day for a month...while the kids were in the closet. lol

    I noticed that St. Sonny didn't mention shooting his own son in cold blood either. Granted he didn't know he was his son at the time but he was an innocent human being doing his job.

    I wonder if one of the kids is going to be badly hurt, or worse. is it a poisonous snake?

    1. Red on black is a friend of Jack. Red on yellow can kill a fellow. This snake was red on black. Not poisonous.

    2. Ohhhh nice!! :) Where did you learn about red on black and red on yellow rhyme? :)


    4. Oh,they taught us that nursery rhyme in school.

  4. Can I say again how much I have grown to hate Sonny? But, only when he's playing the intimigating, hypocrite, alpha-jerk.

    All Nikolas had to do was flick him on the forehead with his index finger and Sonny would just keel over.

    1. I wish I could give you a like, a love and 22 thumbs up for this comment. Sonny was an insufferable pig yesterday. And the visual of Nik flicking him in the forehead...made my entire day! Lol!!

    2. lol I was mourning the lack of a thumbs up for that one too. I think I will be flicking my finger at the screen every time Da Godfather starts his threatening from now on. lol

    3. Di, hahahhaha! I know which finger I'll be flicking! :)

  5. I think Sonny was ridiculous. He has committed so many horrible deeds.It is like he and Carly think they are the moral authority of everyone.

  6. loved the party with all the kids

  7. Flashback city again!!!!!

    Carson kitchen:

    Sonny and Jason: WHOA!!!! Tribbles are growing so much! HOLY COW!!!! I really really hope someone is taking care of it during social distancing!!

    Sonny, Nik, and Ava:

    Sonny: Why did it take you so long to climb out from your rock to say hello?

    ROFL! Sonny would have won the line of the day, but Finchy won it. Oh I just loved when Sonny told Nik off! I realized I am still mad at Nik! I want everyone to yell at Nik! I will be mad at Nik until Spencer forgives him. Is that a Tribbles drawing on the fridge? ROFL!

    Chandler Mansion/party: Charlie has a snake!!!!! I didn't see any 30 kids.

    Anna and Robert:

    Anna: NO!

    It took me a second to realize what that gift that Robert had, and then I was laughing so hard!!! :) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it!!!!

    Robert: It's practically a tradition.

    HELL YEAH IT IS!!!! :) Like I said, Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: What in God's name is that?


    Finchy and Chillow: The reason why the kids couldn't hit the pinata, was so dumb. Are children weak snowflakes?!?!?!! WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?!? Will they change pin the tail on the donkey to, kiss the tail on the donkey, because it's said to pin anything on the donkey cus it will hurt?!?!!! When Finchy put down the pinata, I was thinking, oh oh Charlie is going to put the snake in there!!! Oh YUP I was right!

    Jason and child Cheeto: Oh man! Your son don't even recognize you Jason! ROFL! You must not have been with him for months!!!

    Ava and Charlie: I love the scene! :) Ava handled her pretty well. :)

    Maxie and Hiney: Mmmmm cupcakes. :) GIMMIE!

    Olivia and Robert: Awwww love their scene!

    Lulu and Ava: GREAT SCENE! Love how Lulu is trying to be the bigger person! :)

    BobTodd and Ava: Awwww great scenes with them. How come Roger isn't eating a cupcake? :)

    1. The Tribbles are out of control!! Ava and the Demon Seed did have good scenes. And leave Nik alone! I'm tired of him being Port Charles's punching bag. :)

      Totally agree about your line of the day. Those scenes were a hoot, and that "thing" does make one awful noise. Tristan Rodgers looked like he was having a really good time.

  8. I keep forgetting that Maxie is Robert's niece because Felicia is married to Mac. Plus, Robert and Felicia are good friends from way back; even thought they don't really show this.


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