Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Blinded By The Flashers

Maybe if I close my eyes, it will all go away? 

So, I think I know how GH is going....heavily edited shows that draw out each conversation to the max and then a giant flashback fest that usually happens on a Thursday. This Thursday seemed to be 80% flashbacks and 20% new content. With the Friday "Flashback" Shows being from not that long ago, it makes for a long week on our soap. 


Naw, this is a knife... 

SPIN OF THE WEEK:  No.. not that Spin!!  The one Peter is pulling on Robert. Is Holly dead? I say HELL NO... she's alive and well and tending to her British rose garden. Peter just wants Robert out of town for awhile. He's either got Holly somewhere or... Robert will go to some fake-ass funeral in Crawley before figuring out it's a ruse.  Oh and PS.. Robert and Holly flashbacks would have been welcomed. 


Why yes, I grew this beard in response to my lay-off! 

FACIAL HAIR OF THE WEEK:  Neil grows a beard. I'm thinking it's to show he's no longer 'professional' and just hangin' out. So, anyway, he supposedly got his license revoked and apparently Alexis is up for review too? I mean? Who knows. This is actually a flashback in repeat by it's self. 


Carly remodeled ..and now I can't find my BAR-WARE!! 

NEW SET OF THE WEEK:  Wow, so CarSon gets a new living room in addition to the kitchen! Interesting, no? At first I was like..Um, WTF but it was revealed the entire thing was done in about 2 days off camera lol. I'm not used to it yet, it has a desk in there and I can't find the bar. Also: looks like the Q's. Ergo, using the same walls "Jenga" style? 


SOAPY STORY OF THE WEEK: TJ's on crutches... Molly's got a secret! Brando's in Charlie's talking to Sam and Kristina. Finds out they are related. Then sees Molly outside..she says they are her sisters. I'm sure he's wondering if he slept with his cousin or something! LOL --MORE of this please. Tolly deserves a big sweeping story. 


DISCO TRIBUTE OF THE WEEK:  Nina's shirt. Had me wondering what the hell was going on. Jiffy Pop came to mind! So, anyway, Nelle tells Nina she really wants a little house and white picket fence. OMG! Nina always wanted that too... awww. Then Nelle goes into Nina's office to get some papers and moves the necklace. She doesn't "see" the necklace tho. *sigh* 


GRANDMA TRIBUTE OF THE WEEK: Ok, that's not true. I know a LOT of Grams that wouldn't wear this. Poor Sam..she goes from lacy chestial-thing to Florida-Floral Tribute . Oh, btw, Diane did a Sam-Alexis intervention thing and they both found out she slept with Neil, Called Jules for help AND lied to the board. 
Photo thx to @dimerazahccara


DUD OF THE WEEK: Oh lord. What could have been a really powerful scene (even though we knew it was coming a mile away) turned into complete MUSH.  Willow finds these two making out on the couch.  Sasha is instantly upset they even planned this while Chase seems to be the only one in the group that can emote.  Willow walked around town, telling Michael about it like you'd tell someone a package was delivered to the wrong place. Michael stomped over to Chases' and well.. laid into Chase WAY more than he did ol' Sasha. More passion there than with any of the other couples.  Just fell flat. REALLY flat.  And, if Willow and Michael DO get married, Nelle has a great point about them being an insta-couple. 
NOTE: Watch those scenes again.. Sasha and Chase are WAY more drama than Willow and Michael. I mean, by a huge degree. 


DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE WEEK:  Not sure what I expected of this character but having brunch and being interviewed by Lulu wasn't on the list. 


STORY/SCENE OF THE WEEK: One saving grace was Sonny and Mike. Very realistic. They should have had a swallowing expert on..but I'm not going to nitpick! Loved Brook Lynn and Sonny, their relationship is evolving and really nice. Loved Liz coming in and checking in that her former patient was transitioned well. Having Mike suck on the washcloth? Heartbreaking. Again, kudos to the writers for an unflinching look at end-stage. Liz even mentioned palliative care and a DNR. 


RUNNER UP: OMG JPS broke my heart. Between he and Max Gail's acting I can't decide who to give the golden Wubs to. His self-realization after Charlotte told him he was the reason for her hate of Ava as just spot on.  Then he goes and talks to Laura about helping to raise Char with compassion and teaching her to basically 'be good'. Wow... it was powerful and done so well. It also made Lulu look more like a shrew than ever.  


FACES OF THE WEEK: Or should I say... UN-Faces of the week. This is Willow telling Michael about finding Sasha and Chase. Look at that EMOTION! WOW, both of them are just so... underwhelmed. 


Willow and Chase have it out 
Nelle overhears Willow tell Nina that Sasha and Chase are having an affair 
Cyrus wants Jules as a buddy
Peter made Robert think Holly is dead
The snake bit no one
Valentin realizes that Charlotte is basically turning into him and is horrified
Lulu's a mouth 
Alexis tells Sam and Diane all the dirt
Neil lost his license
Krissy is back tending bar
Brando found out Molly is Sam and Kristina's sister
Mike is slipping further away
The CarSon crew got a home renno
Everyone had massive flashbacks to a time not so long ago
Nelle almost saw the necklace; then didn't 
Michael confronts Sasha and Chase. 
Jason and Carly share a wub scene with Donna. 


So, we had some great scenes this week. Seriously, good stuff. Nice surprise with the CarSon remodel. Some people hate it but it gives me something different to look at during the show! Did I tell you about the HUGE amount of flashbacks we endured? HELL NO.. If you are a JaSam fan you may want to find them for Thursday. If you want to see Mike history, same. I know the spot GH is in as far as stretching out the shows but STOP with the massive editing and endless flashes. I'm telling you, it's going to turn people off. I'd rather have quality shows and have them run out (leaving me wanting more) than feeling like it's chopped up and not making sense. 

As you read, Soaps In Depth is not printing anymore. Not sure how long their website will last either. There is going to be a special on ABC: Tracing the Path ...a tribute to soaps! Hosted by Alec Baldwin, (of the Doctors, debut 1980!) it will feature such stars as Carole Burnette (AMC), Susan Lucci (AMC), Bryan Cranston (Loving) and Jon Hamm (Providence
May 19th on ABC--8pm EST. 

Photos thx to @Lynzy and @Yael  and @SoapsInDepth  from Twitter 


  1. Thanks, Karen. I know there isn't much to write about but, as always, you did a good job...

  2. Thanks for the great SS, kd. You hit all the highs and lows for me.

    I would like to see more Bolly too and more Robert and Holly flashbacks.

    I think the Golden Wubs award might have to be a draw. Both of those scenes were phenomenal.


    1. Robert and Holly flashbacks would have been perfect when Robert thought she was dead. I think they don't want to go looking for the old episodes. Too much work.

  3. I too thank you Karen for the great SS and my first laugh of the day...Jiffy Pop!
    It took 15 minutes to watch Thursday's show. Can't watch Sam daily...flashbacks are intolerable.
    Seems like Jordan has the mumbles now. Her scenes with Curtis are always the same. Too bad. I really like him.
    On FB they had a bit about the remodel and Maurice said something like " now it looks just like the kitchen, except for the bowl of moss". lol
    The foolish foursome will carry the baby story on until the end of time. Boring.
    I have said before I love the Cyrus, but to treat him like he is redeemable is just stupid. But I love watching him.
    Max Gail is one of the best actors to ever grace the sets of GH. He will be so missed.
    Have a great Sunday and stay safe.

    1. You are right zazu, Max Gail is an EXCELLENT actor. I liked the old Mike, but Max has made me forget the old Mike altogether. That is what a good actor does. They are so good that you don't remember things from the past

  4. Some of what happened made no sense, like Neil suddenly losing his license, and the CarSon remodel. Plus Krissy just showing up. Was a lot of time supposed to have elapsed between this last show and the one before?

  5. Wouldn't a court see right thru a quickie marriage, like between Willow and Michael??? Wow, Neil can grow a beard really fast!!! Love Mac and Robert. Sam is so hypocritical, why were she and Kristina attacking Brando. Most people run from cults. It will be a big loss without Mike. Max Gail is fabulous. He makes Sonny tolerable. I think Nick is going to take down Cyrus. It would put him back in the good graces of Laura, Lulu, and Sonny. He will do it to protect his mom. Thank you for a great Sunday surgery.

    1. the idea of Nik taking down Cyrus. I need my prince redeemed!! :)

    2. I loved seeing Mac doing investigating and questioning TJ. That is the old Mac we know and love. Excellent. Need to see more of this

  6. Thanks for the Surgery, and sorry this is a day late. I couldn't agree more with your highs and lows. I thought Chase was the only one worth watching thru that Wiley debacle. I used to like Willow and Sasha, but now meh. I would much rather see Liz, Laura, Nik, Ava and Robert!

    Michigan's stay at home order was extended until 5/15. Can anyone virtually cut my hair? Lol! Stay safe everyone.

  7. In reference to Neil losing his license with no on-camera discussion, I wonder if some scenes are missing. Could there have been some scenes that weren't filmed yet before the shutdown? I've noticed a couple of times when things didn't seem to be connected. Like the scenes with Liz and Mike. The show ended one day with Brook Lynn and Sonny talking to Mike, then the next episode showed Liz in the room with him with no introduction... We didn't see her arrive, not Sonny greeting her, nothing. She was just there, sitting on the bed, talking to Mike. And there was another time, which I can't recall now, that the scenes didn't mesh. I know that they don't film a whole episode in one day.. they do pieces which would explain the missing connections.

    1. I agree about the editing and missing scenes. When I saw Krissy tending bar like she had been there all along I said to myself, wth. And Neil's beard and lack of license. It's all over the place and rather hard to watch.

  8. Things don't "match" up sometimes do they? All of a sudden Neil has s full beard. All of a sudden Sonny and Carly have a fully re-modeled home. All of a sudden Neil lost his license. All of a sudden Liz is in Mike's room and Brook is gone. And, there has been stuff in the past like you say Pat....Sun. Sometimes the editing is so poor.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...