Thursday, April 30, 2020

Another End of The Month

Can you even believe it? This month feels like 10 years!! I have to do all my end paperwork and turn it in. Looks like I'll be out for GH again. 
Will it matter? I want to think so...but stretching out the show is just not doing it for me and we have ANOTHER MONTH of it.  HELP!!I will keep watching because I don't want to lose our soap. 

I will try to watch on Hulu and post tomorrow when it's a repeat!! Have a good one


  1. Good luck with your work Karen. At least we have a month to keep chatting? ?

  2. I am so frustrated with all the Covid updates every day at GH time! I have to wait until the next day to see it on DEMAND.

  3. Some flashbacks.

    The hospital:

    Liz and Cam: Geez at first I thought this was a repeat!! Cam just got done going to therapy and Liz asked him how was it. They already had a scene like that, so that is why I thought this was a repeat.

    Cam and Trina: Oh yes. The only reason we kissed is because we are suffering from PTSD! Trina friendzoned Cam! DOH! Cam looks disappointed!

    Cam, Trina, Joss, and Dev: Awwwwwwwwwww! Friendship!!! :) MOVIE TIME!!!! No chick flicks, but no no Cam really LOVES them! :)

    Liz and Portia: Portia wants to be head of internal medicine. Hmmm where is Liz's childhood friend? Did she just move away?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Sasha: Carly knows Sasha is lying!!!! Carly figured it all out! I love it!!!! Made me clap!!! GO CARLY! Oh but don't confirm because she will have to tell Michael! Carly said she would do the same thing! HA! Of course she would! :)

    Carly and Nelle: Nelle is trying to bait Carly! Carly is not taking the bait! Nelle isn't happy! ROFL!

    Chase's home:

    Chase and Willow: GAHHHHHHHHHHH! Chase just tell her the truth you sexy dummy!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Brooky and Jules: Oh I loved when she called Julian, Jules. They are having the same conversation that they had a million times before! About Julian trying to kill Brad! Boring!!! Just kiss already!!!

    Brooky and Dusty: Brooky is SO into Dusty!!!! :)

    Carson home:

    Joss, Dev, and Sonny: I was confused when I saw Dev. I thought he left Port Chuckles. Joss and Dev are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

    Brando and Sonny: Hmmm. Sonny gave Brando permission to leave town if he wants to. Oh that is big of Sonny! Wow! Hmmm looks like Brando is in love with Sonny! ROFL!

    The REAL park:

    Michael and Nelle: Nelle wins the line of the day!

    Nelle: And grandma 1 and grandma 2 keep the robust bank account and their jobs.

    ROFL! She wants full custody of Wiley!!

    Michael and Willow: Michael got a stick. Hmmmm a walking stick? Wait what the hell?!?!! What did that poor tree do to you guys?!?!! That is horrible!!! Tree abuse! Someone call Diane!!! As bad as that was today, that isn't the worst. The worst is Sonny's cake being murdered!! That was so gruesome!!! Nothing has ever topped that. I hope they never show the cake murder again!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Gawd. The poor tree. It looked like it was bleeding.

      And the cake wasn't the worst. It was #2. The funniest soap opera moment of all time was when Britt threw Emma's doll Ariel into the barbecue and burned it to a crisp because it peed on her.

      For those newbies who've never seen it. PMSL

    3. "Di says, Gawd. The poor tree. It looked like it was bleeding."

      Yes!!! It did look like it was bleeding!!! :(

      "And the cake wasn't the worst. It was #2. The funniest soap opera moment of all time was when Britt threw Emma's doll Ariel into the barbecue and burned it to a crisp because it peed on her."

      ROFL! Yes the Ariel doll was great, but no the cake was number 1 and Ariel was number 2!! I mean just watch the video of the cake being massacred!

      I mean!!! YOWZA!! :0

    4. That tree did look awful after the bashing, someone call the PArk Police, sheesh!

      I am definitely not getting in the middle of the cake massacre and the burning of Ariel debate, lol! They were both hilarious! :)

      Nell was quite the little pill yesterday, Just running all over the place trying to poke the bears. We really need a murder mystery now. Writers, are you listening?!

    5. "Julie H says, That tree did look awful after the bashing, someone call the PArk Police, sheesh!"

      YES PLEASE!!!

      "I am definitely not getting in the middle of the cake massacre and the burning of Ariel debate, lol!"

      ROFL! I didn't know there was one until now hahaha!

      "They were both hilarious! :)"

      Yeah! Hahahaha!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Random thoughts...

    The constant flashbacks are irritating but, like you, I keep watching to ward off cancellation. I watch on Hulu, which is owned by Disney, which also owns "GH." I am sure they keep track through data analytics.

    One of the flashbacks on Thursday (Chase saying he was "toxic" and needed to take a shower) was just shown on Wednesday. C'mon, the producers at least need to "try.* The same flashback two days in a row are unacceptable.

    The limited new content really makes me realize which storylines and characters I care about. The Cyrus stuff has fallen flat, so far. Also, the Michael/Sasha/Chase/Willow stuff isn't that interesting, although I like watching Nelle. The only new development I like is Molly getting a story. (And seeing Felix again.)

    We need more Laura & Kevin, Elizabeth & Franco, Anna & Finn, Robert being Robert, and more Brook Lynn and Nelle causing trouble. In my dream world, both Sam and Jason would take a LOOOOOONG vacation.

  6. Okay. So today's flashback Friday was about the 3 Carly's, AJ's death, and other things.. I will copy and paste what I said at the time.

    "The floating rib: Felicia, Mac, Doc, and Lucy! YAY! NJ bridge closing? ROFL! Felicia for Mayor? :) Lucy is so far away in her thoughts about Scotty. Mac wants to bring Mr Marbles back at the nurses ball hahahahaha! Oh there is Lucy running out of the place like the place is on fire.

    Kelly's: Bobbie is crying. At first I thought she was crying over AJ's death. Noah broke up with her for Annie Logan?!?! ANNIE LOGAN?!!?! WOW! Yes Scotty the virgin. :) Wait Did Annie Logan lose her virginity to Noah?! Damn how old is she?! Bobbie wins the line of the day!

    Bobbie: Who's home are you wrecking?

    ROFL! Oh and there is Lucy. :) Wait why did they show a flashback of Lucy and Scotty talking, when they should have just shown them talking. Makes no sense. Oh Lucy! You are nuts! You pick your husband. Are you sure? Oh but Lucy still wants to have her cake and eat it too! She so NEEEEEEEEEDS Scotty in her life or she will die! Come on Lucy!!! You should really pick Scotty.

    The hospital: Sonny with all three Carlys!!! And flashbacks too! I LOVE IT! :) Oh they didn't show Carly number 3 hahahaha. I guess the writers didn't think she was a good recast either. :) How come the sheet is not over AJ? Awww poor Monica! :( Ghost Emily and Monica scene awwww! :(

    Ghost Emily: But I was happy mom. I had Nicholas. I experienced love. True love.

    Oh shut the hell up Emily and don't ruin the scene! Oh forget it. Just get the hell out! Oh ghost AJ. :'( They had a lot of time, but as soon as Monica asked who shot him, they had to go quickly ROFL! Ghost AJ and Ghost Emily have to leave. They see Lila, Edward, and Alan! I burst into tears! :'("

    Watching it today, I still cried when I saw Lila, Edward, and Alan! :(

  7. Where did Tristan Rogers go since Peter sent him on a goosechase. Is he off the show for awhile? I sure hope not. He is one of the reasons I still watch.

  8. Also, give me more Mac and even Felicia. More Lucky and Scotty. No nurses ball this year I guess. IMO it was lame in recent years

  9. I meant more Lucy. Although Lucky would be miracle


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  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...