Thursday, April 16, 2020

Flashback Forever


Jason says that he can't be with Danny and Scout and Sam. JASAM flashbacks.  Jason is sad. Sam is sad. Danny is sad. 

Jason calls Sonny later. Cyrus wants to meet with him. 

Chillow talk about the party, take a walk .. Chase and Sasha flashbacks. Same ones as yesterday 

Maxie talks to Robert about Peter. Tons of Robert/ Peter flashbacks.  Like, A LOT 

Michael and Sasha at GH..talking about Wiley.  Carly walks up. They talk about Wiley. 

Bunch of Paxie flashbacks. UGH Way too many Peter flashbacks today I MEAN LIKE TONS of them. The entire Maxie and Peter relationship! GEESH!! UGH 

Charlotte tells Aiden to stay away from the Pinata! 

Robert leaves the party to go break into Maxie and Peter's apartment.

Pinata time:
They pull and pull and... it opens!
OMG Char put it in Ava's purse !! LOL Because she hates her!! 


  1. I don't understand why Jason didn't just tell Danny that if he goes near them the parole officer said Sam will go back to jail. Why put it on him and give sam more reason to keep on whining.

    I FF'd through an awful lot today.

  2. I hesitate to complain because the flashbacks help lengthen the time we can see new material but today's Hiney flashbacks were just too much.
    This whole custody thing is is still the baby story soon to be going on 3 years.

  3. I had to fast forward all the flashbacks but it was great to see the kids and I have to say I love Robert Scorpio! So glad he is back!

  4. Does Jason get to see Danny and Scout but just not around Sam? Or are they punishing the kids too?

    1. He was supposed to be seeing them alone. Remember that Sam showed up once at the Q's when he was there seeing the kids so that she could say it was an accidental meeting.

      They just had to give her something to whine about at the party.

  5. wow, does this show SUCK now or what?

  6. I realize the flashbacks are to stretch out their shows-but 8 feel bad for whoever is hav8ng to go through reels and reels of tapes and find what they need and then whoever 8nserts them!
    Wally Kurth stated he thought Gh had shows until third week in May.

  7. Hey flashbacks, come on down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Sasha and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Michael did win the line of the day.

    Michael: Your honor Nelle Benson is a demon and her benevolent behavior is of supernatural origin and she should be banished to a parallel dimension.


    The REAL park:

    Chillow: Oh so NOW Chase wants Michael and Willow to marry?!!?! *facepalm*

    Chandler Mansion/the party:

    Jason and young Cheeto: Young Cheeto be a big boy! You have to be strong for your siblings young Simpi!

    Olivia and Robert: Oh they are a flirtin. :)

    Maxie and Robert: Maxie what happened? While you were sleeping at night, did Hiney eat your brains?

    Maxie and Hiney: Holy crap their flashbacks were so looooooooooooooong!!! It's like it was a long summary of their "love story" UGH!

    Liz and Ava: Ava the queen/princess is manipulating Liz!!!! :)

    Charlie and Aidan: Oh yes stay away from the pinata!! It's the devil!!!

    Pinata time: Whoa! Who are these children? Still don't see 30 kids. Ohhhh Anna-bot said that it would be dangerous for all the kids to be in the room when they get the candy. Safety reasons!! Oy! So the other kids are outside? So rude Anna-bot. Charlie looks nervous. Hmm candy fell down but no snake.. When Ava went to grab her purse I had a feeling that the snake was in it. Wait why was Charlie all nervous about the pinata when the snake wasn't even in there? So dumb. Avery looks older!!!! I love how they kept the little actress!! :)

    Maxie and Hiney's apartment: Go Robert go Robert!!! That's my Robert!!! :) Ohhhh! Someone is coming in!!! Oh man! They showed who it is in the previews!!!! Spinny! Why do they do that?!!?! GAH!

    Carson kitchen:

    Jason, Sonny, and the HUGEEEEE Tribbles:

    Sonny: What is your next move?

    Tribbles: I can kill Cyrus for you.

    Jason: If he's free to operate and we're not, over time it's going to hurt us.

    Tribbles: I can kill Cyrus! It will be quick. In and out.

    Sonny: That's the key. Over time.

    Tribbles thoughts: Man I wish Jason and Sonny would stop ignoring me!!

    Sidenote: So tomorrow for flashback Friday, they will show Ava's centric episode, which is January 16th 2018. Man they are stuck on 2018!!!! What is so special about 2018?!?!?!

  8. It's been 35 years since Finola Hughes has been on GH!!! :) Since GH won't honor it by showing the first time she came on the scene. I will!

    1. the one early scene i remember the most is when she opened the door to Grant Andrews and he ripped off her scar.

    2. ps. and i didnt need a flashback to remind me of it.

    3. David, that was Robert who ripped off her fake scar. Wait Grant did too? I don’t remember that,

    4. here you go sonya

    5. Thank you david!!!! It is all coming back to me now! I also remember when Holly found out the scar was fake!! :) I'm trying to remember if this was before Robert ripped off the scar.

    6. Thanks again Sonya. I don't remember that. I think it is because 35 years ago on that day I was getting ready for my wedding on April 27

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  10. Yowser, way too many flashbacks. And I am now sick of Willow, Sasha, and the entire baby Wiley story. I do not care!

    Sonya, line of the day was perfect! I would have had a hard time memorizing that line, but what a hoot!

    I did notice a little flirting between Robert freaking Scorpio and Olivia. They are very cute together. I also loved the chat between Ava and Liz. Yes, Ava was trying to manipulate Liz, but she was speaking the truth. Ava has been the shining star at this birthday party. :)

    1. Ava is always a shining star. Same with Dr. O. Two women who skate on the border between naughty and evil but who are always very very watchable...unlike Carly the shrieky shrew who only has one setting and Nell, the psycopathic schemer who I can't stand.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "Julie H says Sonya, line of the day was perfect! I would have had a hard time memorizing that line, but what a hoot!"

      Hahaha. Yeah I would have had a hard time memorizing it too! They must have rehearsed it a lot! :)

      "I did notice a little flirting between Robert freaking Scorpio and Olivia. They are very cute together"

      Yeah I agree!!! They are very cute together!! :)

    4. Amen about Doctor O. I just love that woman! I giggle when Karen calls the shrew (Carly) Mouth from the South. It's perfect! HAHAHA!

  11. I love Ned and Olivia, but she was cute with Robert. Plus, we all know Anna lost her brain and the writers will never put Anna and Robert back together again

    1. "lindie says, I love Ned and Olivia, but she was cute with Robert."

      Yeah I love Ned and Olivia too, but yes she is cute with Robert! :)

      "Plus, we all know Anna lost her brain"

      Maybe Hiney ate her brain too.

      "and the writers will never put Anna and Robert back together again"

      Yeah it sucks! :(

  12. Thank you for the YouTube clip of Anna Sonya. I will watch. Finola is one of my all time faves. They better give her back her brain. The writers have messed her up so bad

    1. "lindie says, Thank you for the YouTube clip of Anna Sonya. I will watch."

      You're welcome!! :)

      "Finola is one of my all time faves."

      Yeah she is mine too! :)

      "They better give her back her brain. The writers have messed her up so bad"

      Yeah they did!!! I want her brain back!

  13. It seems that we are only seeing two new episodes a week now. They took two of them, cut them in half, and filled them with flashbacks. I find it boring for sure, but admire the talent in the editor who is splicing in all those old pieces of story line. It's been hard to watch GH all messed up like that, but I am glad that they've figured out a way to stretch them out.

    When Jason told Danny that he couldn't see him now, Danny asked if it was because of Sam's parole. Jason said yes, but there were other things too... that he was involved in something dangerous right now. He must have meant the Cyrus stuff since Cyrus is known to attack that families of his enemies.

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  15. I thought Chase and Willow were a perfect couple when they first hooked up but not any more. I hope Willow marries Michael and that Chase and Sasha move on to other partners.Willow has become possessive and annoying. The Peter-Maxie scenes made me gag. When will this end and when will Anna get her brain back? It will be nice to see Spinelli on Monday.


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