Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Shredder

This makes me feel young again! 

Is it just me or is seeing people hug and get THISCLOSE just weird now!!?? I wonder how long it will take for all of us to cram in together again. Probably not long. I'm going to make some masks this weekend with hot glue because I can't sew for crap. I have old-time vacuum cleaner bags that have filter padding. They are supposed to be one of the best materials. I have to cut them open and put them in bandannas. I'll be the cowboy looking person. 

Have a seat and relax! 
Photo credit: Yael_c from twitter 

There weren't a lot of photos to choose from this week.. so I have what I have!!  Monday's show was pretty great.. Brilliant dialog and Jordan possibly talking to an undead Taggert? Nelle all blue and under a tarp??  Then the week just kind of blended in together. 


HYPO-THERMIA OF THE WEEK:  Carly not only locked Nelle out ... she forged her signature on the surgery release slip. Oh, she also gloated her ass off about it too!! I really loved how they had Nelle under that tarp all blue lipped. I actually wish Wiley would have come out of surgery with some bad complications just to teach her ass a thing or two. Listen, Nelle's a psycho but having this crew gang up on her is laughable and frankly, not working if you want me to hate her even more. "You're a murderer"! Welp, look over at Michael. HELLO!! The one fun thing of this was Bobbie shredding the form and Monica five-ing her. If you watched way back when, it's something they would absolutely do! 


LOOK AT ME OF THE WEEK: Hi, I'm Brando!! I'm just everywhere!  -- I give my backstory, make a cool macaroni (pasta) necklace with Avery,  I freak Mike out, I let Carly know I love horses and did I tell you? Molly comes over and gives me a sweet smile !! That's right... why focus on someone like Lucas when you have me?  :eyeroll: 


MIND HUNTER OF THE WEEK: If you've seen this excellent HBO show, well.. this was not it. 


GREEN EYED MONSTER OF THE WEEK: I guess this scene was a set up for the "absolute" break up of Juliexis. Alexis sure seems to think so. Julian is aimless. Julian is having hook ups with Britt-- who just dumped his ass. Yawn. 


SCOLDING OF THE WEEK: Ok, why is it that soap characters are written to never tell a secret... even tho that secret isn't that secret and the person they won't tell would never do anything to endanger the other person? Whatever. I guess it was partly to have Molly drive to the nearest garage and get all cute with the owner. After 8 years with a guy.. and.. his mother told you off. You know what scene I would have LIKED to have witnessed? Talking to her sister about it-- or.. I don't know, freaking out a bit. But-- ugh Brando? :eyeroll: 


Um, I think I ... might..
Me too...
oh nothin'.... 

PUPPY LOVE OF THE WEEK: Ok, this is going to need to move along. The scenes of Trina finding out about her Dad were pretty good; and I do think they'll damage this girl. She and Ava are great together. Ava can give her the advice she never gave Kiki. 


POWERHOUSE OF THE WEEK: Max Gail is superb with his acting on this subject. Spot on. The anger, confusion, sorrow--anxiety are all there. "Tell me a story" he says to Sonny and I get all teary eyed. Maurice is doing a hell of a job as well.  Great stuff. 


JERKS OF THE WEEK:  What is HAPPENING?? Is this supposed to be sexy? Cool? Exciting? Fun? What? Good lord, they meet up in a literal dump and Sam proceeds to cry over Jason. No one wants this. JaSam fans, JaSam haters, JaSam fence sitters... people who could care less about Sam--we don't CARE. Move the hell on.  I so hope Jason goes out and just sleeps with someone to shock the hell out of all of us. Something--anything!! 


Yes, I had two daughters once. One died and one is being held captive by a mob boss. 


Jordan talks to someone on the phone; my bet? Taggert 
Nelle is locked out and almost freezes to death but Carly gets her way and has Wiley operated on
Jordan tells Molly off, hoping to get her to stop trying to find TJ
Cyrus is a narcissist according to Dr. Kevin who interviewed him so he could go to a psyche center
Robert yelled at Laura and Kevin, telling them they are numskulls 
Laura asked Mac to do some leg work, but we never see him 
Little evil Charlotte made big Jax trip over her backpack
Brook wants Dusty to collab with her on some songs, What could possibly happen? 
JaSam meet at the local dump and Sam cries about not seeing him
Mike is getting much worse and Sonny is realizing the end is near
Julian  almost beats up Neil but Alexis tells him to take a hike
Trina finds out about Taggert's fraud and loses it 


That's about it.. I probably forgot some things but ... it's hard to concentrate at the moment! They really should get Rebecca B back by any means possible. Why they got a "Brando" instead is anyone's guess. Yes, he's cheaper. But get rid of 2-3 of the newbies and pay her what she's worth. . By the way, glaring absence of Dev. He was to go to boarding school until Sonny said no because if the Cyrus threat. Then? He's been in one scene since. I don't have info but I'm thinking: recast. Which I by the way, support. 


Stories I'm interested in now: 

Charlotte being a demon seed
Nelle hoodwinking the entire Q Clan 
Mike's decline 
Taggert coming back? 

Just a big thank you to those that are still working and that have to work.  You have a different level of everything going on. Love and Light to people in NYC and other metro areas. Stay safe. 
Remember: GH will be on Mon-Thursday with new shows and Friday is a repeat. 

Thanks to Soaps in Depth for screen cappies. 


  1. Hi, haven't read this yet, but I wanted to offer something. One of my patients is a nurse, and is having difficulty getting masks, even for work. However, she also has to travel by subway and bus to get to work, which is another problem. She is very clever, and has made herself face shields from shower curtains and other materials. She also said that, as we know the cloth masks don't offer total protection, so, what they are doing is, they put a Kotex on the inside of the mask. Obviously, the sticky part that you affix to your panties, you affix to the mask, and it filters out most everything. I know this sounds strange, but, desperate times call for desperate measures!

    1. I've heard this! My hubs just read about furnace filters being cut for those N95 kind too.

    2. There is this business called styleworld giving out free masks that ends today. You can try that.

      10 Free Surgical Masks -click send message on their facebook page and send them your shipping information to get a Free 10 Pack of Surgical Masks from Styleword.

    3. Great SS once again. Thanks.
      There are multiple videos on FB about making a mask from a bandanna/scarf with no sewing, just 2 rubber bands. Not surgical but still good us. Very easy. I made one with a bandanna once belonging to my dog. I don't know how to bring link over here.

    4. Here goes: Voila! Just copy and paste to your browser.

  2. "Is it just me or is seeing people hug and get THISCLOSE just weird now!!??"

    No it's not just you! It IS weird!!

    "LOOK AT ME OF THE WEEK: Hi, I'm Brando!! I'm just everywhere! -- I give my backstory, make a cool macaroni (pasta) necklace with Avery, I freak Mike out, I let Carly know I love horses and did I tell you? Molly comes over and gives me a sweet smile !! That's right... why focus on someone like Lucas when you have me? :eyeroll:"

    ROFL! I wonder how long he is going to talk about horsies! Will he tell Molly he loves horsies?

    "LOOK AT ME OF THE WEEK: Hi, I'm Brando!! I'm just everywhere! -- I give my backstory, make a cool macaroni (pasta) necklace with Avery, I freak Mike out, I let Carly know I love horses and did I tell you? Molly comes over and gives me a sweet smile !! That's right... why focus on someone like Lucas when you have me? :eyeroll:"

    I used to be a fan of theirs!!! Off and on through the years! Not anymore! I hate them together, and I hate Sam! She is dead to me! I still like Jason! He is being the smart one!!! Listen to him Sam! UGH!

  3. Okay for the past few days whenever I try to use the link to go on this site, all it says is this.

    "Sun[tm] ONE Web Server, Enterprise Edition 6.1 enables companies to react quickly to market demands by providing a high performance, highly scalable and secure web server that delivers static and dynamic content to their web site(s). The virtualization of domains and robust security features in the Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 enables companies to provide a better quality of service to their customers.

    WebDAV Publishing and File Management Support
    WebDAV support allows work groups to develop content and easily publish it to the Web Server. WebDAV provides integrated support for content metadata (author, creation date, etc), name space management (a representation of the content file system), and overwrite protection. These technologies combined with the numerous authoring tools supporting WebDAV provides an ideal development platform for collaborative environments.

    HTTP Compression
    Compressing data before it is sent to the browser enables system administrators to conserve bandwidth and improve the performance of their site for users on slower dial-up connections. Data can be compressed by MIME type, path, client, etc.

    Virtual Server Support
    The virtualization of servers enables companies to dynamically configure individual domain names, IP addresses, combine secure and non-secure sites within a single installed server instance. Multiple virtual servers can be grouped together in classes, making configuration and maintenance of the servers much easier.

    Feature-rich Administration
    The administration interface gives a customer fine-grained control over each virtual server without sacrificing ease-of-use. Administrators can control site access, delegate administration, configure multiple servers, replicate configuration across servers, change configuration dynamically, and much more - either via the GUI or command line.

    Improved Scalability and Performance
    The Sun ONE Web Server delivers high performance for dynamic and secure content with features such as HTTP/1.1 support, multiprocess and multithreading, and support for SSL hardware accelerators. Additionally, with results caching, improved keep-alive handling, HTTP compression, and a myriad of other performance enhancements, the Sun ONE Web Server is faster than ever before.

    J2EE Web Container
    Sun ONE Web Server includes a high-performance, in-process J2EE compliant implementation of Java Servlets 2.3 and Java Server Pages 1.2. With a J2EE compliant web container, customers now have the flexibility and reliability that is needed to design and deploy Web Applications that comply with Java standards. Web Applications can be deployed on a per-virtual-server basis.

    Improved SSL Performance
    The Sun ONE Web Server lets customers secure online transactions with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) v2 & v3, and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 connections.

    Content Filters
    Sun ONE Web Server's filters allow developers and administrators to modify content in real time. Filters can be used for template based content, compression, dynamic headers/footers, CSS/JS inclusion in files, etc.
    Documentation and Useful Links

    Reference Material contains Web Server documentation, including release notes, programmer's guides, and the installation and administration guides.

    Performance Tuning and Sizing an online document on the Sun ONE web site, describes several techniques to optimize the Web Server for your particular environment.

    Developer Portal contains valuable information for developers about all Sun ONE products and technologies. Look for the latest developments and technologies from Sun ONE.
    Contact Sun

    Sun ONE Web Server Home Site

    Contact Sales

    Technical Support
    © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc."

    Very strange. Is anybody getting that?

  4. Great Sunday Surgery. thanks.

  5. Has anyone else heard the rumor that Nelle is Nina's daughter?

    1. Yeah I heard about it. I hope not. I want Willow to be Nina's daughter!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Good Morning! I so wish I had responded on Friday, and it was great reading from all of you. I live in south east Michigan and work for University of Michigan Health System. Scary time for all. I work 2 days from home managing a database that keeps patients fed, but also have my office to myself, in an off site building. I can't say enough about the staff here at Michigan. I live alone, only child, no hubby or kids. I'm used to being alone, but man it's getting tough! I have an elderly mother in a small Indiana town, that thankfully has no cases. She's self sufficient, but running out of books to read, and misses church.

    Stay safe especially those in the hot spots. I so enjoy this blog and all of you!

  8. A 94 year old soap star from the old soap Edge of Night died from COVID. Think his name was sCompton.

  9. His name was Forrest Compton


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...