Wednesday, March 6, 2024



Chase talks to Anna and Sonny in GH. The bullets were armor piercing so Dante was shot. He also says someone else called 911. That Dex and Joss saved Dante. Sonny's like: WHA?? Then Olivia, Sam and Joss and Dex run in. Olivia asks Sonny if the shooting had anything to do with him. She says it's familiar and flashes back to Sonny shooting him in the chest. Sonny's sad, he blames himself too and then Anna tries to make him feel better. Oh brother. 

Chase explains to Sam and Olivia that Dante told him to secure the rooftop and he went after the 2 other suspects and that's when he got shot. 

Dante is in the operating room. Bunch of medical mumbo-jumbo. Portia says he might be too weak to operate on. 

Sonny prays in the chapel. LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES. Cripes. Olivia comes in too. They BOTH PRAY. Olivia apologizes him for calling him out-- and she is afraid. 

Alexis is trying to get to the crime scene for the paper but Nina stops her with some guy she wants him to meet. And instead of saying NO, Alexis invites him in. He's Adrian DeWitt some gossip guy that wants to work for the Invader. This scene is... weird. This reporter guy is supposed to be a Capote type but it's just weird dialog and smooshed in there at the wrong time. Adrian leaves. Alexis says she likes him but doesn't have faith in Nina. Nina says Alexis will have to trust her. Alexis gets a call about Dante being shot. 

Maxie, Cody and Sasha are meeting in her office and she says she knows what they are up to. They talk about Spinelli and Maxie. (they are not needed today). You love Spinelli! Then Maxie is like: you two don't do anything about your attraction to each other. Maxie leaves. 

Spinelli gets a visit from Ava in his video den thing. She says he has to upload all the footage to Brick ASAP and he says it's 12 servers and a lot of work. They look through the footage and see Jason's face. They are like WTF!!????? Then Ava puts it on and iPad. Maxie comes around and Ava runs out to show Sonny and Maxie wants to know what Ava was doing at Spinelli's. She says he looks like he's seen a ghost. He says He has. 

AVA COMES INTO THE CHAPEL... tells Sonny he has to see the iPad footage. She shows him Jason. 

Spinelli still can't believe what he saw...will he tell Maxie? 

After yesterday's show, this was just flat ..flat and weird. Especially since Heather went down at the chapel and they showed nothing. No Jason either. 


  1. ----I just CANNOT with Nina - she is childish and annoying and why would Alexis tell her Dante was shot? Gosh - she is going go to the hospital and be all whiny and clingy.
    -----I laughed when gossip guy (trying to be Capote) said he reports on all classes of people ---------------gimme a break---------------we don't need a new character either.
    ----waiting on Sonny to approach Dex...
    -----LOVED the ending of going back and forth between Ava and Spinelli and I loved Ava working with Spinelli.
    -----Maxie's sweater is ridiculous for her position.....
    ------Wonder where Rocci is?
    -----the preview is odd---------------Laura not at the hospital and then saying to Drew and Carly, "let's divide and conquer'................
    ------Terry obviously has left GH (the show) - last seen in October..
    ------I just think MB again is killing these scenes with subtle acting......
    ----somehow Chase is gonna feel guilty for leaving his partner to interview Mrs. Wu - stupid------

    1. I wondered about Rocco too as well as Ned the past month

    2. Yes! Nina is sooooo annoying and immature. And I don't like the gossip guy. Yuck!

    3. And annoying Nina is very loud. Sheesh!
      Loved the Capote reference, I've been watching Capote vs The Swans on FX, CRAZY show!

  2. There are changes but it will take time. Hopefully.
    Chase should feel a bit guilty but that really lies with the writers.
    I know some people still think that Cyrus is the main bad guy. I don't but IF he is it says what a fantastic actor he really is.
    Let's hope Terry and her friends are just in that vast closet of the unused characters. Why couldn't Phyllis have been running the bar all this time?

  3. Maxie's office:

    Maxie, Sasha, and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: Wait hold on! So he conned YOU into letting HIM give YOU money. THAT BASTARD!


    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Eye sex time! :)

    Cowboy Cody: I just like spending time with you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Spinny's home:

    Ava and Spinny: The looks on their faces!!!! The huge bombshell! :D

    Maxie and Spinny: Yeah Maxie he can't talk to you about the relationship right now.. I don't blame him! He just saw someone who is a ghost but not really a ghost. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis, Nina, and Adrian DeWitt: Where did the writers come up with the name Adrian DeWitt? I like it. :) I wonder if this DeWitt guy has Tribbles at his home or office. :)

    Alexis and Nina: Uh yeah Nina, Alexis doesn't trust you, and I really don't blame her. :)

    The hospital:

    Anna, Chase, and Sonny:

    Sonny: He was wearing a bullet proof vest!

    Yeah!!! EXACTLY!!

    Chase: We think they were armor piercing rounds.

    Cop killer bullets! I KNEW IT!

    Olivia, Sam, Anna, and Sonny: Yeah Olivia I agree VERY familiar.. The flashback. :( Hmm Olivia seems more upset with Dante's shooting than Sam.

    Chase, Anna, and Jex: Great scene! Anna is fantastic here! In her element! I don't know what Chase was doing. Texting? Hmm texting Willow? :D *Snicker*

    Holding room: Awwwww Dante!!! :( Hmmm there was a phone in there?!!?!?!?! How odd.

    The chapel:

    Sonny and Olivia: Awwwww. :(

    Sonny and Ava: HUGE BOMBSHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!

    1. Cody was such a guy in those scenes and he was a hoot, loved him.
      I had to turn down the volume on Nina, lordy she was loud! Alexis was perfect, though. I wouldn't trust that woman either.
      FF thru Sonny praying. I just can't with him and his mea culpas. :(
      Who knew how much I would have loved Ava and Spinelli. They were great together!

    2. SOOOO Agree and just validates that Maura West with ANYONE is solid gold

  4. Whoa! I'm in shock! :0

    This Is Not A Drill: CBS Launching New Soap To Join Bold & Beautiful, Young & Restless

    1. This is great news for the soap genre. Y&R and B&B always seemed interesting to me but I could never get into them. Might give this a go.

    2. zazu, I don't watch Y&R much but my grandmother did and LOVED Victor. Y&R seems like a good soap to get hooked on. I watch B&B every once in a while. They have great actors, Thorsten Kaye from AMC plays Ridge being on of them, but the head guy Bell has his favorites and loves triangles so the stories do tend to get boring and if your favorite isn't one of Bell's - mine isn't - then it can be frustrating.

    3. The Gates sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out.

    4. "Zazu says, This is great news for the soap genre."

      It sure is!!!! I thought soap operas were dying. :(

      "Y&R and B&B always seemed interesting to me but I could never get into them."

      I watch Y&R! B&B I watch the last 5 minutes.. Both great soaps!

      "Gary says, The Gates sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out."

      Yeah It does sound interesting and I want to see how it is.

  5. Just read on Michael Fairman TV that Cassandra James is coming back.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...