Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Bleeding OUT


I do realize I've seen six or seven too many "back from the dead" stories on soaps, so perhaps you'll forgive my old crony cynisism when it comes to Jason's return. After an absolutely A+ Monday show, GH moved into the messy, sloppy editing hell it always seems to lumber towards. Friday? Meh. Sorry... SO HOLLOW for me. If you don't want to read bitter words, please save yourself. 

I'm eating hash today because all of this is just--rehash. 

MONDAY'S SHOW: I'm putting this in a little paragraph of it's own because it was just awesome. If you haven't watched it, find it on Hulu. SO much history between Jagger and Sonny was spoken. The acting: superb. Everyone in that warehouse was on point. Jagger was selling all the truth and Sonny, being Sonny gave HIS truth as he believes it. He's not the bad guy, HE was saving Karen! He was the only one she could turn to!! When he mentioned Robin and they panned to Anna's face, it was sheer acting on steroids. Finola says so much without saying anything.  

We also saw Dante get shot by the other guy with Jason but Jason then killed him when he went after Dante. Ergo, Jason is the good guy here. Probably working some angle to SAVE Sonny. 

This was juxtaposed with Heather going after Cyrus. I think we all thought she was going to go get Ace, right? Nope, she took a big ol' cleaver to Cyrus in the chapel. Laura ends up saving him by bonking her on the head with a bottle. Heather (who's been in for hip pain) collapses in the hallway while being led away by a guard. EXCEPT...and here I can start my bitching: We didn't see her, hear her mentioned or ANYTHING for the next four days. And yes, it was only a day in soaps but damn! They are at the hospital and Laura just strolls out with the Dante situation and never mentions Heather? No one went in to take a statement from Cyrus? It was BIZARRE. I swear that happened at a whole different time than we were watching and got lost in a some glitch in the editing room. 

SPIXIE OF THE WEEK: The one light was Maxie, coming to life with Spinelli while dealing with the FBI. She was the old Maxie. "We're a team". I really loved it. 

NINA'S WEEK: While it was COMPLETELY inserted wrong, the Nina/Alexis exchange was a fun one for me. You could tell NLG and CW loved it as well. The whole "Aidan" Gossip Guy thing? Miscast for a start. Just didn't grab anything in me. Plus, Dante's laying on the docks and Alexis is entertaining this idea? Um.. what? 

Harsh: Sonny didn't even LOOK at her. Not even a glance.  Nada. Nothing. Zip. 

Cut to Nina and Ava. Oh boy oh boy, Ava's between a best friend and a hard place, no? We saw her getting all excited being in the mobland mix with Sonny and they almost kissed. Nina desperately wants Ava to save her marriage. Um.. welp. Good luck with that. Ava's got lust and power in her eyes--watch out!!  I'm also wondering where Nina's character can go after all of this. She's the new Sasha. 

THE TELLING OF THE ST. JAYSUS OF THE SAINTED DOCKS RETURN TO PORT CHARLES:  Sigh. Since we've heard this was 'rewritten' I'm dying to see what the first draft was like. I did appreciate the unexpected Spinelli-Ava discovery in the video room. I thought that was done well. Loved how she just ran out with the iPad to show Sonny. Sonny's reaction was.. lukewarm. Then he goes to look in on Dante and doesn't say a word to anyone (not even Sam). Again, filmed out of sequence? 

Jarly Reunion:  I have my own thoughts about how this all happened but that's neither here nor there. If you're a Carly-Jason fan, you loved it. If not..well, it was just more of the same. Wounded hero comes to woman's house who tenderly patches him up. Crying was involved (from both Jason and Carly). Again, I've seen too many 'I'm not really dead" reveals to feel anything. Great, he's home. Now we wait for the WHOLE reveal and yada yada. 

One thing I will give them is the "Bobbie Died" part because it seemed organic to have him say something about Bobbie since she's a nurse. That was poignant. Not enough for me to be all excited but it was something. 

I'd also like to clear one thing up: I am neither a Jarly NOR a Liason OR a JaSam fan. Jason is an interchangeable character with all 3 ladies so.. they do nothing for me. Whether he went to Carly or Liz is not the point. AT ALL. I just feel like all of this has been done a million times and it's not entertaining anymore. Period. 

MESSY MISTAKES: Oh this photo circulated ALL OVER Twitter!! Yes, that's Portia taking Dante's vitals and not even having those ear pieces in her ears. LOL NO one caught this? 

Dante's bleeding on the docks. Chase leaves his partner--and doesn't go back looking for him even after he 'secured the scene'. Dex and Joss finding Dante just by.. I don't know, driving along the docks?!! LOL. Pretty hysterical but I guess Dex has to get back into Sonny's good graces somehow, right? The police commish just standing around listening to Jagger/Sonny stories while an officer is chasing a sniper suspect. You know, it's the details that make soaps look foolish in these types of situations. 

The whole: YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER blather to Danny. Jason had a massive head injury that was mostly frontal lobe based. This has all been explained before. His personality shifted, his emotions decreased, he took more risks. HIS DNA in DANNY is not from a damn head injury. Ugh. Stop it. I get it's good "Drama' But the kid could just be vaping because his bio-dad was buried in some cave in Greece and he misses him. 

Drew says Ned took Leo to Australia to "see the Barrier Reef". I guess they totally forgot that Leo was at the party, unseen, giving tours of the barn with Cody. But hey, maybe they all packed up in the night and decided to hop a plane?! :eyeroll: I swear that party on Friday was filmed way before anything else was. Just the way  people came and went (Rocco was there? Where did Jake go? Olivia wasn't there, then popped up 2 days later acting like she was there--Just weird) 

 So not into all of this. I was not looking forward to Jason's return (as you know) but Monday's show gave me a bit of hope. Then.. crash-landed. We are going to have more mob, more Jarly, more more more of everything I was hoping would evolve. So many inserts to the show (Curtis/Marshall/Stella) this week that were just out in the galaxy of "WTF". The cohesion was lost. 
PS. Lisa LoCicero is starting to look younger than Dante LOL ...she doesn't age.

I guess the Trina grieving story is at a standstill.  Why did they kill Spencer anyway? It's not like it's generated a ton of post-death scenes with the love of his life. Esme could have tried to kill them, fallen overboard and that was that. BUT! ... Never mind because guess what? GUESS. Ok, I'll tell you. SPENCER WILL RETURN FROM THE DEAD AND SHOCK THE HELL OUT OF EVERYONE in a few months!! WOW!!! Can't wait!!! :sarcasm:

See ya around. I'm still working on getting those ads off so if you don't see them, I was successful! If you do, sorry. 


  1. St Jaysus of the Sainted Docks is hysterical. Agree with everything.

  2. "I'm also wondering where Nina's character can go after all of this. She's the new Sasha." -- Absolutely 100% accurate. I would be surprised if Nina is still on the show at year's end.

    " I get it's good "Drama' But the kid could just be vaping because his bio-dad was buried in some cave in Greece and he misses him." -- Yes. Pre-accident Jason Quartermaine was a bit of a preppy.

    "Why did they kill Spencer anyway?" -- I've said this all along. They should've just had Esme kidnap him. The big question mark is how long will Nicholas Chavez stay on "GH" after he returns? My guess is not long.

    I do enjoy the faster pace on the show. Supposedly, everything is revealed about where Jason has been and what he's doing now in the next week.

    1. My tv channel notes for this week say that on Friday "Nina humiliates Gregory". That will be the nail in her coffin for a lot of people.

      And I think Heather finally gets her diagnosis on Friday too.

  3. The show has been all over the place for so long. It's just terrible. Enjoying the Ava and Sonny almost kissing thing. Enjoying Spixie. Not much of anything else. Not a fan anymore at all of St Jaysus. Not a fan of Nina (never was). Danny could just be vaping because he is a TEENAGER. My kids went to school with tons of kids who vaped; probably peer pressure like cigarettes. Finola has chemistry with just about everyone, but I don't see it with his new John-Jag guy. She is one that can act with just her facial expressions too.

    Nicholas Chavez is mega talented like William Lipton. He probably isn't long for GH if he gets another movie or something :(

    LiLo and Dominic do look the same age. She also looks FANTASTIC in a pair of jeans; I am so jealous.

    The only thing that I liked about the Jarly reunion was the mention of Bobbie. That was poignant.

    Thank you Karen again for all your hard work!!!!!

  4. Thanks for another great SS! Yes, still messy but there is some glimmer of hope.
    Jason is take him or leave him for me but I did like him with Britt.
    Loved Ava and Spinelli...or Ava and anyone.
    Never could quite feel that Olivia is Dante's mother. Jordan and TJ too.
    Maybe last week will be the last of the mish mosh and GH just springs forward like we all did today.

    1. I always thought Genie and Tyler were too close in age too.

  5. Karen, if those ads earn you a couple of pennies then I love them, I have a finger to scroll with. If not, I wish you luck in battle!

  6. well, I may be in the minority but I loved Jason and Carly - those actors have such chemistry - I don't want ROMANTIC - just friends but I loved that whole scene. I think Jason surrenders....spoilers also say Carly tells Sonny Monday that it IS Jason and HOPEFULLY Thursday we hear the WHOLE story
    ------I think the pace is much faster - now I could do without Sasha, Cody, Curtis, Marshall, Stella, Portia, Jordan....................although again spoilers from GH say Jordan rethinks her career.............sigh.....I have been singing this song for months, I know but deputy mayor is NOT what she has been doing..
    ------ALSO GH spoilers themselves say Finn discovers what is REALLY wrong with Heather and thus suggestions run amuck------i.e. she has a tumor and will be a good character? Or is she REALLY Esme's mother? There HAS to be a reason Finn finds out what is wrong and it was RIDICULOUS that Laura didn't mention Heather or Cyrus the rest of the week.
    -----I also liked Carly with Danny and here's why: Danny even told Sam something about 'I know you don't wanna talk about my dad'.....I think it's realistic that finally someone wanted to talk about Jason.
    -----Ava and Sonny - loving ---------------- just how they are now though.....and I agree that Nina may not be around long but I don't see her as Sasha - I think she is gonna lose it and get all cra-cra like the Michelle S version and then she goes to a psych facility.....she is unbearable and whiny and not in the real world supposedly she does something this week to hurt Gregory like Di said...I don't think she knows it is ALS
    ------not sure where the Marshall story is going either but they just dropped Curtis owning the Savoy - he doesn't have a storyline anymore
    _SURELY Jason knows the head person? Cyrus? John-Jag? Selina? Brennan?
    ----I thought it was a MUCH better week than all of Feb combined.

    1. Agree that it was a better week than all of February (and maybe even January) but that admittedly that is a low hurdle to overcome.

      If I could get my wish, I hope Drew, Finn, Cody, Sasha, Jordan, and Nina are written off the show. (I like Stella and Curtis.)

    2. I LOVE Curtis but they just never give him a great storyline since finding out Marshall is his dad

    3. I agree about Curtis. And I'm thinking we're now going to be going on a history tour with Marshall again. Curtis should be at work and running things, and hanging with friends his own age, not sitting around all day talking about Marshall's life.

  7. "I do realize I've seen six or seven too many "back from the dead" stories on soaps, so perhaps you'll forgive my old crony cynisism when it comes to Jason's return."

    Yeah I don't blame you. He has been back from the dead so many times.. His back from the dead from the last time when he was on the skyline falling from the ceiling from the metrocourt was epic!!! :) This back from the dead this time, was eh.

    "SPIXIE OF THE WEEK: The one light was Maxie, coming to life with Spinelli while dealing with the FBI. She was the old Maxie. "We're a team". I really loved it."

    YES! It was a fantastic scene! I loved it too!! Although that attitude smirk/smile she did before the commercial bugged me. (or was it going to another scene?) Spixie make a great team and couple! :)

    "Harsh: Sonny didn't even LOOK at her. Not even a glance. Nada. Nothing. Zip."

    Hahahaha! He is done with her!

    "MESSY MISTAKES: Oh this photo circulated ALL OVER Twitter!! Yes, that's Portia taking Dante's vitals and not even having those ear pieces in her ears. LOL NO one caught this?"

    OH WOW! HAHAHAHAHA! I never noticed that.. I was bothered by that stupid phone in the room! Also Portia picked the phone up while wearing gloves!!! GAH!

    "See ya around. I'm still working on getting those ads off so if you don't see them, I was successful! If you do, sorry."

    I haven't seen any ads that popped up before you turned it off.

  8. "Messy mistakes" one had a mask on in the OR.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...