Friday, March 8, 2024

Two Days in ONE


So I watched yesterday's show and.. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I guess that the writers changed guards and like it was a few weeks ago--ALL JUMBLED THE FK UP. Everything... the timeline, characters, time of day. Whatever. The fact they said Leo was off with Ned in Australia and at the beginning of the party he was leading a tour of the barn with Cody-?? 

 HEATHER WEBBER! Freaking attacks Cyrus and falls on the ground Monday and then.... what.? Laura goes out in the lobby Thursday NO mention of anything. ANY-THING. 

Carly being at the Qs..? Whatever..I guess she went to Scout's birthday or something and there she is. And POOR DREW had to watch both boys LOL I think the beginning of Scout's birthday was filmed way before the 2nd part. I mean.. Olivia popped up, Tracey disappeared. Leo was with the horses... now in Oz. Rocco wasn't there with the VAPE-- now he is and Jake is gone.

Carly giving Danny the history of St. Jaysus ahahahaaha. OMG they can't make me dislike that woman anymore than they have--that's for damn sure. GEESH.

I guess they are pushing Ava and Sonny big time, huh?


Carly goes home.. Jason is in the dark and says "Carly"....They are crying and hug a lot. She's going to get a bandage for his boo boo. She tells him Bobbie is dead. 

Sonny and Ava almost  kiss but just end up hugging. Then Olivia comes in to tell Sonny Dante is out of surgery and doing ok. Nina is there too--Sonny doesn't even look at her and leaves. She stays to talk to Ava. Wants to know why she was there and ... she was in danger and everything. Nina says she loves Sonny. Then she thinks Ava might have more feelings for Sonny. 

Sonny and Olivia go in to see Dante. Then Krissy talks to him . Then Sam sits and holds his hand. 

Jagger shows Anna Jason's photo. She can't believe Jason would go after Sonny. Jagger wonders where to look for him. They go to Carly's. 

Dante is stable. Sam sees Alexis and Krissy at the hospital. They talk about Dante. Sam and Krissy leave. Diane comes in and she and Alexis talk. Alexis misses being in court. 

Michael and Willow worry in the Gate House. Oh joy. Then Dex and Joss come over to tell them about the shooting and someone helping Dante. It's the most boring bore in the bore of bore. 


Ava says she's going to help Nina save her marriage. 

Carly says you can't search the house and Jagger says: We have a warrant. Jason looks concerned. 

Anna and Jagger go to Carly's. She acts all innocent. Anna tells her Jason is alive. Carly acts surprised. They show her his photo. They want to search the house. 


  1. ---- I liked today's show - I said what I said------and I like Jason and I wish I had a Jason in my life AND a grandmother like Laura
    -----I thought Carly and Jason were great and that LW was perfect in seeing him.....they are still married you know...especially when he found out Bobbie had died...
    ------but I cannot stand Nina- whiny - and MY husband when Sonny served divorce papers and she acts all high and mighty - I was afraid Ava was gonna tell her about Jason and that would make me mad so shocked that Ava turned it around to 'I will help you get Sonny back' BUT then showing the flashback of Ava thinking about Sonny, I got it - she doesn't wanna fall for Sonny.
    -----the warrant gotten in a hot minute was unrealistic...........and why did Anna smirk? She had JUST said "Jason would never betray Sonny' a warrant can be gotten that fast and yet we STILL don't see Heather nor does Anna mention her/Jordan either yesterday...
    ---Joss is annoying and she's still gonna be a doctor? I can't believe Michael and Willow were the voices of reasons: Maybe someone knew Dante and helped and/or maybe the person who helped didn't shoot Dante
    -----PLEASE don't let Jason be a clone....
    -----I thought a great show -

    1. Agreed, especially about the warrant. But you know what you can't get that fast? A DNA match. Even if you could get a lab to do a PCR test that quickly, you need a comparative sample, and Spinelli has hardly been committing the type of crime that usually requires a DNA sample to be banked.

      Although you could probably just fake Spinni out by TELLING him you had a match...

    2. They are TOTALLY unrealistic about the legal system...

    3. "I liked today's show - I said what I said------and I like Jason and I wish I had a Jason in my life AND a grandmother like Laura."

      LOL... I think we all wish we had a Laura in our lives.

  2. Theme for today: Hugging!!!

    The hospital chapel:

    Ava and Sonny: Oooooo hugging!!!! Oooooo close to kissing!!!!! Oh damn interruption! Hi Olivia!

    Nina and Ava: Oh Ava!!!! You want to help Nison's marriage because you are skeered of your feelings for Sonny!!!! And yeah Nina you are right! Sonny IS moving on! :)

    Nina: I don't know what I would do if I lost you.

    Well, I'm sure you will find out if you catch Ava and Sonny in bed! :) OH! More hugging! :)

    Nurses station:

    Anna and John: The bombshell! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN!

    Alexis and Diane: Oh Diane don't be silly! :) You are besties for life!! I miss Alexis being a lawyer. :(

    Dante's room: Come on Dante wake up!!! Everyone is waiting for you to wake up! Please don't be in a coma! I'm glad he isn't wearing that strange head thing. :)

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Jason: Oh damn Steve Burton and his blue blue eyes!!!!!

    Anna, John, and Carly: I love the back of John's head. I love his hair. Go ahead John and take your shirt off. :)

    Mildew home:

    Mildew and Jex: Zzzzzzzzz.

    Dex and Michael: Are you leaving town again Dex?!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 7th 2001* Kristina, Alexis's sister visits Queen Helena in jail.

    1. When I said I like the back of John's head, it was because I saw it in Carly's mirror. :)

    2. Of course you did Sonya. We would never picture you laying on his back checking it out. hehe

    3. "Di says, Of course you did Sonya. We would never picture you laying on his back checking it out. hehe"

      Oh Di!!!!! ROFL!

  3. Carly and Jason's encounter was good. Will he step out of the shadows? Everything is happening very fast. Nice change.
    Nina. "My husband"..."my husband"... She looked like a bobble-head when listening to Ava. I really like Ava with Sonny. Hoping it becomes so. Slowly and secretly.

    1. I saw a preview of Jason at the police station being arrested-----

  4. Unless the producer and writers actually give Nina a backbone and make her a formidable foe to Carly, Drew and Sonny, it may be time to write the character off the show. I do not want to see a desperate, whiny woman on my screen.

    1. exactly - wow, they have changed her character to unbearable.

    2. Yes. And it looks like next week's episode descripion show her crossing the line.

    3. They have her acting like an over excited 15 year old. Certainly not the boss of anyone or thing.

    4. She is very hard to watch


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...