Tuesday, March 19, 2024



Sonny's at Charlie's having coffee, talking to Krissy who's bartending. They talk about funny Dante stories. Kristina loves  him and he's an awesome dad. Then Eva LaRue walks in to talk to Krissy. She needs her help. Sonny gets introduced to her. 

Carly hugs Joss who tells her that she has broken up with Dex FOR GOOD this time. She says Nina told her about Cyrus and he was an old man and Sonny made him do it BUT Dex was going to kill him in cold blood. Carly's like: Yeah, SO? Joss just DOESN'T KNOW HIM. Cripes. THEN Joss asks if Jason ever killed for Sonny. UM. WHAT???????? DERP.

Liz and Willow talk at the nurses station. Jagger tells Liz that he has to talk to her about Jason. Willow's all paranoid. Jagger asks Liz if she's seen Jason --she says no. Then he says if she's harboring him, she'll be an accessory. Willow basically runs outta the station LOL 

Aiden comes in with cookies for Liz to try. Then he says Jake is mad at him and Jake thinks Jason tried to kill Dante. Jake doesn't want to talk to Liz because he thinks she's going to defend Jason. Liz says that they DID talk about it when "they found out Jason was alive" (this was off camera). Then Chase walks up and Aidan asks him if he thinks Jason shot Dante. 

Jason is wandering around the boathouse, can barely stand. Danny comes in. They bond over stories of Danny's misdeeds. Jason was just like him, yada yada. Willow stomps in, tells Danny to leave. She dresses Jason's wounds and she's angry he involved Danny. She says Cates is looking for him. 

Dex goes in to see Anna and tells her he tried to kill Cyrus ON SONNY'S ORDERS! what! Why put that part in LOL!! WELP! He tells her about Michael hiring him, then Carly too and about the PIKEMAN SHIPMENT of arms Sonny took! OMG! Whaaaaaaaaat is he doing!!!! He just spills it all. LOL  Anna basically says it would go no where if they tried to proscecute and it would be Sonny's word against his-and to FORGET HE EVER SAID ANYTHING TO HER! LOL! SHe's like You'll be killed, get out. He says if she needs help taking down Sonny, he's there for it. 

Agent Cates goes into the Q kitchen to question Danny? Um, NO ONE IS THERE? Danny says that he hardly knows Jason and stuff. Then Brook comes in and stops that line of questioning. Thank GOODNESS.


Sonny talks to Eva LaRue about accepting her gay daughter.

Anna goes to Jagger's Metro Room with a bottle of wine. 

Joss thinks she made the right choice breaking up with Dex 



  1. Dex is stupid. Can he die now?

  2. Not sure who is a bigger dumb ass...Joss or Dex. And I liked them both. Guess the NW's don't.
    Aidan??? Did I miss his SORAS? I didn't know who he was. Why do all these boys look so much alike? Where is Rocco?
    JaggerJohn is obnoxious. No to him and Anna.

    1. I didn't realize it was Aiden either. Same kid just got very tall.
      Agree about Dex and Joss

    2. PS not a jagger fan either. He is obnoxious. Over this Jason story already

  3. I guess the writers figured that sinc so many fans hate Dex just for being alive, why not give them a legitimate reason to dislike him. DERP And according to the previews, Anna is no longer a Sonny fan and she's out to get him too.

    1. "Di says, And according to the previews, Anna is no longer a Sonny fan"

      Finally! ROFL!

      "and she's out to get him too."

      She won't do anything about it! I mean since she told Dex just to forget everything!

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBTPBFl6a44

    3. "Di says, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBTPBFl6a44"

      Hahaha yeah. Anna is very angry! :) We shall see what she does with all that information that Dex gave her!

    4. Anyone in any law enforcement role should be out to get a big criminal like Sonny. This is why so many of us had a problem with everyone with integrity on the Sonny love train (esp Laura, Anna). Enforcer is back, so is mean somewhat intolerable Sonny.

    5. I 100% agree with what Linda said.

  4. Anna's office:

    Anna and Dex: Yeah that was my question! Dex! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Forget you ever said anything?! Then what the hell was the point of the scene!?!! UGH! Damn the new writers want to protect Sonny too!!!!

    Carly's kitchen:

    Carly and Joss: Oh come on! Seriously!? The Tribbles can't believe Joss either! I just.. I.. *Facepalm*

    The hospital:

    Aidan and Liz: Great scene!! Liz didn't defend Jason, Aidan.. :) You can relax. :)

    Liz and John: Hmmm chem testing?

    The boathouse:

    Jason and Danny Cheeto: Awwwwwwwwww bonding! :) Awww Willow you ruined the moment!

    Jason and Willow: Zzzzzzzzzz. I am enjoying his blue blue eyes though. :D

    Q mansion:

    Danny Cheeto and John: John you can't do this!!!! Not without a lawyer present!!!! DIANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone call Diane!!! And damn John has blue eyes too!!!

    Brooky and John: Thank you Brooky!!!! BRAVO!

    Brooky and Danny Cheeto: Awwww it's nice that Brooky is helping him. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Sonny and Krissy: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Sonny, Krissy, and Blaze's mami: Hmmmm. Chem testing Sonny and Blazes's mami? I love that Sonny was there for Krissy awwwww. :)

    John's hotel room: John taking off his jacket. Good good! Now take off your shirt. :) Relax a bit John! :D

    John and Anna: Mmmm hmmm. Anna and a bottle of wine, sure. Then drinking that will lead to zex? Oh so maybe that's why there was the Anna and Dex scene. :)

  5. Here we go folks, please hear me out: Not even getting Jake on camera discussing Jason is pretty bad. Snarly this and Snarly that, but not one scene with his first born and his mama learning this? The writers have already shown who they care about yet again. Sad long time viewer here.

    1. Same here. I'm afraid it all going to be the Carly/Sonny/Jason show again.

  6. If the NW wanted to tick me off they succeeded. First off Jason loved school until the car wreck. Danny is like brain damaged Jason not original Jason. This bonding thing is getting on my nerves. So much more to say about this but you get the idea.

    Anna should have hatched a plan with Dex to get Sonny. But nope, she sends him on his way, gets a bottle of wine and heads over to see Not Jagger. Can't even go there. Some of you said she was mad at Sonny (and boy, I hope that's true), all I saw was her trying not to cry.

    Joss is too stupid to live, especially with how she grew up. Did Jason ever kill anybody? OMG! I screeched at my TV.

    Not Jagger totally honked me off interrogating Danny, thank goodness for BLQ.
    Everybody but the "core" characters finding out about Jason off camera is another typical, irksome thing.
    I did like Sonny and Blaze's mom. And also Aidan and Liz's conversation. And yes (!) all those teenage boys look very similar. :)

    1. I agree totally. The way they're writing Jason...passing on his brain damaged behavior and forgetting who he was.....drives me crazy. If he'd lost his leg in that crash would his kids have been born with only one leg when he passed it on!!! Someone take the kool-aid out of the writer's room.

      And re-write those scenes where Joss and Dex were both droppped on their head too.

      Between that and our weekly "schoolings" I'm ready to pack it in.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...