Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Happy Birthday Dave!!


That's right, it's our own 2nd in command's birthday! Here's hoping it's filled with joy and a lot of whatever you like to eat. 


Jason is in the boathouse, bleeding and sweaty. Danny finds him. I bet he was going to vape lol. Danny is angry he 'shot Dante'. Jason said he did not. Then Danny goes to get a first aid kit. 

Heather is in GH and Finn comes in with news. She has cardiomyopothy and maybe something else. She wonders why a disease expert is seeing her. He says they may have to run more tests. Heather pleads to see Ace. Finn says he'll see what he can do. 

Sam is visiting with Dante, talks to Laura about her world being 'in pieces' because Jason might have shot Dante. Very weird dialog. She also tells Laura that Scout is staying home from school and Danny READ ABOUT JASON IN THE INVADER ..um. okay? Michael comes around to talk. I fell asleep.

Laura then goes to yell at Heather. She tells her she's going to be sent to San Quentin LOL. Heather pleads with Laura. Laura tells her they are adopting Ace. Heather is angry. 

Blaze, Krissy and Molly are in GH. They are going to get Sam breakfast. They seem to know about Jason too. Blaze and Kristina talk. zzzzzzzzz they call each other "girlfriend". Blaze is going to see her mother for breakfast. Then, Molly comes back and Kristina tells her all about Blaze's mom finding them in bed. 

Eva LaRue and Blaze have breakfast at Bobbie's. She thinks Blaze is experimenting because of the trauma she went through with Linc. 

Drew knocks on Carly's door. She says he didn't have to knock but he wasn't sure because 'of his brother'. He's angry Carly didn't call him to tell him about Jason being in the house. HE also says OF COURSE Carly believes Jason didn't shoot Dante. "You'll always be first in each other's lives' Or something like that. 

I Guess SPixie are still stuck in the woods? This show is on my LAST DAMN NERVE lol 


Sam is crying at Dante's bedside

Laura tells Heather she'll never see Ace again

Drew basically tells Carly Jason is her "person" not him, not Sonny and not Jax

Danny gives Jason the first aid kit and Jason tells him not to tell his mother


  1. ----I truly feel like I've been on the Tilt-a-Whirl ------what happened to the writing of last week?
    questions from the audience - me
    -----where is Olivia? Kevin? Ace? Chase seeing his partner?
    ----HOW did we not see convos like Sonny telling Sam the story?? (unless KM just couldn't pull off emotion.....)
    -----How does Danny's hair never move? Hair spray brand? I need it
    -----I thought the Invader was just digital so I believe that people would see that more than a paper......but everyone in town knows now was unbelievable...
    ------how did we not see Anna and John Jag today? Spixie today????
    -----when was the last time Laura worked in her office as Mayor
    ----does anyone really care about Blaze and Kristina - really serious question and when will Eva/Mom find out Kristina is MOB BOSS daughter?

    BUT for ME the biggest RIDICULOUS statement was Danny saying Monica is probably at work at the hospital.......................WHAT??????? since when?
    ------so tired of hearing Molly and Kristina utter the words You're my ssssssssisssssster
    -----Drew is a jerk -----however at least he uttered the words you loved Jax and you loved Sonny and you love me, but no one will ever come close to how you love Jason' TRUE DAT
    so go away
    -----Michael who WORSHIPS Jason was just ho-hum like no big deal Jason is back....

    I need a support group (this blog helps) because I don't wanna be alone with how I feel about POTENTIAL vs the REAL show.

    1. Count me as a member of your support group. I don't even watch anymore unless everyone here says it is a good day to watch. I'm just worried with all the mob stuff right now it is going to mark a return to the Guza era. I completely turned off GH during those years and do not want a return to Soprano's lite.

  2. and also Laura threatening Heather means whatever medical issue she has, she will have to stay at GH and Port Charles....so Laura's words mean nothing.

  3. I really could care less about Blaze and Kristina and having them pop in for 30 second blurbs in the middle of other storylines is doing nothing to change that.

  4. When did everyone find out about Jason. Did I miss something

    1. I wondered the same thing, but saw someone looking at it on their phone from an article

    2. exactly - no one knew and then today BOOM the Invader has written everything.....

    3. Okay. Making sure I hadn't lost my mind. Must have been on the show "Off Screen GH"

  5. Not today of course but I noticed a spark in Kristen Storms performances the past 2 weeks. Working with Bradford does her good. Her comments are the old Maxie and the playfulness is back.

    1. I agree. She is much more like the Maxie of old, and that's a good thing.

  6. Happy Birthday Dave!!. Ya, I don't watch either. Only if you guys say it's really good.

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Carly's home:

    Carly and "Drew" Oh no! You do not disparage Jason in front of Carly! She will cut your head off and it will roll into the next room! You will NEVER be first with her! Jason will ALWAYS be first, so better get used to it!

    The Q boathouse: I wonder if Jason drank enough water for himself when he jumped into the water.

    Jason and Danny Cheeto: Awwwwww a nice scene with them! :) Wait teaching him how to keep the safety on? In case he needs it?! Is this foreshadowing?! Wait Monica is working in the hospital?! Can she walk? Is she still in the wheelchair? Is she working at the hospital in her wheelchair?!

    The hospital:

    The elevator:

    Krissy and Molly: Hmmmm the elevator is so slow. The repair person should fix it.

    Nurses station:

    Kraze: I'm glad Blaze keeps saying that Krissy is her girlfriend and not hiding anymore.

    Molly and Krissy: Blaze's mom just needs time. She will get there.

    Heather's room:

    Heather and Amy: Heather does not like Amy! ROFL! Heather wins the lines of the day.

    Heather: Next time you touch a patient, wear mittens. Your hands are freezing.


    Heather, Amy, and Finchy: More of Heather's funny one liners that she won.

    Heather: You are the only warm thing in this place. To the left! No the OTHER left! How many lefts are there?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I bet Alley Mills is having a blast! :D

    Laura and Heather: Great scene!!! Laura was shaky! Genie Frances did a great job in the scenes! No Laura you can't keep Heather from Ace!!! Heather is a grieving mother!!! She needs Ace in her life! San Quentin sounds scary.

    Sante: Hmmm Sam has tears. Her allergies are acting up.

    Sam and Laura: Hmmm. Sam is more emotional and upset with Jason back than Dante being shot. Where is Olivia? I wonder where she went.

    Sam and Michael: Sante something special? Yeah I don't think so Michael.


    Blaze and her mother: DOH!

    1. I can see them laying the ground work for breaking up Carly/Drew. Drew won't be able to handle that Jason always, always comes first for Carly and I don't blame him. If you are in a relationship with me, say you love me, and make love to me I better come first in your life - not your best friend. (I'm not counting kids)

      Heather's the other left reminded me of when we used to go "you're military right". 😁

      Sonya, you didn't want anyone's shirt off today. Drew probably looks real good with his shirt off.😊

    2. "Gary says, Heather's the other left reminded me of when we used to go "you're military right". 😁"

      ROFL! Heather should have said not your left, MY left! :)

      "Sonya, you didn't want anyone's shirt off today."


      "Drew probably looks real good with his shirt off.😊"

      He does! ;)

  8. Nice touch to remember that Heather and Laura go way way back. Heather managed the GH library/book cart and Laura, I think, worked there under Heather for a short time when she was a teenager, and Heather was married to her uncle. I recall Luke and Laura also babysitting for little PJ/Steven Lars.

  9. I bet Heather escapes the hospital with Ace. Having Heather on the run with Anna and the cops after here would be a way to keep Alley Mills on the canvas for a while.

  10. Drew looked like a jewel thief. Whispering every word.
    Sam clearly is more concerned about Jason than Dante.
    Monica talk was totally ridiculous.
    Blaze is starting to get on my nerves. But loved Kristina's outfit!
    I did read some time ago that we really wouldn't notice big changes until after two weeks so we are in the second week. Still hope.

  11. Sam seemed somewhat off today, as she seems convinced that Jason is guilty. I get that she doesn't know that Jason didn't shoot Dante and the fact that he has been MIA. But this is SAM. A woman that has literally PRAYED to Jason (yes, you read that right).

    Even more off is Drew. He learns that his twin brother is still alive and what does he do? He immediately dumps Carly. He doesn't question how Jason is still alive or CALL THE QUARTERMANES, but acts immature and envious over Jason and Carly. Huh?!

    I was surprised that Willow is actually acting like a medical nurse. She is finally embracing her inner Monica Quartermane, LOL.

    Things that Jason doesn't know (it's a lot):
    Liz has been made head nurse. Maxie has another daughter and Spixie reunion, Sonny hooking up and breaking up with Nina (EVERYTHING), Sonny Vs Michael, Sonny and Ava getting closer. Nina is Willow's Mom, Who is Cody, Marshall or Dex are. Curtis being Trina's dad. Jake dating Charlotte. CarDrew. Brooklyn & Chase upcoming wedding. Cyrus is out of Jail. So many deaths: Luke, Peter, Brando & Liam, EPIPHANY, BRITT (and how Heather was the hook killer).


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...