Monday, March 11, 2024

Still the Same Day!


It's still the same/day and night as LAST FRIDAY a week ago --- and Scout's Birthday LOL 

Carly tells Jaggar and Anna to wait outside until Diane gets there to look at the warrant. Jason skulks. Anna says forget it they are going in. They don't find anything. Leave. Carly's worried SICK. 

Finn and Jake at Liz' house. Finn finds part of the vape pen (I think?). Oh part of it. Finn asks about it. Jake says it's a friends. Finn says that Jake needs to tell his friend that Vaping is NOT GOOD. PSA on Vaping. Liz gets home. Liz believes Jake and is happy he is tolerant and will take advice from Finn. "our families are melding" she says. Aidan also told Finn about Tobias and Liz is so happy he told someone else. 

Liz is trying to get home from the hospital but she sees Danny wandering the halls. Takes him to see Sam. Sam's like WHY YOU SNEAK OUT AGAIN? He wants to stay there with Dante. Alexis says he can stay with her and then go to her house when they are done. 

Sam and Sonny talk. He doesn't mention Jason.

Carly texts Sonny to meet him on the roof. Carly tells him Jason was at her house. He says Jason was trying to murder him. Carly says no way. Sonny says he thinks so! They argue about what Jason is up to. 

TJ and Jordan are talking in the GH Lounge. TJ realizes that his child will be tied to SONNY for it's whole life AHAHAHAHAHA DUHHHHHHH. yeah, kid--um, like A LOT. 

Sasha and Cody talking about Dante too. She was SO worried. WEIRD. They talk about being friends. AWWW. They were just thrown into the episode for sure. They are in a hallway far from everyone. 

Maxie and Spin are going to try to find Jason but her car won't start. They are looking for a safe house that Jason might be in. They talk about why Jason would be in town. 


Anna and Jagger find Jason on the bridge and he jumps. 

Jason is in the Q boathouse and falls over.  Tomorrow, he's talking to someone in there

Sonny told Sam Jason is alive

Also tomorrow: Heather is finally on


  1. Today showed no sign of new writers. IMO
    Jordan and TJ were typically tedious. But of course it's the surrogacy problem.
    Sam has been so emotionless through all this.
    Not minding Elizabeth and Finn so much. They seem to finally be connecting.

    1. "Zazu says, Sam has been so emotionless through all this."

      Thank you!!! She did have tears in her eyes once, but I think it was just allergies.

    2. Her eyes always look like she's annoyed or doesn't give a darn. And couple that with the sleep talking pace of her speech, she's really hard to watch. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow when it says she gets emotional.

    3. "Di says, I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow when it says she gets emotional."

      Must be more allergies. ROFL!

    4. She mumbles every thing she says.

    5. "Di says, eye drops. lol"

      ROFL! Yeah she needs them. And Zyrtec! :)

  2. Today seemed like a filler episode. The only thing I can say is Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) gets more beautiful with each passing year.

    1. I agree. Beautiful skin, she must have been so strict on no sun worshiping. I on the other hand....

  3. Last Monday was great and in one short week - hmmmmmmmmmm...
    -----Cody, Sasha, TJ, Jordan can go away....not needed......and how did Cody know about Dante?
    ----where is Olivia?
    -----I missed what Maxie and Spinelli were doing.......and I WAS paying attention....and then I thought John Jag called Anna Sherlock???
    -----I still believe Jason is working undercover for the person trying to take down Sonny and again TODAY I thought it is John Jag (again) especially when he said 'and now he's dead' like he wanted Jason dead.
    -----The ONLY reason I can think of that Danny not Rocco showed up at the hospital is related to Danny's vaping and/or HE is the one who shows up at the boathouse and sees Jason but Jason seemed to be talking to an adult-----WHO? I don't think Willow- maybe Michael but he is at the hospital
    -----Sam wouldn't stay with Jason cause his life was dangerous and then today she said she knew Dante's life is dangerous---------but asking Sonny to kill whoever shot Dante? - she still mumbles her words...
    -----is there not a dead body floating around on Pier 55?
    ---I hope whatever FInn finds out about Heather's illness is not stupid.....
    ---I like Finn and Elizabeth now that they are mature adults....

  4. Liz's house:

    Finchy and Jake: Yeah it did sound like a PSA, ROFL! But I'm glad Finchy believed him.

    Finchy, Jake, and Liz: Man Liz is so calm cool and collected. Did she sniff some glue or something?

    Fiz: Zzzzzzz. Now that Jason is back can Laison get back together? Please I beg of you writers! Please! Fiz is just zzzzzzzzz.

    Carly's home:

    Carly, John, and Anna: Oh now everyone calm down! Let's just see the back of John's head in the mirror again and have him take off his shirt. :)

    The roof:

    Carly and Sonny: Oh you two calm down. I'm sure you will talk to Jason soon. Meanwhile Sonny take off your shirt. :)

    The footbridge:

    John, the cop, and Jason: DAMN! John's flashlight is really showing Steve Burton's blue blue blue eyes!!! I'm dying here people!

    John, the cop, Jason, and Anna: Hmmm. I guess Jason was thirsty for agua. He had to jump in to get it.

    John and Anna: WHAT?!?!! Jason built the footbridge? I know he fixed it, but he didn't build a whole footbridge!

    The hospital:

    TJ and Jordan: Great scene!!! Well TJ why didn't you think about Sonny before having Krissy be a surrogate? Hmmmm? :)

    Sam, Alexis, Danny Cheeto, and Sonny: Ooooo love Sam in mama mode! Yes he was rude to Sonny! Hahahaha!

    Sam and Sonny: Love that Sam apologized to Sonny over her son's rude behavior. :) Ooooo and yes Jason is ALIVE! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: I was really confused at first. I'm thinking did we miss a scene? Why is she so worried about him? Ohhhhh. Because of Dante okay. :) And now kiss. :) No? Geez fine. Give me something! Take your shirt off Cowboy Cody! :)

    Maxie's car:

    Spixie: Spinny wins the line of the day.

    Spinny: Right now? At the precise moment we need the car to move? So at the most worst possible time? Who's they?!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love them so much! :) They are so great together. :) Great scenes with them today!

    1. Sonya, why stop at shirts? The guys can take off their pants too. 😉

      I have to disagree with you but keep Jason far from Liz. I like them as friends but not another round of Liason.

    2. While I am a die hard Liason fan, its clear they don't even want to honor their friendship or the fact that they share a child.

    3. "Gary says, Sonya, why stop at shirts? The guys can take off their pants too. 😉"

      Hahahahahaha! Boxers or briefs? :D

      "I have to disagree with you but keep Jason far from Liz. I like them as friends but not another round of Liason."

      Do you want another round of Jarly? *Snicker*

    4. Please not Jarly though after Drew dumped Carly I'm afraid that is the way they are going. I liked Jason with Britt but Heather had to go and kill her.

    5. "Gary says, Please not Jarly"


      "I liked Jason with Britt but Heather had to go and kill her."

      Yeah I loved Jason and Britch together, and I didn't want her to die. :(

  5. Kevin the bartender from Ryan's Hope as passed. IRL, he was the brother of Angela's Ashes author Frank McCort


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...