Friday, March 29, 2024



Valentine talks to Jack Brennan in the prison van. GET THIS. I think Valentin is THE HEAD OF PIKEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wants to bring Sonny down! OMG this is ... I need a moment to process this. He says he is messing with Sonny's meds with the provider and SONNY will do himself in and they don't have to do anything!!!! Val gives Brennan some money. 

Sam calls Olivia to tell her Dante is alive. They are all going to the hospital. They get there and Danny and Rocco go to his bedside. Danny wants to know if Jason shot him but Dante gets really tired and they have to leave. 
Dante wakes up enough to say that Jason saved his life. He tells Anna

Liz talks to Danny a little bit. 

Carly and Sonny argue then Jason comes in!!!!!!!!!! WHAT! With Ava too!
OOOO! Sonny says to Carly "HOW do I know you're not working with Jason too"??????? Then Jason tells them he's a FBI informant and Sonny says: What do they have over you? Who are you protecting and Jason says "Himself" which is false. Then Sonny says he can't trust either of them and Carly is like: WHO ARE YOU"? and she and Jason leave. 

AVA makes Sonny a drink and Olivia texts to say Dante is awake and AVA HIDES HIS PHONE!!!  She then tells him that Dante woke up but he can't see anyone and convinces Sonny NOT TO CALL OLIVIA. WOW. He sits, drinks and Ava sits next to him. 

Carly and Jason go to Bobbie's and talk. He hopes Dante exonerates him. They talk about what he's going to do and where he's going to live. She remembers the room over Kelly's ! SO old school I love it. He's going to stay there. 


Anna calls Carly to tell her that Dante said Jason saved his life

AVA AND SONNY KISS then he says "Goodnight" and leaves!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. THIS THIS was the best episode in MONTHS!! Loved it - now I gotta get past the writers completely changing things but
    -------Valentin in charge of Pikeman!!! This closes the door on a Vanna reunion and that made me sad but whatever.......My one worry is that JPS can't stay forever in PC when they find out and I love him -----------plus what about Charlotte and Nina
    -----odd though Val didn't know Jason made bail or that Stone was Jason/Stone Cold
    ------Jason totally lied to Sonny about why he did it - cause with Michael he said leverage - so today I went back thinking if Morgan is alive and that is why Jason wouldn't tell Sonny the truth
    -------I do not want Ava working with Valentin - I would much rather believe she is falling for Sonny, even though she looked uneasy after the kiss......but the writers totally changed her in that who killed Austin? Valentin? She was terrified and the last convo she had with Nina was her thinking longingly of almost kissing Sonny and yet telling Nina she would help her regain her this is confusing......
    -------Carly should realize Sonny is off meds so I guess by May sweeps someone will take his pills to Liz or someone and find out it's 1/3 of what he needs.....I guess Val meant the pharmacist he is paying off.
    ------I think Brennan is staying on the show but I did wonder if Valentin deliberately had Brennan (now called Jack) go free so a guard could kill him? otherwise why let him go?
    ------GH would never release that Dante is awake but cause he isn't on medication guess Sonny wasn't thinking - maybe OLIVIA will figure out Ava lied.
    ----and Sonny beat up Cyrus MONTHS ago so Val has been doing the meds for that long??????
    -----I need Maura West to stay on the show and be there for Trina, Avery......
    ------I love Jason (sorry Karen) his blue eyes and everything about him - I want a Jason in my life like Carly has a Jason! LOL

    1. "Mufasa says, I love Jason his blue eyes"

      Mmmm hmmm. I love his blue eyes too! *Melt*

    2. I don't mind Jason, its Carly that drives me bananas. She is now turning into a blubbering loud Nina like crier which she has for some time when it comes to Jason.

      Not sure I like Ava being nasty. Fall for him fine that's soapy. She didn't really hide his phone but why lie?

      I absolutely loved Dante waking up talking to Sam. So believable and sweet. More please.

    3. "Linda says, I don't mind Jason, its Carly that drives me bananas."

      ROFL! That's nothing new. Carly would drive anybody to drink hahaha.

      "She is now turning into a blubbering loud Nina like crier which she has for some time when it comes to Jason."

      Well, to be fair she thought he was dead, and now that he is alive she is in shock.

      "She didn't really hide his phone but why lie?"

      Maybe she deleted the text. And I don't know why. Maybe she is helping V.C.!

      "I absolutely loved Dante waking up talking to Sam. So believable and sweet. More please."

      Awwww yeah. :)

    4. Sonya, your comment about Queen Ava maybe helping Valentin immediately made me think of an Ava/Valentin pairing. I think it would, work. Both characters are shades of grey, both actors are outstanding, and they could be really hot together.

    5. "Gary says, Sonya, your comment about Queen Ava maybe helping Valentin immediately made me think of an Ava/Valentin pairing. I think it would, work. Both characters are shades of grey, both actors are outstanding, and they could be really hot together."

      Hmmmm. Maybe. I wonder if they are going to show flashbacks of them working together to bring down Sonny and then they show them having zex!! :D


    The prison van:

    Brennan and Dex: Oh wait that's not Dex! That's Ingram. Dex and Ingram look alike. They could be brothers! :)

    Brennan and V.C.: HOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! V.C. messing with Sonny's meds?!?!?! :O Brilliant writers! Brilliant!!!! *Cheer* I don't know if V.C. is Pikeman or not. Nothing was made clear. Great scene!

    Brennan and Ingram: OH MY! Ingram is deaf! V.C. you are brilliant! Getting a deaf person to drive the van so he won't hear your conversation!

    Q mansion:

    Rocco, Danny Cheeto, Olivia, and Lois: Everyone is so happy that Dante is awake! I'M HAPPY TOO GUYS! WOOT WOOT! :D

    The hospital:

    Sante, Rocco, and Danny Cheeto: Man! Rocco and Danny Cheeto are twins! Are they related in real life? I thought at first that Rocco has been recast, but maybe he had a haircut. :) Welcome back Dante and I'm glad you don't have amnesia! Where is Ned?

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Carly, Jason, and Ava: No wonder that Sonny is acting strange!!!! Because his meds are being messed with! Is Queen Ava helping V.C. and messing with his meds? :) Great scene!!!

    Ava alone with Sonny's phone: OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Green beans: Ava what are you doing?

    Ava: Shhhhh.

    Sonny and Ava: Queen Ava is so lying!!! OH MY SAVA KISSED!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! Sparks flying!!!! Ava looked surprised when he kissed her!!!!


    Jarly: You can see the love they have in their eyes for each other! Awwww Jarly! *Heart*

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1994* Bobbie yells at Lucy!

  3. I realy hope Ava didn't switch Sonny's meds for Valentine. She already killed Morgan that way.

    1. I don't think so cause he said the pills are 1/3 of his medication so I thought he meant the pharmacist he was paying - I don't want her a bad person!

  4. I actually think today's episode was the best one in the last few years. This is then "GH" I know and love.

    Y'all hit all the points I liked above but I do wonder if Ava is actually falling for Sonny or working with Valentin. I am guessing the latter with a little genuine attraction thrown in.

    So much was great about today's show but I really enjoyed the conversation between Brennan and Valentin. I am actually excited to see how this plays out.

  5. Really good show! Great dialogue between Jack and Val, and quite an unexpected alliance. Just saw Nicholas Cruz got an early release from his contract so we probably won’t see him again. Great future ahead for him.

  6. I still think Brennan (wasn't he John Brennan not Jack originally?) woulda been a great Jerry Jax, sad they didn't go that route.
    When Jarly were at kellys/hobbies talking abt room upstairs I cld only think that Jagger/John lived there long before Carly.

  7. This was the best show in years.
    Not too sure about seeing Ava go way over to the dark side but it is soapy good.
    Watching Anna I was thinking how right she is as police commish. What a waste the past few years have been.
    Dante waking up was great. Such a fresh change to happen so soon. We are on the right track.
    Valentin is a perfect villain.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...