Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Sam's NOT HAPPY today! She's the latest to visit Jason in his own personal reception room at the PCPD. She asks him if he shot Dante. He says no. She says she believes him. He says "there's something's about Danny". He tells her Danny helped him and he asked him not to tell her about it. She's pissed. She lays into him for being gone and then telling Danny to lie to his own mother. She's raised him on her own mostly and he just falls out of the sky and pulls him into this. HE could be UP FOR FEDERAL CHARGES! She says that he had no right and to stay the hell away from Danny. Leaves.

Diane comes in. Basically says they are up sh*t's creek without a paddle. Jason won't say anything because he'll incriminate the people that helped him. Leaves

Then BROOK comes in and gives him a letter from Monica. 

Molly is in the courthouse getting ready for Jason's thing. Krissy is there to support her but also gets in her face about liking Jason too much and not leaving her feelings at the door. It's a weird scene and Krissy's outfit is killin' me.  They continue to argue and Molly points out that Jason saved Krissy from Shiloh. Kristina isn't sure he's the same guy. This is just a STRANGE convo. 

Joss and Trina are waiting in the hallway. Trina wants to support Joss. They laugh and Trina says she's sorry for being a "B" yesterday. She said she's angry Jason is back and Spencer is dead. (Well, wait 2 minutes). They talk about getting through things together. Trina talks about Pairs and the fun they had. Then DEX shows up. Trina leaves. Dex tells Joss he might have a reason to stay in PC. 

Jake sees Danny going into the boat house and wants to know why.  Jake says it's because it's Jason's court thing. Jake thinks he's guilty and Danny does not. They yell and talk about Rocco too and Danny ends up punching Jake. Aidan comes out and is like : GULP! They fight. Jake has a split lip and punches Danny to the ground. He leaves and Aidan runs after him. 

Sam comes and finds Danny. She says she's angry because he didn't tell her about Jason and that he could be facing charges. She says Jason broke all trust doing that. They are done. 

Anna and Dex. There's no change on Dante. Dex says he'll do whatever to put Sonny away. Anna says: even lose your life? They talk and she wants him to come work at the PCPD. He says he worked for the mob and why would they want him? Anna considers it a bonus. He leaves. then Robert shows up and says he's a coward. He doesn't want to do Jason's arraignment because Robin could get mad at him. LOL Anna gets it and she wishes she didn't have to do it either. 

Sam says she'll keep Danny safe and he never has to see Jason again. WOW. WHAT.

Monica's note says: "I believe in you"


  1. -----like a different show today - messy/made no sense - stupid
    ------Molly is not the only ADA - no way she would be trying JASON'S case....and then she doesn't even believe Jason is guilty and Kristina was childish.
    ------I know some like Sam's screaming but she never once asked "Where have you been? Were you held hostage?" and you can't forbid your child not to see his father
    ------WHAT can Dex do? Would he not have to go to the academy for training? His partner is? He was LEAVING town and today they all acted like he was always staying with Joss.
    --------where are the reporters for the high profile case? Joss and Trina just fine now?
    ------but finally - Monica's list of medical issues from Brook Lynn is BEYOND ridiculous.....she still goes to the hospital? she fell and then has the flu? please recast - the ONE time LC was there was to tell Finn GH will support him......
    -----I should KNOW better by now - great day yesterday followed by horrible writing today

    1. Molly is handling the arraignment , reading the charge to the accused, and since he's been held in jail, deciding whether he'll be held till trial or released on bail. I doubt that Molly would be the trial lawyer.

    2. I liked Sam today.. she doesn't always act like a mom on GH (I don't believe she has kids in real life so maybe its a reach for her). Today she was on point. I would have been furious for Jason asking Danny to lie to his mom. And someone finally said it- you have left me to raise our baby for years! Other than Sonny many dads on GH have done this and its disgusting. Particularly Frisco, Jason, and Lucky.

    3. Agree about Sam and I'm usually not a fan. She was perfect . And what happened to Carly I thought she would be camped out in the police station

    4. Linda, I've never forgiven the writers for what they did to Lucky. I was mad about Frisco but Lucky....? That was just too much.

  2. I think Dex will be a great cop. They could use another.
    GH also needs more doctors. There are only three featured doctors. Finn, Kevin and TJ, who still seems like an intern. Oops, forgot about Portia, so four. It is General Hospital. Bring back Terry and add one or two more.
    When Molly and Krissy were talking I thought maybe they dropped the baby thing but then not. Doesn't look like that baby is growing much. She is tiny.
    JohnJagger should be the one to clear Jason.

  3. Police station: Steve Burton's blue eyes! *Melt*

    Sam and Jason: Ooooooo great scene!! BRAVO SAM BRAVO! She was not mumbling today!!!! :D She isn't in the saint Jason club anymore!

    Jason and Diane: Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: I saw Sam leaving. I'd ask how that went, but I hate talking to myself.


    Jason and Brooky: Monica is still in a wheelchair and caught a bug from the hospital?! DAMN! :(

    Note: Jason, I believe in you. Love mom.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Anna's office:

    Dex and Anna: Oh yes sure Dex work at the PCPD! Become a cop. You think Joss will want to get back together with you?

    Robert and Anna: Robert is skeered of Robin! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Robert! :D I love Robert and RnA! :)

    The boathouse:

    Jake, Danny cheeto, and Aidan: OH MY!!!!!!!!!! 1 punch to protect his dad I get it, but yikes! Full on brawl! No no no!! :( Stop it boys! Stop it! :( Liz is not going to like this at all.

    Sam and Danny Cheeto: Yeah Sam I think you have changed and that is okay! :) I think your son though would want to see his dad!

    The courthouse:

    Molly and Krissy: Molly! Step down from this! You are way to close to the situation!!!

    Joss and Trina: That jinx thing I haven't done in a long time! The scene was adorable and it got very serious. Great scene. Trina don't worry, Spencer will come back to you soon! :)

    Joss and Dex:

    Dex: I think I was just given a reason to stay.

    Yeah to be a cop! After all the crap you pulled to leave, you decide to stay! Make up your damn mind Dex! The arguments that Jex had for him to leave was a waste of time!

  4. Today's show was the only time I have ever found Sam interesting. I think her reaction is realistic.

    1. yes exept she NEVER asked where he had been - was he forced to stay away?! That irritated me and then telling Danny he could be near his father- not good

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed Sam today except for when she told Danny you never have to see your father again. Well, that's going to come back and bite her in the butt. Everything she said to Jason was very true. I need Liz to say the same thing, lol! I feel the martyrdom of Saint Jason coming on and I don't know if I'm up for it, because eventually the truth will come out and oh Lordy, the mea culpas will be endless. And Carly's I-told-you-so's will be obnoxious.
    I wanted to tell Krissy to put a sock in it, Molly should have never been allowed in the courtroom, conflict of interest and all, and Robert being "a coward" was hilarious. I loved it! I'm really looking forward to Joss & Krissy getting into it today. The preview looked good. :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...