Monday, March 4, 2024



SO, Tracey and Brook eat Scout's cake in the kitchen while the "party" goes on in the other part of the house. Brook tells her Lucy asked her to work against Tracey. Tracey is so happy Brook told her about it. 

Laura invited Cyrus over to her house. She wants to hear ALL about his meeting in Pentonville with that guy. Oh, geesh. Then Ace wakes up and they take him to GH with a fever. 

Heather is in GH. She has a rash and her hip is killing her. She had a replacement 20 years ago but the recent fight at Pentonville has left it sore. 

Heather sees Ace and yells and screams at Cyrus and Laura. Drama at the hospital. She thinks she let Esme die so she could have Ace. HHAHAAHA.

Portia tells Cyrus to beat it after he asks about Curtis. She says to STAY AWAY from her and TRINA! 

At the docks, Sonny and Wu are negotiating where she can set up but he says NOT THE SAVOY and then the FBI and the PCPD break in and tell everyone to put up their hands. Up on the roof, Jason and some sniper guy are going to shoot someone. YES, I said JASON. The sniper lifts the window and aims at Sonny. 
The FBI searches the warehouse.. Wu's trying to tell them they were just going to have a poker game. 

So, Dante goes after the suspects and finds Jason and is like: WHAT!! then Jason's partner shoots him but he has a vest on. Jason's 'partner' called him "Jacobs".  Then when the other guy goes to leave, Jason shoots him. Then Jason checks on Dante who's not doing well. Even tho he has a vest on, he's starting to bleed out the mouth. 

Heather is escaping, will she take Ace? 


  1. ----fast paced MUST WATCH show - better than I thought it would be - saw lots of Jason
    -----even Steve B on Facebook Live said at the end of this week we will know everything
    -----I feel SO much better it's not a stupid brain-washed story - somehow Jason must have infiltrated this group trying to take out organized crime/maybe working for WSB?
    -----still gotta be Cyrus or John-Jag as head unless Brennan is coming back, too
    ----lots of funny things that weren't supposed to be funny - Anna saying "next time they won't miss' ------yeah the shooter has missed 4 times now......
    ----where is the bullet that missed Sonny? BEYOND stupid they could haul in people for questioning (but maybe we will see that bodyguard again)
    -----I think you can still get hit even when wearing a vest - now if Dante goes unconscious and wakes and thinks he DREAMED Jason saved him?
    ------Heather gonna kidnap Ace----------maybe even Cyrus finds her? and Laurs is grateful?
    the bodyguard was on WAY TOO MUCH so we knew something would happen.
    -----Loved Brook Lynn's blouse...
    -----Karen it was a good show - you gotta admit! LOL!

    1. It was a good show. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Glad they didn't try to drag out Jason's appearance, and I'm also thinking he may be working for someone.

  2. Chase lets Dante pursue the shooters alone!?! WTH is that? And nobody questions that?
    BLQ sounded just like Lois during her lovely conversation with Tracy.
    Portia needs to shut up. Everyone is so mean to Cyrus. What if he really is trying.
    Still don't care about Jason but Dante better not die. He is one of the best characters on GH.

    1. lol I say that everytime Portia is on.
      And I think Cyrus is sincere too. And it looked like he really felt laura's pain.

    2. makes me think HE finds Ace/Heather ---- knd of a hero moment.....

    3. Yes! That was so dumb! You allow your partner who go after shooting suspects alone?!

  3. forgot the best line/look of today - when Sonny said to Ava,
    I'm not worried about ME and he stared at her and she did that thing with her eyes.....

    1. "Mufasa says, she did that thing with her eyes....."

      ROFL! She does do that thing with her eyes! :) I love when she does that. Her and Sonny are really getting closer. :)

  4. Q home:

    Tracy and Brooky: This is a great scene! At first I thought this was cake tasting for the wedding. Brooky gave really great advice about Gregory! :) Take the advice Tracy!! :)

    Kevlar home:

    Laura and Cyrus: I don't know who to root for! ROFL! Is Cyrus still faking? Should I tell Laura to trust him that he has changed! I'm so confused hahahahaha!

    The hospital:

    Heather's room:

    Heather, Liz, and Portia: Heather is another one! Is she faking? Is she really in pain? Liz looks like she is trying not to laugh. Hahaha!

    Nurses station:

    Ace, Laura, Liz, Cyrus, and Portia: Awww poor little Ace. :( He needs a stuffed toy Tribbles. :)

    Portia and Cyrus: What should he do Portia that proves he has changed? Save a pregnant Trina from a kidnapping? :)

    Heather's room: *Grabs some popcorn and watches Heather escape* I wonder if she will succeed! :) I really really want her to! ROFL!

    The warehouse:

    "Karen says, Jason and some sniper guy are going to shoot someone. YES, I said JASON."

    ROFL! Are they going to jump through the glass window? Jason did that one time when everyone thought he was dead. Oh that didn't happen. I'm shocked! In the beginning they didn't show his face, but you could hear his voice! So no reason to hide his face anymore! And it's very funny that Ava has a gun too hahahahaha. The only person not having a gun is Ms. Wu!!! Why not?! Oh and you are supposed to have the bullet proof vest UNDER your shirt!!! DUH!

    Sonny and Ava:

    Sonny: I'm not worried about myself.

    Awwww Sonny! Are you worried about Ava? :D

    Ava and John: WOW! Ava sticking up for Sonny! :D

    The pier:

    "Karen says Jason's 'partner' called him "Jacobs"

    OH! Is that what his partner said? I couldn't hear him. Jacobs huh. Okay! :)

    Dante and Jacobs: Dante wins the line of the day.

    Dante: What the hell?


    Dante, Bad guy, and Jacobs: Hmmm. Are these the bullets that go through the bullet proof vest? They are called cop killers. Is that what they are using?!!?!?! Scum!!!

  5. The show today was fast-paced and the dialogue was better. Things are looking up.

  6. Steve Burton said the new head writers played a role in his return, changing it from what Dan and Chris had planned.

  7. Heather and Ace are both in the hospital with fevers I wonder if they are going to do some kind outbreak.

    1. We've been hearing about measles outbreaks in the news a lot lately. The disease is coming back because people have not been getting their babies immunized against some of the old diseases that they thought were eradicated. Maybe they're going to have a "ripped from the headlines" storyline.

  8. FYI, police vests aren't as immune proof as they are portrayed to be. The bullet could still cause internal damage, like breaking Dante's ribs.

    I don't understand why Tracy doesn't allow Brooklyn to run her own record company. Brooklyn could still be running it as an executive, but Tracy doesn't consider it a real job. Huh?

    I don't know if Chase and Brooklyn will wed. I could see the ceremony being interupted by a medical episode by Gregory. Tracy blurts out her feelings for Gregory and the evening is officially ruined.

    If Sava/SonAva happens, they run into the wall of her killing Connie. Unless they retcon everything and reveal that Connie is still alive.

    Jason doesn't appear to have amnesia (thankfully), as he called Dante by his name. I wonder if he knows that both Britt AND Epiphany have both died. It will be hard to watch if he doesn't. And just for a refresher, it was HEATHER who caused Britt to die.

    1. "Matthew says, FYI, police vests aren't as immune proof as they are portrayed to be. The bullet could still cause internal damage, like breaking Dante's ribs."

      What?!?!! I thought bullet proof vests are bullet proof.. Well, what's the point of wearing one then and why is it called bullet proof vests? :)

  9. My line of the Day:
    Tracy: I think it's safe to go back. They must of pinned the tail on that damn donkey by now.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...