Thursday, March 28, 2024



So people are at the courthouse. 
Joss talks to Kristina about Jason and says he's not guilty. Kristina says: YAH he is! They keep arguing until Liz steps up and tells them to knock it off. Wow, everyone is dressed to the Nines for court! 

Carly is crying about not seeing Jason yesterday. Michael says it's going to be ok. Diane comes in as well. Then Olivia yells at Carly and Carly says Jason's not guilty and.. ugh. 

Everyone eventually sits down. Oh, Nina's there too (no idea why). She and Carly snipe at each other. Jason is led in. He sees Carly, she sees him and they stare at each other.  Danny sneaks into the back row.

Jason pleads not guilty. Bail is set at 5 million. Then Jason asks for a minute and touches Carly's hand and hugs her. 

Sonny gets home and Ava wonders why he's not at the courthouse. He says he thinks Jason did it. She says maybe not. He says he did. RINSE REPEAT. He talks about how great Dante is. He's glad Ava is there and "who would have thought". She says sometimes people aren't what you think they are. They keep talking about Avery and Dante being a good big brother. 

Sam is reading to Dante. Portia comes in. Sam says she's heard that they want to move Dante to some coma place like Turning Woods. She yells at Portia and says she's sure Portia wouldn't have put CURTIS there when HE WAS SHOT. Portia leaves to check it out. They'd send him there because there's better care. Stella comes in as the patient advocate and says Sam should have never been blind-sided like that. Stella ends up convincing Sam it could be a good place for him. Sam is afraid of what it will do to Rocco because Lulu's in a long term care place too. Stella says she'll be happy to talk to Rocco. Sam is going to talk to Sonny and Olivia about it--(She must be his health proxy)

Carly bursts into Sonny's place, yelling at him for not being at the courthouse. He says he was with Dante. She says JASON DIDN'T DO IT! 

Jason is bailed out



I think Valentin maybe talking to that Brennan guy? 

Liz talks to Danny

Dante wakes up 


  1. lotsa yelling today-----I gotta start with my biggest frustrations:
    ----WHERE was Spinelli and the reporters on a high profile case outside the courtroom trying to get statements and pictures? WHY is Spinelli not there? or really Anna----yet NINA is there???
    ------I musta missed when SAM became power of attorney for Dante - not his parents/cause Sam and Dante aren't married.
    -----I hope Jason never forgives Sonny-----------not even TRYING to find out where Jason has been....
    -----YEAH Danny and Liz for going after him.......and SURELY Dante won't have memory loss?
    -----HYSTERICAL line for 5 MILLION dollar bail (that judge was good-looking!)
    Joss: Did you bring your checkbook
    Michael: I never go to court without it.......(course not sure checks are written anymore but still a funny line)
    -----where will Jason live? At the Q's with DREW? LOL ---- or with Carly?
    ----where is Ned? I thought I saw sparks with Drew and Olivia today?
    ----guess Invader doesn't need a publisher - but IF Alexis is gonna be a lawyer who takes over?
    -----Previews show Brenann - is he talking to Valentin? I swear I thought Brennan WAS WSB head and Pikeman head -----------
    -----love me some THIS version of Stella helping and not controlling Curtis, etc.
    -----Maura West is drop dead gorgeous perfection The End

    1. I threw a "well hello there" at that judge too. lol

    2. "Mufasa says, SURELY Dante won't have memory loss?"

      I'm wondering that myself! I hope not!

    3. In the previews Dante did ask for Anna!!! Hoping he remembers and is trying to help Jason. Boy that will rock Sonny;s world with Dante saving Jason!

  2. Tristan seems to be having some health issues but I hope not. His voice sounds kind of weak.

    1. Yeah I noticed that yesterday. I hope he is okay. :(

    2. I was concerned about Tristan Rogers as he looks like he had a stroke. Wasn't sure if it was my screen.

  3. All the Jason hate is tiring.
    Stella was wonderful today.
    I've been wondering where Ned has been. Hopefully not in the "closet:
    Who is Sonny right now?
    Yes, Maura West is all that.

  4. Karen just had a great point on X - IF Sonny doesn't trust or believe Jason, is it cause he is off his meds? That would be a good side story - Ava wouldn't know - Carly would recognize it (maybe Jason) BUT it would explain this attitude......

    1. And why doesn't anyone call him on his "I was with Dante" excuse. People would know hewasn't there because they were.

    2. "Di says, And why doesn't anyone call him on his "I was with Dante" excuse. People would know hewasn't there because they were."

      Maybe he was with Dante off screen! Haha!

  5. Even though Joss was right, she bugged the crap out of me today. Dante is Kristina's brother so at least that's why she was annoying.

    I love Stella in this role. More please!

    Carly's fretful face wasn't much better.

    1. I don't understand the Joss hate today at all.
      I really like Stella in her role at the hospital It also gives her a chance to interact with lots of people.

    2. I didn't give Joss hate, I said she bugged me.

  6. The courthouse: Boy half of the people think Saint Jason is innocent and the other half think he is guilty!

    Joss vs Krissy:

    Joss: Jason is innocent!

    Krissy: No he isn't!!!!

    Carly vs Olivia:

    Carly: Jason is innocent!

    Olivia: No he isn't!!!

    Olivia and "Drew": Yes Olivia! Crew are over. What do you think about that?

    Court starting:

    Molly: Jason’s rap sheet is longer than a CVS receipt.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Jarly: I thought Jason was going to shake her hand at first! ROFL! Dammit the camera has to pan to Steve Burton's blue eyes! *Melt*

    Nina and Krissy: Hmmmmm? Krissy you want Nina and Sonny back together?!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Ava: Oh just kiss and have zex already! The green beans want them to too!!!! :)

    Sonny, Ava, and Carly:


    Sonny: NO HE ISN'T!

    Man Sonny is still so brainwashed. :)

    The hospital:

    Sante: Awww look! Sam is reading Dante a bedtime story! :)

    Sam and Portia: Turning woods? Sounds like a casino. :) So Dante is going to be going to a casino to get better. Cool. :)

    Sam and Stella: Oh good idea for Stella to talk to Rocco!!! Poor Rocco! Both is parents. :(

    Sante: Wait Sam don't get too excited! It could just be involuntary movement!

    Police station:

    Diane, Michael, and Jason: I wonder where the money from the bail goes. Hmmm. Well, Michael wins the line of the day.

    Michael: No crashing through skylights.


    Previews: DANTE IS AWAKE YAY! :D

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the hospital* Bobbie talks to Jake.

  7. I actually like the extended Corinthos/Davis/Spencer clan fighting with each other. All of Sonny's kids and step-kids have divided loyalties.

    1. "Kevin says, All of Sonny's kids and step-kids have divided loyalties."

      HA! They sure do! :D


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...